AOE CAP is Gamebreaking

I don’t get these decisions. Feels like they’re constantly trying to see how much they can get away with.

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As hard as it is to believe I can’t help but feel like some of their designs decisions are out of pure spite, going completely against the players for some unknown reason. They see an uproar against something that is clearly unwanted and instead they double down on it. Like the azerite reforging for example.


It could be, they know that the playerbase generally dislikes their nonsense and perhaps this is some sort of retributive design that is anti-player, they may even not be consciously doing it, they just dislike us so much for copping it over the years.

Just look at how Lore acts (and he’s not even a designer).

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Lore came out and threatened that the developers would make Azerite reforging costs worse if people didn’t stop trying to do it so much. Then he went on his Twitter and started complaining about “d***bags” when his statements went over like a lead balloon.

That was probably the most honest look we’ve gotten about that team’s mindset.


and what classes are that? if none are caster

Holy crap? How did his opinion do a complete 180 in just a few months??

Is Ralph actually a reverse troll? I’m genuinely confused now.


He’s trolling, that’s how. He’ll get another forum vacation soon enough and then he’ll be Wowhead’s problem again.


Feral is one

Yeah but for or against blizzard? Is he actually trying to stir up emotions against covenant design by purposely using stupid arguments (pretending he’s for them?)

Rogue, feral druid and dh are the best atm

Nah he’s just not right in the head. Hence the reason why he tends to creep people out with his posts. Think he really enjoys watching other people get upset about it. He doesn’t care if it’s contradictory.


It doesn’t have to.

Problem is BlizZard is obsessed with balancing the game around M+ esports. :thinking:

so nothing changed outside that now feral joins the “leather ftw team”

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And hunter is out. And yes it did change something it made the leather ftw team even better and made everyone else worse

All BlizZard is doing is just shifting the meta and pretending that they are doing real work to balance classes and specs.


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But it didn’t the best classes for mplus are now are rogue, feral druid and dh. The same classes as before granted diff specs now but same classes and they became better as the other classes got so much worse

I know. And that’s what pisses me off.

I agree. Let’s remove heroic from the queue and make it more difficult. Then we can run heroic plus. You’ve just solved wow!

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If what I hear is true that only dps has an aoe cap , then boi oh boi we tanks are gonna make many dps salty hee heh :smiling_imp:

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Tanks will be gods in systemlands.

  1. High demand
  2. High demand
  3. High demand

Bonus, anti daze protection too for the MAW. :+1: