Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

So given the track record for Blizzard, do you think Shadowlands will be a half finished product as well as have all sorts of tech issues like they have on all other x pacs(Since MoP) once they drop ? My opinion is don’t pre order till it actually shows it’s face in game play . Save yourself the headache as well as save some money . Wait till the launch date is all I can say . This teiring of the preorder is a cash grab from heck. Should be one price for the game with everything included , not this garbage they are trying to sell. Go go ActiBlizz


Yes, given the disaster that is WarCrap 3 Refunded and BfA (8.2 was pretty good in the big scheme of things, but 8.3 is kinda meh.) I fully expect a shorter than normal alpha/beta patch, a half assed semi-finished product, and a disaster of a launch.

I don’t want this, but give the track record of the last few months, that is what I see happening.

I don’t really touch BfA content all that much, been enjoying Legion stuff more.


It will absolutely be a substandard product since blizz shows no inkling of stopping thier anti-flight crusade. An expansion with Pathfinder is an expansion I’m not buying into. Going to unsub on or about launch day and I’m not coming back until ~6 weeks before the day flight will be 100% available. Some other company will get my MMO money until then. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


They really need to get things right with Shadowlands. BFA has gotten a bad reputation due to poorly worked out system, Reforged has been an epic failure (as someone who never played the original I feel a little cheated out there) so they really can’t afford another major failure. I have remained supportive because I (for the most part) have enjoyed BFA (well if you ignore some of the very questionable writing). But if Shadowlands has the same issues BFA did, it will become harder to have their backs.


I’d like to see them bounce back with a solid expansion. That said, I’m not preordering until we have more substantive information about SL.


honestly from what we’ve heard so far, shadowlands is looking to be the same thing we’ve been getting with a few extra zones.

Rented power is confirmed, along with that they confirmed it is tied to an npc’s disposition toward you so likely rep or “ap” like gate, pathfinder, classes are essentially the same with the only unpruned skills so far being flavour (with the exception of poisons maybe), so far it looks like the main rewards of your covenant choice is rented power and a freaking back transmog…

We have barely any information and what we do have looks like more of the same so i’m heavily agreeing with you


Th thing I learned from pre-orders is that they overvalue the boost token.

I can buy a boost in the shop for $75 CAD. The SL pre-order that comes with a boost token is valued at $80 CAD, where the base is $55.

Math dictates they should be selling a standalone token at no more than $40 or so.

Already refunded x

Shadowlands is nowhere near even close to finished, they wont have enough time to make it in 10 months

Thanks to the 800 firings the QA department is terrible and that is proven by 8.3, shadowlands will be just as bad bugginess wise

The unprunning is non existent, they wont bring core rotation abilities back, they wont bring strong cooldowns or utility back, they ll just bring some worthless ultra niche abilities for RPs sake that wont matter, WoW pvp will never again be fun like MoP

It will once again be more grinds and timegates and mandatory daily activities.

So there’s no hope, already moved to Swtor where classes and pvp are fun and well designed and will be staying there instead, as much as I love pandaren and Tauren WoW gameplay wise is trash, maybe they should sell it to Bioware since they do a better job at making an mmorpg with a limited budget


What expansion was botched?
Sure, each had their own issues in the beginning, but they were perfectly playable.

Ralph and Mafic are the same person.

And here comes the blizzdrone defending the buggiest and most trash patches proving that WoW wont ever improve because thse people will keep supporting them


I’m not defending anyone.
I’m asking an actual question.
OP made a statement without supportive facts.
I’d like facts.

EVERY PC game since PC games began had bugs in them at launch, we simply choose to ignore them because the rest of the content is fun.

You Ralph, choose to ignore them because it helps your argument to label WoW as a dumpster fire when it clearly isn’t.

You parrot SWTOR in a forum with people who are also playing that game and know what it’s actually like in that game lol


Every expansion has a rough launch, so I’m expecting that. If you don’t like laggy launches / crashes maybe do something else for the first week?

If they keep to what they said about the expansion so far it seems like it’ll work out to be a pretty okay one. The weekly cap on Anima is especially nice, curtailing the whole “infinite grind” bit.

Also lol @ the post up there complaining about having to do content to progress in the game and doomsaying about them not delivering on something that is months away anyway.


YOU CAN REFUND IT?!? thank the lord


There will be some cool new stuff, there will be some weird new stuff, and there will be some bugs. Then later there will be patches to address some bugs and balance some things. In other words, it’s going to be Just like the last 15 years

I’d like to re-subscribe too but I know how this works now:

Blizzard messes up.

Fans outrage.

Blizzard doubles down on mess-up and ignores players.

The flames grow higher until media outside of this forum catches on. Now the public is involved.

Blizzard says they are listening, makes a couple changes and waits until the negative press dies down.

After the negative press dies, Blizzard goes RIGHT back to their anti-consumer tactics.

A good example of this was Legion. The only reason people think it was “good” was because WoD was so BAD. Plus them bringing back Illidan which they dropped right after the expansion.

The fact people keep saying, “1 GOOD EXPANSION, 1 BAD EXPANSION!” like that type of development is acceptable honestly bewilders me.

You are paying this company MONEY for an expansion and subscription fees every month and we are getting to SCAM levels now.

Because we’ve nearly overcome the anti-consumer threshold.


Yeah, it doesnt matter if you used the boost or made an allied race DK, you can still refund it

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Back in my day, games launched fully playable or they didn’t launch at all, because we didn’t have “always online” and day one patches. If you shipped a broken game, it stayed broken forever, so gaming companies actually tested their products.

It was a better time.


Ah yes the “every game has bugs lol, the amount of level doesnt matter”, yeah keep playing trash rushed products like 8.3, that is why they dont bother with QA anymore since they know blizzdrones like you are gonna defend them

Keep playing those rushed unfinished products with empty promises of getting the fully product later xD


Specifically please.
Because time-gating isn’t anti-consumer.
Pathfinder isn’t anti-consumer.
Class pruning is absolutely moronic, but not anti-consumer.

Like seriously, call out the things Blizzard does wrong all you want, but don’t parrot that anti-consumer bullcrap.