Time walking exploiters

You are clearly making assumptions since as you say tw are easy and twinks aren’t needed.

Again you are consenting to any random group by entering the group finder. Either leave the group and take a deserter debuff or deal with a run that will take less than 5 min.

If you haven’t gotten it yet here’s the deal , people just want to burn through them for currency and to power level nobody cares about hurting your feelings cause you can’t participate. So if it’s so hurtful you can form your own groups of likeminded people. Otherwise stop crying.

Scaling like this has been broken since SL and only made worse when they changed TW to scale to our levels and not us to a set level.

Again nobody is stopping you from forming your own groups to avoid this , it’s you stopping yourself so either make your own groups or shut up.

You refuse to do this exact thing why should they?


Stop acting like these twinks are in every group , they are maybe in 1 out of 10 groups at most. You are just complaining to complain at this point.

You said it yourself , YOU aren’t that special so people will continue to do as they are now.
Heres a thought if you don’t like the scaling on retail go play on classic see how that goes.
Blizz just doesn’t care to fix something just because a small handful of people like yourself are crying. TWW has been riddled with bugs that have been ongoing since launch and you expect them to jump at this?


Nor are you, which you are having a really really hard time understanding.

Except I am referring to myself. You claim I don’t have the right to ask other people to be nerfed because I am not asking twinks to be nerfed. Unless you are running TW exclusively 100% of the time your comparison is strange to begin with. Yet, I am not asking anyone to be nerfed. Showing me someone else doing it means nothing to me.

Correct and if you join an LFG you have the option to simply leave the group or ask the group to vote kick the twink, the group can decide if they want to or not. But you don’t get to decide what the other 3 players want from the group which is what you are doing. You really seem to be missing this. You have solutions in game. Stop making the same post over and over because you are too lazy to actually use them and would rather troll the forums instead.

If you go to a Car Dealership and you really want a Red Mustang GT but you get there and all they have is a Silver Mustang EcoBoost Fastback, the solution isn’t to keep going back to that dealership and complaining that all they have is that car. Go look for a different dealership.

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here’s a thought:

Wow does have a “free to play up to level 20” mechanic. They did have it in the past where Free to play players only… technically… played and did dungeons with other free to play players but it wasn’t fun. I should know. I did that for the longest time back end of cata era… until a friend actually convinced me to play the game when MOP came out.

blizz will not punish those who can’t afford to sub to their game but still want to play. They did that, they found it detrimental.

The “twinks” can’t do end game content… and those who can… … seeem to be the ones complaining about this broken scaling. I’m not for it or against it. I have been on both sides of the low level destroyers zooming through. The ONLY issue I have with this entire thing is when they do that… and fail to remember that leaving others behind… They will not get kill credit or the loot in some dungeons when that happens. you COULD ask them to slow down… but hardly anyone talks due to fear of being berated or kicked for that… but it is worth a shot to ask that. shrug

What was the insult? I assume you didn’t mean to reply to me, but maybe you did. I don’t know.

What they need to do is get rid of the ability to turn of XP gains on characters, so this is less of an issue

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Disastrous idea. My partner and I have several XP-locked characters for a variety of reasons…only one is a dungeon runner twink. Even if you foolishly wish fast dungeons twinks would disappear, this is not the way to do it.

another day, another GD thread that boils down to “everyone that plays differently from me is a filthy cheater who belongs in prison”



No. Again, this isn’t an issue to begin with. Not every little thing someone dislikes is an issue. This literally only has ever been an issue – now. Because the event lasts so long and you have timewalking every single week. My guess is Blizzard realized a majority of players would probably get really tired of running the same content weekly and purposely chose to go with Chromie Time Scaling.

Blizzard has known about this scaling. Chromie Time and Chromie Time twinking have been in game since SL when it was released. People enjoy being able to help other players out even if they get the occasional person that is going to run to the forums to complain about it. My solution is simple – deal with it. If it is your complaint that your run was ruined because some level 11 ran you through a dungeon really fast well I am sorry, if TW is the pinnacle of gameplay for the player, maybe requeue? It isn’t like these dungeons are taking you forever. I promise, you will be able to sit in queue as DPS for as long as you want. (Please note when I say you in this case, I am not referring to you personally, just the general “you” that represents the wow player based complaining about this.)

No, a lot of people have just been vote kicking them from the group

I have a twink, I have never been vote kicked from the group. I don’t think it is happening at all, but if it is – well done, you used your tools available and found a solution.

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Speaking as a twink, and from a twink point of view, I can count on exactly 1 finger how many times any of my twinks have been kicked, And it was because I got possessed by Baroness, and killed the entire party… twice.

After the second time they booted me :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:


Once again you’re the odd man out at 4 to 1. Not only this you’re the one acting like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar. All you people are relying on a twink to carry your behinds because you’re not good enough otherwise. You’re just like a little kid that’s stolen the cookie jar and now you’re mad the other 4 people are saying they want some cookies too and are throwing a tantrum. Just as you say I should form my own groups, you also have that same option. The fact that you don’t says all I need to know about you people. Now do you want to give me an actual argument or do you want to keep throwing a tantrum?

It’s really a simple concept. You’re one guy in 5 man group content. You’re allowed to seek fun, and you’re allowed to like twinking. What you don’t get to do is prevent 4 other people from playing as they have just as much right to participate as you do. Unlike you, I have 20 years of precedent backing me as well as blizzard fixing a ton of instances where things have been OP. There is no universe where you’re justified or in the right. You do not get to have your cake and eat it too, especially in denying 4 other people the ability to participate in group content they signed up for.

Read what I said slowly and stop trying to put words in my mouth. No other content type sits for hours just because twinks aren’t involved and TW is no exception. Twinks still get into pvp, and they would still get into pve content even if grouped in their own pools. Again we have 20 years of precedent and data we can look at.

Again that isn’t how that works at all. I’m consenting to GROUP content, as in content that requires a group. I am NOT consenting to be your +4 like it’s a follower dungeon. You can get over that nonsense real quick as no one is paying their sub just to watch you play. You’re not that interesting nor are you that important. If anyone is eating deserter here it’s you as the odd man out.

No here’s the actual deal. You are signing up for group content and you are one part of a 5 man team. If you can’t stay with your team you’re the problem. If you want to get a team together and one shot everything, do it in a private group. Otherwise you don’t get to come into a run and blitz ahead and deny 4 other people the ability to partake in the content they signed up for because you want to be Leeroy 2.0. This game doesn’t revolve around you. You’re free to farm as much as you want, but not at the expense of other people. Just like the folks on ye olden pvp servers that would kill quest givers then say “but you’re not being prevented from playing, you can do something else for awhile.” Yeah nah that’s not how that works.

We can debate how well the scaling works but the point still stands. Simply because something has been borked for awhile does NOT confer intent on it. At least you recognize the scaling is screwed up.

I like the one better where you get over yourself and realize you don’t have exclusive claim to public groups anymore than I do. By your own logic the only thing stopping folks like yourself from forming your own groups is your own unwillingness to do so.

Same thing to you, why should I have to stick to private groups when you refuse to stick to private groups? Again this goes both ways. Why should I have to either accept not being able to participate in group content or eat a penalty because one jackass abusing exploits wants to be all special?

Doesn’t matter if they’re in every group or every 10 groups, them being in even one group is too many, especially when there’s easy fixes for this junk that blizzard could crank in 5 minutes. It never ceases to amaze me at the sheer utter hypocrisy of you types that whine about m+ and (class/spec) being OP demanding nerfs, but when someone else says they don’t want to be your +4, you throw a hissy fit like a kid that stole the cookie jar being told to share.

Or here’s an idea, how about they actually fix the scaling or stick the twinks in their own pool like they do for pvp and then everyone wins? Once again answer this question, why should I or anyone else have to “suck it up and deal” because one guy wants to play TW hero? You’re allowed to seek your own fun, BUT not at the expense of other people.

You’re literally sitting here complaining about other people daring to say they want to play too, but somehow I’m the problem? See again, you’re just mad that other people are calling out your toxicity in trying to prevent others from playing, just like the morons that used to camp quest givers on ye olden pvp servers. Whether you like it or not the other 4 people have a right to participate too.

Difference between you and me is I’ve never claimed to be important. All I’ve said is the other 4 people in the run have a right to participate too and one guy doesn’t get to be a one man army at the expense of the other 4. Sorry but that’s just how it is.

There’s the goal post change right on schedule. Nah fam you’re not walking away from that one. You specifically said previously that no one was asking for other people to be nerfed. I showed you 3 different threads of people like yourself whining that shaman need to nerfed proving you objectively wrong. Now you want to pretend like you didn’t say it even though it’s in black and white for everyone to see. Doesn’t matter if I run TW once a day or exclusively, point still stands that the other 4 people have a right to participate to and you don’t get to rob them of that.

Why should I have to either “deal with it” or eat a penalty because one jackass wants to be a one man army instead of forming his own groups? The whole “form your own groups” applies to you just as much as it does me. Like it or not you do not have exclusive claim to group content no matter how much you think you do. If you want ultra fast runs, you have the same options I do but are too lazy to use them.

As to your bit in bold you don’t get to dictate that either, so pot meet kettle. If a group agrees to “being carried” and wants to run with the twink they have every right to. Likewise the other 4 people also have a right to say they don’t want you there and speak out against it. Again it amuses me you hypocrites whine about m+ because “no one else can get an invite if they’re not a shaman” and are saying how you don’t get invites to play, yet with TW you want to do the same thing and stop other people from playing. Either you’re for trying to have some semblance of balance or you’re not, there is no middle ground to that.

Always telling how many of you want to have your cake and eat it too.

Ngl that neck you have is insane… adding it to my list… lol

What if those 3 other people in the groupy enjoy having the twink running them through? That make you the odd man out?


Does not the cake exist to be eaten? Maybe I have been doing cake a disservice.

And just for everyone that disagrees with Darkblade, you are all having fun the wrong way, please refrain from doing what you like to do until he personally approves of each activity and how you should go about having fun with said activity, that is all.


Except that’s not what we’re talking about here. If the entire group wants it they’re free to like what they like. point still stands that it has never been the intent for one person to get to nullify group content into a 1 man show. Difference is I’m not the odd man out as again I’m backed by 20 years of precedent. It’s telling that people expect what has been MMO standard for years and years to suddenly change because they want to be a one man army. Group content needs to be group content.

And for people that disagree with Nyamh, don’t you know we’re preventing other people from playing by not wanting to be reduced to an NPC follower and are committing blasphemy against the Titans. How dare we actually insist on group content continuing to be group content and that all 5 people should get to play their toons instead of just the one guy trying to be Leeroy 2.0. How dare we not want to treat everything like an m+ world first infinity run.

You’re free to have fun, just don’t be a tool and try to ruin it for the other 4 people.

They can still play just hit the mobs first or kill them before the level 10 does.

Who says? Literally anyone can build a low level character they way they do and can do it.

Like every expansion TWW is going to reach a point where we’ll have gear that is incredible for level 80 by the last season. At that stage most on-use damage mythic trinkets will 1-hit a normal dungeon boss. They are doing the same thing but for level 11.

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Come on, you said cake, make with the cake…

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I truly picture you saying this while looking like that Spongebob meme.

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