These trust levels

What are the requirements for each level?

Did blizzard upload any sort of thread or page explaining each trust levels and how to gain it? Because I am like okay I am at trust level 2 and I am wondering how many levels are there and what am I supposed to do if I want level 3?

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how to get and advance
even though its diablo its the same for wow


if u ever got a ban from the forums kiss tl3 goodbye


I believe the requirements are made purposefully nebulous. As long as we stay well behaved we eventually get it.

Ban or suspension? Or both?

suspension can be gotten back with time

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I’m b-license-145 even after supporting Blizzard for decades…


I’ve had suspensions before, including one while i had trust 3. I still had trust 3 upon my return. I imagine there is considerations such as the severity of the suspension, the reason for it, and your history.

There’s a post somewhere about what the requirements are for these forums, it was mostly things like spend X many days logging on to the forums over a period of time, give a certain number of likes and receive a certain number of likes, and make a small number of posts.

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I am not so sure a ban is a permanent prohibition on TL 3, although it might take an extremely long time for it to roll off. Like say, five years.

What are these “severity” like which rules that have to be broken in order to be locked out of trust 3?

Yeah, i got one once for calling a person “caustic”, then went straight back to full permissions right after. I never really use them though to be honest, i think i have posted images/URL’s maybe half a dozen times so it wouldn’t be a huge loss :woman_shrugging:

Go ask on the CS forum. The blues there can indicate the specific requirements.

I’m just talking generally, like how bad was the thing you said. In my case, i was being really snide and cynical about that wrist transmog they put on the real money shop a few months ago. Obviously to an unpleasant extent because i got flagged for trolling and blizz upheld it. So i think since i was just being annoying it didnt get held against me. Whereas if someone was saying something outright offensive, or bigoted, I’m sure there’d be some hit to trust level as well. At least I’d hope so!

Here you go.


Is it bans or suspensions or is it both because people use these two terms interchangeably?

There are people who had beta access at some point who can’t seem to lose TL3 even after a ding against their account.

Not that I…know that. Personally.


It’s not accurate anyway because I’m seeing there is a 6 month roll off for suspensions before you can reach TL 3 again.

This does seem to be correct, which muddies the waters on how exactly the system is set up. Although it’s a real win for rehabilitation. I mean a PERMANENT prohibition? People can change!


+3 social credit points for the good draenei