Still no resto shaman nerfs

Nope, buff broken DKs instead lmao xd

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Yes buff dk healerzzzz

translation they kick your booty in pvp so it must be they are overpowered not that you suck

But they’re not even A tier in PvP disc is lol

Don’t the Shamans deserve a break?

They were neglected for a bit before this season.

4 expansions without them giving us anything, tier C, and now they are upset because even after 1/2 season we are not meta.
Please be serious.

So nerfing the totem that nullifies one affix completely and also handles the mass-poison application that several dungeons have this season somehow doesn’t count as a nerf? You do realize that resto shaman isn’t on top because of its healing output right? You do realize that resto shaman is second to last in HPS in raid, right?

So the OP is off their rocker, but this also isn’t correct. Resto shaman has been powerful in several seasons going back to Shadowlands. And resto shaman is squarely meta in M+ this season, while also being the most popular healing spec in raid (despite being low on HPS).

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Amen to that. I have never been happier for a class I rarely play doing so well. Shaman felt forgotten about for a looong time, and shaman players deserved the love.

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We need buffs if anything. I do not care about PvP balance.