Time walking exploiters

Nah fam, you need to go write* a blog somewhere else.

Vote kick the twinks you’re raging against so hard.

The vote doesn’t go through? Nah fam, you’re the minority.

Everyone sees how insufferable you are,

Nah fam, you’re so wrong it’s comical.

Go to your safe space blog, peace fam.


Ya thats the problem, most people do not disagree with me, its you they disagree with, the soapbox is all yours again.


Says who? Did you poll every group to find out if the other 3 all want to go slower?

I don’t have any twink characters. You’ve got this obsession with thinking that anybody who opposes you is using a twink character. We’re just not as selfish and closed-minded as you.

If you have so many people supporting you, then it would be super easy to just make your own group of like-minded individuals. The fact that you refuse to do that means that you acknowledge how unpopular your idea really is.


I propose they add two ways to queue for timewalking. Fast Fun Mode for people who aren’t sticks in the mud and just want to blaze through it. Then we can have Slow Lame Mode for the people who hate fun.


Classic is calling your name. It’s really fun, and extremely slow paced.

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“You can still play, just turn in the quests before the ganker kills the NPCs”. Same type of logic and it’s just as invalid today as it was then. Again sorry you don’t get to prevent 4 others from playing.

Says 20 years of blizzard precedent. Name one time in the history of this game where they’ve intended for you to be able to one shot any kind of current content, be it scaled or otherwise. They do not like things to be drastically OP or you wouldn’t have m+ tunings, nor would you have level 70s losing the ability to XP lock.


Again 20 years of precedent says I’m not the minority but you can believe what you want. Sorry but it’s GROUP content not ME content. The only insufferable people here re people like yourself thinking that group content should revolve around them and they should have a captive audience to watch them play.

Once again I can ask you the same thing. Fact that people are speaking up and kicking said twinks says alot.

Nah dude selfish is thinking someone should be allowed to invalidate group content and turn it into a one man show and anyone who dares say they want to play too “wants the run to take hours and be a slog” or whatever other hogwash excuse you come up with. Closed-minded is thinking you should be allowed to prevent 4 other people from playing and throwing a tantrum when you’re being told to share the cookie jar.

Once again same thing goes to you people. If you’re so convinced everyone loves your twinks and thinks like you, why are you afraid to form your own groups? Once again public content doesn’t revolve around one guy being able to one shot everything. Yall are seriously sitting her demanding you be allowed to prevent 4 others from playing and demanding group content rewards for a 1 man show.

The more you speak the more you people prove my point you know what you’re doing and are doing it purely to grief and troll.

You’re the only one speaking up.

Group content isn’t being invalidated.

I already proposed a solution for this. Give us two TW queues. One for people who want to blaze through with twink characters allowed and another for sticks in the mud who hate fun.

Then we’ll see who gets faster queues and who is sitting all day waiting to get a group.

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Ya, I’m not reading all that, Dark, you have now mentioned cookies and cake, and I am not seeing either…

I did however check out a certain guild of a certain player, then sorted by achievement points, and realized some people would be better suited to improving toons with a certain number of achievement points…


You know, in the time that is taking you to do your last three or four replies I probably been able to run about six to eight time walking dungeons now because of twinks. You really should try it


Gonna have to be more lenient on that DPS that is clueless in the M+ run or Mythic raid.

“Donʻt you know how to play your class?”

“Uh, nope I just follow the twink and pick up loots. EZ lvls”

I have never seen a person so insistent that they know exactly what everyone in the group wants. Ironically, I got on my twink tank and got into a group because they had to kick out a tank that was leveling for dying too many times in Dead Mines. Keep banging your head against the wall all you want. Blizzard purposely made this change, I don’t see them reverting it because you decided to bang your head against the wall about content you literally only have to run 5 times a week during the event and then 5 times once a month after the event ends.

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If you are bringing people into mythic plus that have tw gear on that is sort of a you problem.


The fact others have posted and agree it’s an issue proves you wrong.

It is when only one guy gets to play and 4 other people are reduced to essentially bots on follow. Once again it’s group content not me content.

I’ve already said there should be separate group pools as there are in pvp. You twinks can have your own pools and group with people who like you, and folks like myself who actually like playing the game don’t have to deal with you.

As for “waiting all day” that doesn’t happen. Twink pvp still pops and so does regular pvp. No different on the pve side of things if it happens. Heaven forbid both groups actually get to play. It never ceases to amaze me how you people are so bent on forcing yourself to play content you say you hate and how you’re “not preventing others from playing” yet want to force everyone else to treat it like a speedrun. Game survived long before twinks and will survive long after.

Congratulations, you have more achievements than someone in a video game. Am I supposed to be impressed.

Yeah no thanks, I like to actually play my toons. If you want to blitz through everything using exploited one shot mechanics because you’re not good enough to do it the regular way, you do you. Otherwise as I’ve said I like to actually play the game I’m paying for.

Says the guy insisting everyone wants to pay to watch other people play. I’m aware blizzard made a change, but it’s also a stupid change that goes against their own philosophy. No different than them making changes to m+ that makes one particular class/spec OP. Thanks for proving my point though that twinks are a crutch because you can’t clear TW without it. Especially since you seem to think every run that takes more 3 minutes instead of 2 is a bad run. Like I said, it boggles my mind that you people are forcing yourself to play content you say you hate then whining about it. If it’s honestly that much of a chore to you, seriously why are you doing it? You’ve already admitted the gear isn’t an upgrade, and there’s nothing of value in there.

And if it’s about the transmog I’m going to ask the obligatory question. If you feel farming TW is such a chore to be able to get your mogs, would you pay cash for them in the shop or buy them with trade tendor? Say 1k tender to get an old tier 1 set just to quantify something. Because you all say it’s such a chore, yet are defending to the death almost wanting to do something you say you hate.

For that matter, why are you opposed to different group pools for twinks and everyone else? Certainly you can still group with your twink friends in the twink pool can you not? If there’s as many people as you claim that are in your “majority” what are you so afraid of since by your logic I’m the one that’s going to be waiting all day in the queues? Why are you afraid to put your money where your mouth is and tell them you want separate queues like the pvp guys already have so that not only you can prove your point to me, but also get an “i told you so”?

Oh no, sorry I shoulda quoted. It was to dark blade, who ever the guy is talking trash to people who are in many cases politely challenging him.

same thing happened when i joined a dungeon in progress on my twink warrior (wrath last week), as i joined the one guy said oh thank god a twink! we had to kick the last tank out since he was a level 80 and kept getting one shot by the 2 mobs (it was their 8th wipe) i popped in wrecked those 2 bosses zoom zoomed up the stairs and blew up the last boss - everyone cheered and was happy begging me to stay but I had to carry a few other buddies for thier weekly runs


Sounds like the ending of an 80’s John Cusack movie. I’m sure all of this happened.

I have a level 10 prot warrior decently geared, I haven’t brought him in timewalking yet, but whenever I ran WoD dungeons (warforging proc), I have never once been told I was impeding on their fun.

I believe there are more twinks than players complaining about them.

(I didn’t go to 11 cause that only gives Ignore Pain which isn’t really a requirement.)

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Happens all the time homie, most runs I get multiple “tytyty” or some variant of that.

Granted, I don’t run ahead of the group and do everything myself. The real problem is selfish entitled players in general, this is not exclusive to “Twinks”


Of note, 11 being optimal is specifically for Fury, which gives you Titan’s grip, allowing you to dual wield two-handers.


Oh yeah most likely all dps spec are better off going for 11 because of the spec tree first ability.