This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

no one else complained. PROBLEM AVERTED. Thats the point, in case you missed it.

Honestly, I would never deal with a company that didn’t itemize their invoices.

I want to know exactly what I am paying for, for each service.

yes sure - puts stupid crap on invoices that absolutely no body cares about so someone has to complain to bring him to use common sense.

and that was my thinking and why I did it.
I removed the itemization…the customer liked it…no one else complained.
I fixed it so the unhappy were happy…and didnt tick of those who didnt care either way.
Everyone wins.

I agree with Akston on this one…I WANT to know exactly what Im paying for.
I assumed initially everyone else did too.
Apparently the masses dont pay attention…and the guy who complained was appeased.
Everyone wins.
NOt with this company though.


Read the comments. Overwhelming negativity.
Large thread from EU, mostly negative.

Some US threads.
A ton of threads have been closed because they’re being duplicated.

Hell, here’s a thread where I was wrongfully flagged by mass people for getting tired of the posts:

Notice the like to dislike ratios on these posts.

The last 2 links are particularly interesting (to me anyway) because I was active in them for the timers, and I was heavily out numbered by how many people simply hate it and want it gone.

So, how about that source of yours?


/muted…this one aint worth my time

But the people complaining don’t know what they are talking about.

Every single time someone references a hard timer, I throw out that feedback. Its an invalid complaint.

Most of these complaints are by people not participating in the combat, not knowing what the “timer” mechanics even are.

This is why the feedback by a person with no experience is not as valued.

That’s exactly what Blizzard said too.

Thank you for proving my point.

They actually said this? They should have just said ‘we don’t want your money, go play something else.’ Way to keep it classy Blizz. :+1: :roll_eyes:

Isn’t it crazy when people who don’t know what they are talking about create feedback based on that wrong information?

That then makes the feedback useless.

It would be like me complaining about Azerite gear, stating I don’t like azerite gear because they only way to get it is through island expeditions.

Those appear to be all on general discussion from people who haven’t experienced the content so as OP pointed out blizzard is going to consider those to be of less value than people who have.

Not allowing a good amount of people a seat at the table and then making people who do (unelected I might add) decide the fate of others is a great to gain a lopsided representation for the whole.

You don’t have to have democracy but if you are going to pull insights from a small few it better be of a representative nature instead of an oligarchy.

But it isn’t wrong.
Missing information? Yes, but wrong information? no.

You tried to rise above me by claiming I was twisting words into my agenda.
You then made up your own statistics to fit your agenda.
I provided you with a bunch of sources to aid what I was saying, when I asked you for your aid material you replied back with the most predictable response you could have given.
“They don’t matter”.
Blizzard feels the same way. It makes sense why you’re defending them.

Less valuable?
Or as Akston said, do you mean worthless?
Because that’s what it’s about.

It isn’t about what the Alpha people are saying, this is about how the general population is reacting to the changes.
It happened the exact same way with Azeirte gear. Everyone hated it, even people not playing, and they dismissed it because they knew better.

This isn’t some complicated overly designed feature. You don’t need to have Alpha access to know if you like what you see.

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This is what they said in context.

Blizzard said of less value. They have always said feedback without experience is of less value than feedback with experience of the content. They have said that for years now. This is nothing new at all.

And their entire argument is premised on cool downs being an issue, which the vast majority of players giving input have said it isn’t, and that includes alpha players.

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Also I am going to put this here for any blizzard person to see. Your first iteration of Torgast was very lacking, and this one is shaping up to be lacking in another way. Only going to do this because of the obvious nature of it being a chore. I do enjoy other activities though (raiding, world content, m+, collection, etc).

But there are plenty of people wrong by talking about hard timers, similar to m+, and claiming that is why they don’t like the timer in Torghast.

I created no statistics. I said many people are fine with it. Many people are.

I didn’t say they all don’t matter. I am saying the ones basing their feedback on wrong information don’t matter.

This is like if a chef wants to know if his meal tastes ok. Of course he’d value the opinion of the person actually eating the meal more over someone just looking at the ingredient list.

Less valuable is PR talk. How is that not obvious?
and exactly, they’re doing what they have done for years, and about 1 month ago with an interview with Ion they said how they were dismissing the feedback because internally they knew better.