It was looking so good, too. Should have known Blizz would ruin it.
I get that they don’t want people sitting around for heroism for each pull but surely they could have come up with a more fun and elegant solution than just doing timers again
Before the outrage:
However, at the start of each floor, you now get a small safe area where you can change talents and prevents the soft timer from activating. In this area, you get a buff called Resting which lasts until you leave the safe area, loot something or enter combat. This allows you to AFK or take a break during a run
No matter what they did,to prevent people from sitting around waiting for cooldowns people would whine.
“A safe area at the beginning of each floor protects players from the effects of the Jailer’s Torments. Players remain safe until they leave the safe area, enter combat, or loot something.”
all you have to do is reach the next floor before you can take a break. it’s a totally fair compromise to protect the meta from degenerating into waiting for CDs each pull.
I’ve been playing the new torghast this build and judging from that as well as Morgan Days comments about it, we don’t need to worry about it feeling like visions. it won’t be that kind of timer.
I main a tank and kill things slowly. I have zero confidence the timers will be balanced to compensate for this, because they never have been before.
Welcome to rogue like games.
Some of the floors in Torghast are massive. What kind of arbitrary measurement are they using to account for the difficulty of the level in regards to time?
I’d rather something like Risk of Rain 2 where you activate a timer for a big fight at the end of each level that you have to survive and beat within a certain time limit. It’s more exciting and you activate it. So you can otherwise explore.
Maybe add a limit to how many times you’re able to use your cooldowns per floor or something. Thats better than a timer and rewards more tactical thinking.
I told ya this would happen. But all the fanboys shouted me down in that thread.
Except this will eventually have the same problems that Visions had. Tanks and Healers will be a disadvantage from the get go and top DPS specs, DH, Outlaw etc, will have clear advantages.
Not every class has crazy mobility or multiple DPS cooldowns. I don’t believe for a second they will be able to balance this. They should have just left it alone.
In the Twisted Corridors (Random Torghast), Starting at ~Floor 10, you will receive one of six possible debuffs that act as a soft timer on each Torghast floor. This soft timer was briefly mentioned in Towelliee’s interview with Paul Kubit. The longer you spend on these floors, the harder the rest of your run will become. This is to counteract the playstyle of always waiting for your cooldowns before you pull.
However, at the start of each floor, you now get a small safe area where you can change talents and prevents the soft timer from activating. In this area, you get a buff called Resting, which lasts until you leave the safe area, loot something or enter combat. This allows you to AFK or take a break during a run.
I genuinely don’t see the problem.
Except the powers and buffs you get can significantly boost your DPS irrespective of your spec. Torghast isn’t meant to be balanced.
(Also, ~Floor 10 is where the weekly, “required” portion of Torghast is meant to stop, so timers don’t really kick in unless you’re wanting to push the endless flors bit, anyway.)
I think a rolling buff that stays on you so long as you don’t stay out of combat for X amount of time would have been nice, people are often more inclined to strive for that extra little bit of damage, carrot > stick.
And that still doesn’t help with disadvantage Tanks, Healers and the more unpopular classes and spec will have to deal with.
Not surprised you don’t see a problem, you dont do any content besides <10 Mythics.
It is impossible to balance something that is entirely random. A dps with bad powers could take longer than a healer with good ones.
Its just a debuff that doesn’t start till floor 10 that is intended to keep you from sitting for 5 mins because you lust on every pull.
I’d hardly call that a timer. Just progressive difficulty increases. Kinda like the 3 different levels of corruption in visions.
A timer would be “when this clock hits zero you are out”.