The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

WQhy you bump this everyday? You think blizzard doesn’t know about ogers when they talk and discuss about poetentual Allied Races?

Its fun to talk about ogres.



Came across the Reforged version of the scene where Rexxar became leader of the MU Stonemaul Clan in Warcraft 3:

There could very well be a chance for Rexxar to make an appearance in Dragonflight, since there is a character who knows him. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out on any sightings of him, since with Rexxar, there could be a greater chance of seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan get involved somehow, even if he isn’t the leader anymore. Not a guarantee, of course, but you never know.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Trying to figure what my ogres would be doing during the “some years” that have passed between SLs and DF.

I think my Ogre Death Knight would have returned to Northrend to help contain the Scourge and it’s warlords. I imagine that would keep him busy until something more important came up. So there he’d stay for those years.

My monk I think would take the opportunity to journey to Ogri’la and study with the Ogres there to try to expand his own mind.

My priest would likely return to Dustwallow to assist her kin in whatever they may need. She’d probably encourage more expansion into Feralas.

Just thoughts on what they’d be doing these few years between.


my warrior is just likely exploring the world of azeroth alongside the goblins just following him around out of curosity


My Ogre Warrior would likely be doing various things for the Horde as a way of showing how committed his clan, the MU Stonemaul Clan, is to the Horde. He works to get paid and also food and drink, but he wants his clan to become full members of the Horde and will keep doing his best to have that happen someday. He feels that it gives more meaning to be part of the Horde and that it will help protect his clan from any more potentially corrupt leaders of his clan in the future.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


ogre arms warrior with engineering nitro boots


July really went by fast, so it’s time for us to quickly send in our monthly in-game race request suggestions!

At the beginning of each month, I usually send in-game feedback for each of the races I want to see and refer to their megathreads on here for more information. I figure it can only help to gain some interest in our requests of what we’d like to see, though no guarantees it’ll lead to that ever becoming a reality.

If you’re interested in doing something similar, I made a guide in the following post that explains how to do it in steps:

Every little bit in showing playable Horde Ogre support helps! You never know if our dreams may become true someday!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I have to agree with you. At the same time it makes me really curious on what other races could end up as a customization option for one of the existing playable races. For example I could see the Taunka turning into a customization for the Tauren.


I know I havnt messaged in a long time, had a huge addicted break on FF14 :joy:.

But just sending a message of support, it be great to see Ogres one day playable, hopefully sooner then later…

I still have hopes and dreams to one day make my Ogre Shaman!.

Edit: But I’m back and excited for Dragonflight and will be mostly maining my Warlock, Shaman and Evoker (Healer)


I’m all for customization races, but as I’ve grumbled about before, I haven’t been too happy at their treatment.

Taunka could work as a customization race, but I feel like they would be relegated to one or two skins/faces at most and still be referred to as a Tauren in-game (even by themselves in voice lines which likely wouldn’t be charged also), which doesn’t make sense given there are several differences between the two. Not to mention that they likely wouldn’t get a seat on the Horde Council or would get much presence in-game, story or otherwise.

As I said before, if I ever got on that Community Council, one thing I would bring up would be customization races and how to better treat them. Until I see improvement on customization races, I worry about seeing future ones. Seeing how Darkfallen were treated, I’d worry we’d see drowning Kelfin that think they’re Goblins and other such nonsense instead of being their own race with their own culture and personality that can breathe underwater. As someone who is really big on character creation, it’s depressing to think about.

On the bright side, Ogres would have to be their own race and not be something slapped onto another race. So they should get some kind of better care should we be lucky enough to see them as a playable race.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We need OGRES!

Ogremania should be running wild in WoW, instead we get 17 flavors of lame elf.


The day ogre becomes a playable race is the day I finally make my Enh Shammy.


i’m trying to think of names for ogres and i know most of em would be generic at this point but i wanna use something similar to my future orc paladin Ukrom


There’s a name generator I use. Google “Wow Ogre name generator” and Fantasy Name Generator should pop up.


I made a post with links to different Ogre name generators, including from Warcraft, Warhammer, and other media. You can see the post here:

The name I have reserved came from the Everquest 1 in-game name generator. Surprisingly, it was a name from the male Gnome name generator that really fit an Ogre’s name when I eventually used the name to roll an Ogre Berserker.

Should we ever get lucky enough to see playable Horde Ogres, I’ll share my Ogre’s name then. Hopefully, we’ll see that day come in the near future!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I came across this neat video of someone making an Ogre tent used to go with miniatures:

Thought it would be something of interest to those into miniatures. There might be a way to make it fitting for Warcraft Ogres in aesthetics and such, though I’m not creative enough to design such a thing.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So… not a single Ogre NPC has been found so far in the DF alpha ? Has any non-playable race (Hozen, Jinyu, Taunka, Unshackled…) been found within the ranks of the factions, outside of that Dragonmaw guy who’s dead now ?..

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So far, there have been no Horde Ogre sightings in Dragonflight. There is still more of Alpha to test, though a lot depends on whether we see any Horde Ogres as part of storylines or if they’re grunts at certain bases or not.

As for other races part of or allied with the Horde/Alliance, I haven’t seen any mention of them, so it is unclear if any of those NPC races will show up. With the Kelfin, I plan to check on the Unshackled on the Shores of Durotar to see if they’re still there and report my findings in the Kelfin megathread as usual.

We will have several patches of Dragonflight to go through, so we could see things in the future. I think if we see any Horde Ogres, especially the MU Stonemaul Clan, it could be a return to Dustwallow Marsh or something else they can help us with. It makes some sense to have them involved somehow, but given how BfA went with no Horde Ogre clans (and the one that did join the Horde in BfA disappeared into fat air), I’m not exactly holding my breath and thinking it’s a huge chance.

I’ll have to wait until Dragonflight releases to be able to search the areas myself and report any findings of Horde Ogres and other NPC races of interest. I’m still hopeful we’ll see the MU Stonemaul Clan at least, but I’m not sure if they’ll play a role or not. We’ll have to see as we go through patches.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’m thinking about that for a moment but we could get some Stonemaul Ogre npcs in Orgrimmar. These ogres are in the Horde now so we could see some of them walking in Orgrimmar among the other races of the Horde.