The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

hozen, kelfin, SM ogres etc are technically part of the horde

just like the jinyu/ankoan, dryads, furbolgs, frost dwarves for the alliance etc

but they arent sending armies or have a voice among the horde/alliance and have no interest in the faction war

theyre non playable natives in their lands whom we interact with and who are going to stay part of their environement but let us use their land and resources/protect our interests in the area

ogres could always be brought in ofc but lets be real, theyre too damn big. and if they arent big whats the point

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The Great Seal

Also participated in the war during Mists.

Participated in the campaign against Theramore in WC3 and during Mists as per Tides of War.

Their Numbers formed into a thinner line to navigate the narrower road through Dustwallow marsh, and the hoy sun now filtered through the tall, mossy trees. Past the ruins of the Shady Rest Inn, they halted at a crossroads with paths that led to Theramore Isle, Mudsprocket, and Brackenwall Village. Here, Garrosh divided the army in half. He would take command of the forces that would head north, to be reinforced by new recruits from the village, more orcs and even ogres, who would bear down on Theramore from the north.

PG 189

There was also a Stonemaul ogre at Domination Point in Krasarang, Orā€™dac

Ogre toys make you shorter than a tauren

Some ogre NPCs compared to a female Zandalari

Furthermore, according to Traveler (Spiral Path, PG 27) their lore heights are:
Male: 6-12 Feet (182.88-365.76 cm)
Female: 6-10 Feet (182.88-304.8 cm)

Tauren player models have been pinpointed down to be:
Male: ~8ā€™8 (266.6 cm)
Female: 8ā€™02 (244.58 cm)

Meaning theyā€™re in the playable height range.


ok and? ogres participated in the theramore campaign because thats where they live but we havent seen them leave that locale have we

we see an individual hozen walking around zuldazar. cool. adds depth to the world. we see a vrykul in boralus harbor too. doesnt mean either race supports the alliance/horde in faction war

wheres the hozen or orgre army? why is their leader absent from every horde narrative? not even a single quest hub outside of mop where the hozen are doing something. truth is ogres spread out and never rejoined the horde in the same capacity as they had in wc2. the horde are just friendly with the SM ogres now

ogres/hozen arent leaving their enviornment. same with dryads/furbolgs. if horde invaded that territory they will participate in repelling them. an individual can leave sure, and thats all weve seen so far

Ogres arenā€™t sending armies because thereā€™s no point creating NPC armies for a race that isnā€™t playable. The lore says theyā€™re an active part of their respective faction. The lore is not always accurately represented in-game. If weā€™re basing who can be playable based off of whoā€™s sending armies, thereā€™s a number of playable races that need to be removed from the game.

Not trying to be rude, but thatā€™s a really silly metric to go by on what can be playable.


if youre claiming ogres answered the hordes call for the fourth war, or done jack since helping the horde push the alliance out of their territory, id love to see that lore

Besides, what true horde player donā€™t want ogres to be playable?


In that case we can get rid of Pandaren, they havenā€™t been relevant since Mists.

Dwarves can go too, they just hang around Dun Morogh. Last time we saw them even really do anything was defend their land in Legion and that was about it.

We could probably ditch the Sand Troll customizations, we havenā€™t seen a single NPC in the Horde.

High Elf customizations should be removed, lore wise they wouldnā€™t even have the numbers for an army.

Draenei should be removed, Velen is a no-show in the lore since Legion and we havenā€™t seen the Draenei really do anything.

See how very quickly playable races fall under that category? Itā€™s also worth pointing out that Rexxar, the Chieftain of the Stonemaul clan, was an active leader in the Fourth War. We also saw Ogres come to the Horde with Magā€™har. If Blizz decides to make Ogres playable, all they have to do is make Rexxar rally them and thatā€™s it.

Lore=/=in-game environment.


aysa and ji pop up all the time. ji is seen at the horde council lmao

dwarves are shown all the time wth?

its a troll skin tone to make up w.e story you want as the devs said

high elves are already a part of the horde and playable. statement makes no sense

another wth?

:joy: :joy: :joy:

dude he left them to their own devices and put someone else in charge LOL

only thing you said that makes sense. if blizzard wants to bring ogres in they always could

Sheā€™s acting in his place. If Ji simply being at the Horde council is enough to justify Pandaren, then Rexxar leading Horde forces is enough to justify Ogres, especially since we see him do more than Ji.

The ā€œDwarves shown all the timeā€ are individuals, not an army rallied by the Dwarven council. That could just as easily be done with Ogres.

Edit: addressing the edit you made to your post, High Elves are not part of the Horde. High Elves are a political distinction as are the Blood Elves, not a distinct race. An Elf of that origin, regardless of their appearance, who is part of the Horde is a Blood Elf, not a High Elf. The High Elves, the Elves who did not take up the Fel originally and did not join the Horde, are too few in number to provide a proper army, thus not justifying by your metric a playable race/customization.


k, let me know when a SM ogre leader(or quest hub with npcs/anything) shows up to a horde meeting


Well we did see Rexxar leading the Hordeā€™s forces in the Fourth War, something you did ask about. In Legion heā€™s present at a gathering of Horde leaders for a pvp achievement too.


Not to mention what they did to poor wildhammers. Relegating them to just customization is truely an injustice.


yes, lets waste an AR slot for a dwarf with tattoos

so glad blizzard learned this lesson with shadowlands

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Iā€™m kind of split on that. It does suck they were relegated to customization options but there are alot of allied races I think should be customization options, like the Magā€™har. I feel like it turns into a balancing issue and an issue where race spots are taken from unique races instead of off-shoots. Itā€™s a hard call to make. Iā€™m glad we at least got the options though.


We wasted ar slots for tattooā€™d dreanei, charcoal dwarves, antler tuaren, brown orcs, amputated gnomes.

I am sure itā€™s not a big deal.


yep, lesson learned in shadowlands!

Bfa. There was no ar work in sl other then a copy paste.

Itā€™s the reason why i created my racial skills as talent selection thread to help with that.


Iā€™d definitely be down with that. The races all get their fantasy and thereā€™s no race slot bloat. I think I might have seen your thread before but Iā€™ll have to look for it.


the hell you talking about? the customizations came in SL. including forsaken blood/night elves

Weā€™re talking about the use of AR slots, not customization for existing ones.

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