The WoW Classic Shop is Now Open

Don’t engage with Radalpho. It’s a perma-contrarian in the forums and you’ll gain nothing from having a discussion with it.

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Sad part is, enough players are buying the stuff that it justifies Blizz doing a classic shop.


Meh this company just sucks lol. They can’t provide a permanent wrath classic experience. And they can’t even provide a non buggy expansion experience either. Good lord cataclysm classic is still bugged to heck and back.

Broken company and broken game. Private servers do a better job than blizzard. Blizzard is essentially a indy dev company now.


The Shop was added in Wrath of the Lich King in 2009 sweetheart.


It was. And then you look at how retail is now. And it’s like, what is the difference between classic and retail now. There are no differences anymore.

Heck. I can see them doing this a 3rd time. 10 years from now, hype of classic wow again. Add vanilla. Add bc with boosts again. Wrath with wow tokens again.

Kind of crazy if you ask me.


Imagine being wrong in such a blatant way.

You sound unhappy with WoW, consider moving on from the game for a bit.


What emote are we going to spam at the pathetic swipers this time since we got /spit banned last time?

Save our sanity, just put the archaeology epics in the store already.


Classic should have been the classic experience bro. Plain and simple.

No dungeon finders. No cash shops. No phasing. No crz. No wow tokens. No level boosts. Etc. Classic wow has all of that stuff now, same as retail. Like it is all the same. And I can easily see them doing this all again a 3rd time to.


And outside of your personal interpretation it is currently that. A classic WoW release.

Cata feature, came out in wrath. It’s from those expansions.

There is no player power on the cash shops. Invalid.

This is how wrath was, this is how cata was. This is part of classic.

Pretty sure this isn’t even in any iteration of classic so far.

Sure. Hardly does much but sure. Never bought one.

Argument can be made for accelerated content and getting players who want to play a specific classic iteration. Necessary? arguments can be made for both.

So nothing about the game play, just the easily ignored peripherals you dislike. There are still a vast number of differences between anything classic and current Dragonflight.

Sounds like you want Era, which is right there.

Doomers gonna doom.

WTB: 2 TBC Era servers per region, 2 Wrath Era servers per region.


Seriously. All the permanent wrath classic players want.


WHen can we buy the flying lion?

Award arbourwyrm to people who bought the 6month. This is some absolute goblin behavior.

Most of us were able to ride it in classic before anyways.

Meh. I wish I had never given a cent to blizzard in 2019 to now. Like I should not have trusted in the classic wow experience. What a joke.

But lack of quality and money milking tactics. That is all you can expect from blizzard now. Like I just know now. Hence why I am unsubbed atm. I got fooled once. But never again.

Like blizzard is litteraly headed by the bilgewater cartel and gallywix himself at the helm. Regardless of whether it’s classic or retail. Just goblins running blizzard at this point. Just took me to long to see it unfold.

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You sound like you would be happier logging out of the forums and doing anything else.

You’re this upset about an optional activity, just walk away from that activity.

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If Retail was the same as Cata I would be playing it right now. It’s nothing at all alike.

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Thank god for wow tokens.
Nice that boosts were on sale recently too.

Feels pretty similar to me in all honesty. But, opinions are opinions. But I think classic stops at wrath.

Put the X-53 in the Shop. Literally the biggest $$ thing missing from Cataclysm.

(Second biggest is being able to move characters between two WoW accounts on the same Battle.Net account).