No timers, PERIOD

If you add a timer to Torghast, whatever it is, it is dead on arrival for me and MANY other people. Blizzard your modern constant obsession with controlling players and NOT LETTING THEM PLAY HOW THEY WANT TO PLAY is destroying your game and causing people to flock to a 15 year old version where PLAYERS COULD DO WHATEVER THEY WANT, HOWEVER THEY WANT, WHENEVER THEY WANT, AT THEIR OWN PACE.

DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT add a timer to this piece of content. If you do, I and many others will REFUSE to participate.


Oh so no enrage timers then in raids? Got it.


If there is a timer on Torghast I have no reason left to play Shadowlands. I don’t raid anymore, I don’t like M+, and Torghast was looking like something actually worth playing WoW again for but not if there is a timer on it.


An enrage timer on a boss is a bit different. You can keep going back in as much as you want to work on a raid where you left off and take it as slow or fast as you want to progress past it.


If you use Capitalization to EMPHASIZE certain WORDS in your POST. YOU SHOULD TRY TO LIMIT IT TO ONE OR TWO!

Or just USE BOLD!


There is a timer in Torghast, but it’s rated in deaths, not a time limit. If you die a certain number of times on a floor a god monster called the Tarragrue will activate and hunt you down. If you beat him to the exit you can keep climbing, but if not or if it kills you then you’re booted out of the tower.

Outside of that there’s no time limit, they’ve been pretty clear about that. You can loiter around all you want at your leisure. The Tarragrue rewards you surviving and playing better, the timer only comes into play if you fail a lot. So it’s actually sort of in your control.


Felnor, is all you do is make a bunch of whine posts? Turn your caps lock off while you are at it.


Not really. See, rather than just kicking a player out after dying once in Torghast, they give you multiple chances depending on your group size.

1-Man = 3 Deaths
2-Man = 6 Deaths
3-Man = 9 Deaths

Once you reach that amount of deaths on a single floor, a creature called the Terragrue will spawn. He essentially forces your team to just try to get to the end if you made it far enough, or he’ll just kick you.

It’s not really a timer so much as it is a way for you to actually lose Torghast.


There’s been talk more recently of adding a soft timer to it. Nothing set in stone, though.

Who do you think you are? Rastlin?


Wait is that the “timer” people are complaining about? I’ve always known about that and it’s fine. I thought there was a recent discussion about adding an actual timer-timer.

There was also discussion about a sort of soft timer at higher levels.

The example used was a random group of enemies that would run after you if you just waited for way too long, like 10 minutes, just so you could bloodlust every pull.

I personally don’t see this as timer, but rather just an anti-cheese mechanism.


Oh really? We shall see then!

You know if they really wanted to troll players they should add a sanity bar that doesn’t actually do anything. Just to freak them out a bit. :wink:

I’ve been kicked out by sanity bar. :frowning:


I don’t mind timers. Though if they want to think of a way to prevent people from waiting out lust, then why not just limit the use of lust, reincarnate, meta, rebirth, loh, ect to a given amount of time per floor?


Yup. Instanced content could have its own rules. Blizzard forgets this.

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I’m pretty sure they have certain Anima Powers tied to it.

And also I just think the nature of the way the procedurally generated tower can lead to some imbalance on certain levels, where two bloodlusts may be the only way forward.

Edit: also, they may just want to implement this so some people can’t get too far in the tower.

They already limit some abilities in arena and the use of some abilities per encounter, so I would imaging the basics of doing this is already there.

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His enrage timer went off, forgive him.


man. I remember when we taught the shaman-who-shall-not-be-named how to use bold.

dark days followed.