The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

i know what i want from this thread i just can’t think of anything else to type or write in

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If I ever get to the point I know I’ll be able to do it, I’ll be sure to make posts about it in advance. I’d need to also know times and general days people who are interested in joining would be able to attend it, as well as being able to schedule it with my availability in mind also.

I’m hoping that I’ll be able to do stuff like this regularly in the future. It has been frustrating that I haven’t been able to lock down a time to do it. Moreso since it’d be something pretty awesome to do for the anniversaries of my megathreads.

Speaking of, this megathread’s two year anniversary will be on October 9th. I’ll have to think of something to do that day, which will likely have a usual speech post of some kind. I’ll have to see if I can figure out anything else to do for then. Any suggestions are welcomed, of course.

Still hoping we’ll be able to be actual Ogre characters someday. I do know if that ever happens, I’d like to have a small launch party of some sort in Orgrimmar to take screenshots and just hang out for a bit. Something similar to how Vulpera fans celebrated when they got to become playable. Not wanting to count my chickens, of course, but it’s still a dream of mine.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Had a couple of thoughts about how the Horde Ogre clans would have an interest in getting involved with whatever goes on in Dragonflight. Obviously, this is just speculation and we won’t know what direction the story will head.

There is a lot of talk about the Infinite Dragonflight being involved in some fashion in Dragonflight. If you want to know who they are, Wowpedia has a page for them here:

I don’t know what the chances are these could happen, so if anyone more knowledgeable on the subject, feel free to chime in as I’ll likely get something wrong.

First was the idea that the Infinite Dragonflight could either corrupt any surviving offspring of Onyxia or even go back in time to corrupt Onyxia to bring her back.

Not entirely sure how it would work, but I could see either happening in some fashion, likely more so with any surviving offspring. This would likely cause an interest for the Infinite Dragonflight to get to Onxyia’s lair for nefarious purposes. Both situations would cause alarm for the MU Stonemaul Clan and they would like to get involved as a result, whether it is defending territory or coming with us to the Dragon Isles. Again, not sure on the chances this could happen, but it was an interesting thought.

The other thought I was was if the Caverns of Time got attacked by the Infinite Dragonflight.

In such a case, I could see the Dunemaul Clan getting involved to help out the situation, since they live nearby and it would earn Megs Dreadshredder some brownie points with the Horde. The MU Stonemaul Clan could still get involved, since Dustwallow Marsh is still closeby.

The AU Stonemaul Clan can always be involved in both scenarios, joining the MU Stonemaul Clan. So they wouldn’t be forgotten at all. The Dunemaul Clan could be involved in either scenario also, since they’re relatively close to Dustwallow Marsh. And of course the MU Stonemaul Clan can easily be involved in both scenarios and should have a presence if any Horde Ogre clan is involved.

As I said, it’s possible either scenario may not happen, especially if I understood something wrong, but they’re interesting thoughts if they were possible. And it can get the Horde Ogre clans involved. Anyway, just some fun thoughts I wanted to share.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Bean Soup or Gumbo?

So its been datamined and confirmed in the alpha that the Grimtotem are featuring in Dragonflight, to the point that Kurog Grimtotem is responsible for releasing Raszageth the Storm-Eater, one of the Primalist leaders from her prison.

Now I mention this because the Grimtotem did have a presence in Dustwallow Marsh during Cataclysm. Granted we didn’t really see Stonemaul - Grimtotem conflict during Cata, but the door is there for the Stonemaul to show up to aid against Magatha’s followers.

Furthermore the more I think about it, I think the Primalist and Grimtotem could lead to a revamp Dustwallow. After all the Primalist will want to expand their borders and the Grimtotem claim more territory, which would be perfectly covered by Dustwallow Marsh as it does have two Grimtotem outposts and the Primalist are vehemently against the titan created Dragons.

So depending on the current lore of Dustwallow and the nature of the Primalist -Grimtotem alliance/partnership, the Primalist could invade the area to claim the ruins of Stonemaul from the Black dragonflight present, as the Grimtotem work to expand their borders. Alternatively the Primalist, like the Black Dragonflight, see the functioning Stonemaul village as the perfect dragon grounds and attack the village, as Grimtotem help them and expand their territory.


That is an interesting datamine. While I don’t recall the Grimtotem and MU Stonemaul Clan having much to do with each other in-game, I’m sure there have been several kerfuffles in fights regarding territory. Moreso since the MU Stonemaul Clan likely have gotten their home back.

It opens more possibilities for a return to Dustwallow Marsh, between enemy dragons and Grimtotem also involved. I can’t say the story will head in the direction BfA did with a return to revamped zones as quest hubs, but it would be interesting to see what all it would involve. Moreso with the MU Stonemaul Clan, possibly with the AU Stonemaul Clan as well, appearing again. Maybe even a new rep that could involve them too, which I would happily work towards exalted just in case.

If we’re dealing with enemy Grimtotem, I’m curious what role the Grimtotem that broke off from Magatha and joined the Horde will be. I could see them assisting to prove their dedication to the Horde and possibly becoming a customization race for Tauren. Makes me wonder if the Horde Grimtotem will be remembered at all.

Anyway, it is an interesting development to keep an eye on. We’ll see what happens when it happens and report any findings here!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Something I want to try, just for fun, is taking my Dracthyr character to both Brackenwall Village in Dustwallow Marsh and the Stonemaul Hold in Feralas to see if there are any comments from the Ogres there.

I’m going to assume that nothing really will be mentioned at all and that the game will just pretend I’m just a regular member of the Horde during the Cataclysm timeline. Still, it’s something I’ll check and report back on in case there is some flavor text or something there.

I assume in the future, the MU Stonemaul Clan would be accepting of Dracthyr, albeit it being somewhat dubious of them. Nothing that would get in the way of them working with the Dracthyr, but I am curious what their reaction would be to them in the first place. I don’t expect there to be any issues going forward, nor should there be any.

Going to take a lot of explaining, maybe some hand puppets involved in the explanation along with lots of barrels of ale or something, but I’m sure things will work out just fine in the end!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


blizz giving us ogres will cost 16.0 a raid tier


It’s currently ambiguous if Dragonflight is going to have a time skip, the Alliance DF intro had the time skip dialogue mention triggered accidentally and was presented as a dropped idea. However the Horde DF intro has the time skipped mention directly, with Lor’themar mentioning years passing since the Shadowlands. So it’s a bit murky as if DF will have a time skip or not.

I mention this because if a time skip is in fact happening and with how the Black dragonflight is being presented as heroes this time… I think it’s possible that the Stonemaul have reclaimed their home and hopefully we will see it in an update Dustwallow March or at the very least have the Stonemaul involved in DF and it being mentioned.


If the MU Stonemaul Clan have regained their home, they likely have had it for quite some time.

I can’t imagine them sparing units to hold a base in Feralas or sending an Emisary to Pandaria if they were still fighting to get their home back. I think they would be preoccupied otherwise. With the Horde helping them get their home back, they’d be very happy to repay some of their debt by helping out in other areas.

Of course, it doesn’t explain their absence in BfA or where the AU Stonemaul Clan members went, but I feel like it’s safe to assume the MU Stonemaul Clan have their home back by now. Granted, if we do see a revamp of Dustwallow Marsh, it’s very likely they could lose it again to give us something to do in the area as a daily quest hub or maybe to even help regain it for good in an in-game event. Hopefully we’ll do a revisit there in the near future, but we’ll see what happens with the storyline.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know with how Wrathion and Sabellian are competing to become the new Black dragonflight leader, I kind of wonder if each will go on a PR campaign and seek to make amends for past wrongs to try and gain outside support. If that’s the case then we could get a Dustwallow chapter, where they try and help the Stonemaul in some way, like fending off an attack, strengthening the clan in some manner, or even securing their home for them.


You know the more I think about it, the more I keep seeing opportunities for a Dustwallow revamp or at least a Stonemaul revisit. I’ve mentioned the Grimtotem and PR options, but I do feel that getting the factions to recognize Wrathion or Sabellian as the leader of the Blackflight would be a great win for either of them.

However when it comes to the Alliance, the only known who would potentially recognize Wrathion is Anduin, who is MIA. On the flipside Sabellian has better odds with the Horde, as he actively counts Rexxar as one his friends and Rexxar is pretty good friends with members of the Horde council. Plus as the former Stonemaul leader and Onyxia’s attack on their home, it is another doorway to include the Stonemaul.

There are so many opportunities, that I’m really going to be disappointed if the Stonemaul aren’t featured in DF at all.


Another thing to consider, as I’ve mentioned before, could be any offspring of Onyxia that survived and has been raised in secret since Cataclysm. Seems like a possible scenario with a throwback raid similar to Onyxia back in the day.

If we were to somehow see a revamped Dustwallow Marsh, the key reason for any enemy dragons going there would be Onyxia’s old lair. Thus the question would be what the importance of it would be, and I suppose it depends on who attacks the area.

Onyxia’s offspring and minions are one while I mentioned the idea of the Infinite Dragonflight. There could be some other big bad involved in Dragonflight also that could have some interest there. It would vary why the reason Onyxia’s old lair would have any importance, which could make for a good discussion.

And also something I’ve mentioned is the Cavern of Times being attacked, which I would think could be a big target in general. In which case, the Dunemaul Clan can help out and the two Stonemaul Clans would be nearby to also help.

Granted, I really am trying to keep an open mind for Dragonflight. Cool as it would be to see a return to Dustwallow Marsh and also seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan play a role at least, it’s possible they may not make an appearance at all. And after seeing the Horde Ogre clans MIA in BfA, I don’t want to get my hopes up.

Still, we’ll keep an eye on the story and see what happens. There are so many places on the Dragon Isles we go to, so it could be possible to see something similar to the end of BfA with some old zones getting revamped. Dustwallow Marsh is a big contender for that, of course.

Though to be honest, it would be neat to see that happen and lead into the Stonemaul Clans becoming a playable Horde race. Especially if there was a pre-expansion event after Dragonflight of getting the MU Stonemaul Clan their home for good. Wishful thinking, but still important we keep having discussions over what all happens during Dragonflight. Maybe we’ll be lucky and find some things to show that the Horde Ogre clans aren’t forgotten.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


One of my toons is one of Onyxia’s daughters who got purified sometime before WoW started and has been in hiding since. (though I think I’mma claim in her story that shes going to reveal herself to the other black flight members during DF.)

I’d love to see the Infinite Flight do something there…

Could also have the primalist dragons show up to do something?


Various assorted race characters are present as members of the Dragonscale Expedition, hopefully we could see non playable races among them like the Stonemaul ogres.


I would hope so as well, though I suspect any races we see from the Horde and Alliance would be ones that are playable.

Granted, there is potentially a good reason for the MU Stonemaul Clan to come with us at least, though as I said, a lot depends on what direction the story goes. Maybe we could also see the Dragonmaw Clan Orcs, who are still part of the Horde, play a role in helping us slay some evil dragons. I’m sure they can be very useful.

I’m not sure which is more likely: Seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan come with us to the Dragon Isles or if we return to Dustwallow Marsh as a quest hub during the expansion. I suppose between the two, the latter could have a higher chance of leading to playable Horde Ogres. Even if we don’t have any of the Horde Ogre clans with us on Dragon Isles, there could be a chance in a future patch to see them involved.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


From what Ive heard we do quests with some Dragonmaw. The full context isnt known but apparently the elder is sick and the younger orc is worried about him.


It’s good to see they have some presence in the next expansion. I’ll be curious to see what role they play. It does give me some hope of seeing the MU Stonemaul Clan make an appearance as well, but we’ll see what happens I guess.

If the MU Stonemaul Clan were to be with us during Dragonflight, there would need to be a reason. Strong brutes would be helpful, but I feel like there would need to be more of a reason to have them there with us. We won’t know the big bad in the beginning, so while bashing some evil dragons upside the head would be amusing and good times for all, it might not be something we do immediately. Maybe if any of Onxia’s offspring or minions survived, that’d be a good reason to have the MU Stonemaul Clan with us. I’ll have to read up on each of the zones’ stories to see if there is anything of interest to report back.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


tbh this is pretty much the last race i want then blizz can add in 10 more elves and furries for good measure to satisfy the keyboard warriors

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There are a few specific races that would make WoW feel perfect to me in terms of character creation.

Ogres, Saurok, Saberon, and Furbolgs are at the top of the list for me. San’layn as well, though with the one Darkfallen skin as a customization option, I don’t know what the chances are they’d be their own race, sadly. Anything else would be icing on the cake for me.

Seeing those races become playable would be huge levels of hype for me. On the same level of seeing a wanted character become playable in Smash Bros. level of hype. It also would give me a chance to remake the last few remaining characters I’ve had in other MMO’s and give them life in WoW, which is an amazing feeling to me.

It is partly a reason I try my best to support them to become playable. Granted, I know that there is a chance that they may not and nothing I do here will change it, but it’s worth a shot to me to possible see dreams becoming reality. You never know if we’ll be lucky someday.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: