"We appreciate all feedback, and the most valuable feedback for this feature will come from experience in Torghast, rather than discussions about time-based difficulty that aren’t informed by in-game experience."
In other words - “If you haven’t play tested it, your opinion isn’t as valuable as someone who has.” That is - anyone not in Alpha, don’t bother giving us input.
Blizzard, here’s the thing - I don’t need to be bitten by a poisonous spider to know I won’t enjoy the experience. It is possible to offer an opinion on something despite never having had first hand experience of it.
That comment shows that what they are seeking is not “is this a good thing”, its “how does it work for you”.
I am generally a supporter of Blizzard - I love this game and have been in love with it from the first day I played it back in 2009. I’ve recognised the high and low points but I’ve always been willing to give them the chance to learn and move on. Yet this statement worries me. It makes me think they haven’t learned from past unfortunate mistakes and stumbles. They are making decisions based on statistics and numbers rather than how the game feels to play. And they are telling us that our opinion doesn’t matter.
News at 9, Blizzard: my opinion DOES matter. So does the opinion of every other player. If you believe our opinions are uninformed, then inform us. Don’t treat us like mushrooms. Or milk cows.
I’m not going to verge off into discussion on Torments (which is a whole other kettle of untasty fish) - this post is purely a dissatisfied input from someone who has purchased Shadowlands through a longterm player loyalty. Don’t make me feel I made a mistake.
PS: I am getting a lot of comments that seem to miss the core of my post.
I am not saying that people who play the content won’t have a better idea of how something works than those that don’t.
What I am saying is that Blizzard, in this particular part of their post, are basically saying that they don’t want to hear from anyone on the idea itself, just on how it works. If you can’t see my point, I’m obviously not making it very well.
I won’t keep reiterating that to those who don’t quite see what I am getting at. Of course, if you don’t care and agree that them saying we shouldn’t comment on the philosophy of a change, and just how it works, then that’s fine.