[Cata Classic] Guild Vault Voucher does nothing

Bought the Guild Vault Voucher (7th Slot), tried using it on the GM character, it induces a 6 second cooldown but does nothing.


Same, got up to friendly rep and still does nothing


Same here. Just cycled for a cooldown and nothing else.


Not working for me either


Still not working as of the 4th at 3am ST benediction


Does anyone know if this is a bug or if there’s something we have to do to be able to use it?


Ya, its been 4 or 5 days I have not been able to use my voucher. I wonder if it will get fixed on tues maintanance. Hope so, we need the space in the guild bank. :frowning:


I read in some wowhead comments that Friendly reputation with the guild is required (which makes zero sense - bro I’m the GUILD MASTER. I OWN THE GUILD. I shouldn’t need reputation with checks notes MYSELF to get more gbank tabs). I got friendly on my GM character and it still doesn’t work.

Even if there is some unknown requirement to use it, that should be stated directly on the item so that people are aware of it before they drop 9kg for an item that doesn’t work.


This is not working for our guild either on Grobbulus. We have 6 slots already, I purchased and used the voucher but the 7th slot slot did not appear in our guild bank.


doesn’t work for me either

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even at exalted, does nothing.

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Some sort of response on why, or when this isn’t working would be nice, We all assumed this would be fixed Tuesday. and yet still does not function. This is making me not want to play this game, the fact you guys released a bug filled prepatch and 0 communication is ridiculous. If there isn’t a bug free cata launch… Im not playing this stupid game anymore.

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Same issue, blizz please address this issue!

Still no update…

Still broken

Hey Bliz, either fix your game already or chime in on why this doesn’t work and we are all down 10k gold.

Can confirm that I also bought the 7th tab from the rep vendor, but the 7th tab is not attainable.

Communication goes a long way.

I just tried using the item again today in between pulls during raid and it seemed to work. We have now have 7th tab in the guild bank.

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Yep it works now thanks blizz <3