The WoW Classic Shop is Now Open

woah there. idk i think battlefield 2 ea’s post about accomplishment and pride about unlocking star wars characters is still the champ.

i approve 200%. this kind of rewarding blizzards greed is what wrecked tbc.

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I got a response on my ticket to find it was an automated response containing 3 different links that I’m pretty sure I had to see at least one of them to submit the ticket in the first place (FAQs, common issues, etc) and the ticket was set to close as it was considered “replied” unless I made a further comment.

Being civil will be a challenge assuming I get a GM.


Can you do a fresh vanilla classic server instead? or a TBC or WoTLK server?


Ticket replies are sent using form letters. Everyone should know this by now. An actual person looked at your ticket and responded. Keep it up and they’ll action you for harassing a CS agent.

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Don’t care about RaF itself, not starting 2 more accounts for a rocket I already earned.

The RaF rocket was in game at this point. Even without the program we should have had the mount by now.

PS There’s A LOT of things that are in the collections tab from later expansions that we’re not getting. Those items are the mud left behind from taking bad shortcuts.

ChatGPLOL is now an actual person. First ticket or 3 are all autoreplies.

The only way you get a real person is to push until the autobot gives up.

You know this when you put in a ticket for a billing issue and they say to check wowhead.

Nobody with a brain cell that works is going to tell someone to check wowhead for a billing issue.

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I’m a new WoW player as of Wotlk classic phase 4. I don’t have the “conventional wisdom” of 2 decades of experience of interacting with Blizzard.

When I worked as a support agent for a company and we submitted form letters, we took the time (aka <2 minutes) at a minimum to put the recipient’s name in the address and our name in the signature. A form letter with no personalization submitted by a human is indistinguishable from an automated reply.

I think your suggestion I’ll get action taken against my account is out of touch.

Me: I’d like this situation reviewed.
Ticket: Go online and see if your situation falls under one of our frequently asked questions.
Me: It does not, please review my situation.
Ticket: Banned for harassment!


This move reminds me of the guy panhandling on the corner. Has a sign that says “Need Food, God Bless”. At the end of the day, he walks down a block and gets in his BMW and counts his cash.


Its what the modern Classic playerbase deserves. You guys wanted the falsely so called expansions to repeat, you deserve a mount shop and all the other garbage they feed you.


Cash shop is about the only feature that works in Classic :skull:


I…. just don’t even know what to say. Speechless. Insanity. The disconnect here is unparalleled.

It’s almost like they are fully committing to becoming a meme company.


Fix our professions.

Fix our quests.

Fix the TOGC dailies.

Fix the Guild Vaults we paid for.


would they sell troll crates there by any chance? im willing to buy around 20k fragments to see if i can get the sword

You can already buy relics from other players to boost your digging. They are all over the auction house.

Fix Dungeon finder it’s bugged again once you level 17 Deadmines is gone.

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dont care about those, need the panda crates

I hope before cata release that won’t be the case. Realllllly hope

You are of course welcome to put in as many tickets as you want - I personally don’t care…but was just a fair warning that if you keep putting in tickets on the issue what one of the possible outcomes can be.

2 minutes x thousands and thousands of tickets across multiple IPs is either a lot of staff or lots of wait times.

I’ve put in 1 ticket, and the automatic form response was set to close the ticket for being “replied to.” You can, as I’m sure you know, reply to the same ticket to return it to open status.

Yes, I am talking about multiple different tickets.