Thoughts about IF Shadowlands will be a botched product at launch as well

What a coincidence, the only two reasons I preordered :^)

I’ve preordered every single wow expansion Blizzard has made. Except Shadowlands. I’ve hated the majority of BFA so much I don’t trust these devs to make a fun game anymore. I’m actually having a bit of fun in 8.3 but that’s mostly because I love the old god aesthetic. Everything up to 8.3 has been pretty crap.

I have zero expectations for SL and I’m taking a wait and see approach.

Fool me once Blizzard (BFA) shame on you. Fool me twice (SL) shame on me.


I’m actually not playing 8.3 at all though.
I’ve been leveling alts on Horde side cause I’ve been Alliance since beta lol.
Doing zones I’ve never leveled in and from a different perspective is fun.

Also, you’re not exactly countering my argument.

You openly admit to playing SWTOR, a game plagued with bugs, some that have been there since 2011. A game that even the players and developers admit, they have no idea how long the servers will remain open lol.

So please, don’t sit there and act like you don’t play buggy games as well lol.

This is how you should approach every PC game though to be honest.

Considering the track record I’d be surprised if SL was anything BUT bad at this point.

Time gating actually is anti-consumer with the 6 month gear reset system. Not to mention rep grinds etc. It didn’t used to be this way but with the layered gearing in game it now is.

Pathfinder is actually anti consumer as well. Lots of people quit over it.

Class pruning is also anti consumer, if the class you play isn’t fun anymore because of pruning, poor design and tuning some people will quit.

Classic WoW tripled the sub base. I can’t think of a more anti consumer expansion except WOD. The MAU model is absolute garbage and it’s promoted a totally toxic atmosphere in the forums because of the Blizzard white knight squad, and promotion of bad faith design practices.


Look at his post activity. Don’t feed him. Blizzard is living rent free in his head.


Tbh my obsession with lovecraft is the only reason I gave BFA a chance. I was massively excited for this patch with the eye cult debuff finally getting a payoff… except it didn’t.

And the aesthetic, corrupted gear… but I got one armour set recoloured 3 times and some mounts I could farm months for along with the worst balanced gear system i’ve ever seen.

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I want to be wrong, but I am afraid that is long gone.


Just because you say something is anti-consumer, does not factually make it so.
Changing metrics and how players unlock something isn’t anti-consumer because you are still able to obtain them in the game, the how is the only thing that’s changed.
Pruning bloat was actually something I vividly remember players crying for in these forums, the dolts, because they had too many buttons to press on screen. They pruned classes to satisfy those players, again not anti-consumer, in fact that would be catering to consumers.

Anti-consumer would be having some content available to some players and not others as a way to force them to purchase a subscription, like SWTOR.

Considering that they’ve clearly sacrificed BFA in favor of working on it, I certainly hope so. This has also worked in the past; WoD was sacrificed for Legion, and it turned out quite well.

What has me nervous is the lack of strong new features (Legion added world quests and M+. Shadowlands is adding…rep specific abilities?), and the lack of a strong narrative connection to the current story so far. Basically from Cataclysm to Legion, we had a strong narrative connection from one xpac to the next, but we don’t have that to nearly the same degree from BFA to SL. While lore’s not the be all end all, it does effect player perception, so it’s important to get right.

If Blizzard is just bunkering down to make sure they absolutely nail class design and core game systems and reward systems, then shadowlands can be an average to good xpac. I see little to suggest it will be a great or better.

But if Blizzard has learned nothing from BFA, then this could be trouble.


Considering every single thing Blizzard has done over the course of the last couple of years? Definitely. Unless there’s a change in management that decides to do things in a different way I see absolutely no reason why anything at this point would be different.


People actually quitting because of those things-which they do there are many threads about them-does make it factual. They catered to a very small % of people with the prune and the results of it show. 0/10 troll.


If you asked me 10 years ago I could confidently say “no”. Today? I’m not sure anymore…


EVERY expansion is wonky at first. Because they don’t really listen to beta testers and treat Live as the beta.


That is the sad part though, he isnt a troll, blizzdrones just arent capable of realizing that people are unsubbing in droves for a number of trash design choices, their brain just cant imagine not enjoy blizzard products and worshipping them religiously


I firmly believe it will have ‘normal’ levels of bugs and growing pains that can be expected in a new release, regardless of testing. I expect it to be much better than the 8.3 launch. I honestly feel like 8.3 was adjusted and mutated from the original plan they had in order to get it done and out the door so they could focus more on SL and I think we’ll suffer through it this year and benefit from it when SL comes out.

Keep being salty dude. You’re a broken record.

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When you’re right you’re right. That poster you quoted is.


People quitting out of frustration isn’t anti-consumer.
Blizzard preventing them from unsubscribing would be anti-consumer.
You can’t scream anti-consumer because a company does something you don’t like is my point, it’s immature, moronic and wrong.

Blizzard has consistently over the last few years released products that are less than complete, they’ve added more time-gates and grinds than is necessary, they’ve tried and failed to cater to multiple playerbases, but they haven’t done anything anti-consumer. In fact, they are literally destroying their cash cow trying to bend over backwards to appeal to every group of player in the game. That is not anti-consumer lol.

They’ve just done things you don’t like.

All of the content is available for you to access and enjoy.

You choosing not to does not make anything they’ve done anti-consumer.


I’m totally aware of that you dolt lol.
I’m arguing against what they’re doing being anti-consumer because it factually isn’t lol.
I’m well aware of ALL the reasons people are leaving. You assume it’s just because BFA has been bad, but there are a lot of other reasons lol.