The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It depends on the expansion for me. Something like BFA can make sense, as your character would’ve been conscripted to fight in the war as they needed as many able bodies as possible (if you look past that they forget members like the Stonemaul Clan).

With Shadowlands, it doesn’t make quite as much sense. The world (of Warcraft!) is being decimated by the undead, with your only hope is to send your best hero into the afterlife to save the day!..and you opt to pick some newbie who can barely pick up a weapon and beat up an agitated rat, all while calling them champion and savior. Doesn’t really quite flow well, in my opinion.

Thus is a reason I feel like an old world revamp would be better in the grand scheme of things. It puts players in a more familiar territory, it would feel more Warcraft-like, gives new players a chance to be called a hero, and putting that area as the starting area for new player saves resources in having to change out the starting expansion every time you make a new one.

Seems to make more sense to me, at least analyzing it from the outside. I can’t say what the internal planning process is, of course.

It’s among several different rumors of what could come next, with nothing really being set in stone. Off the top of my head, I’ve seen the following:

Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor revamps
Dragon Isles
A return to Pandaria
Light & Void themed

It’s unclear what direction the next expansion will take us. I’ll at least be content if the setting is better than the afterlife, though some new races people have been wanting would also help a lot.

I’m for Forest Trolls, myself. They and Ogres are some of the missing members of the since the Warcraft RTS days. The Horde has allies with the Revantusk tribe, who are interested in reuniting all the Forest Troll tribes. That would make for a fun storyline and unlock scenario for them as a playable Horde race.

Since you like Forest Trolls, I want to send you to the Forest Troll megathread. It was made by Zurogrusel, a really cool person on the forum that I haven’t seen in a long time sadly. They might have quit at the time of this post, in which that “more customizations during Shadowlands” promise was broken and caused a number of people to quit, but I want their work to continue to be supported since I feel Forest Trolls are an important race to add.

You can find the Forest Troll megathread here:

I’m also of the opinion that making all members of both Horde and Alliance in some way and adding a few specific races would make them feel complete and also feel like they’re both evolving as a faction. It would go a long way in making the game feel really amazing in terms of world building!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I could go for just about any of those except Pandaria. Brings back bad memories of not getting ogres and instead getting pandas. WoW is already in a bad state as far as I’m concerned and would like to skip a repeat.

Plus, I think WoW REALLY needs to get back to their roots and fixing the core of the classes as in making the core abilities/talents/skills/playstyle something permanent moving forward. Something they are NOT going to F with anymore. Add to maybe but not change. And Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor revamps would probably be tops on my list to help go along with fixing the core of the game.

And adding in some core races like Ogres and Forest Trolls would be a nice apology if I do say so myself. I would definitely be hard pressed to not forgive them if they included one or both races WITH a core class fix.

Thanks for the megathread. And I know of Zurogrusel from the forum but hadn’t realized he/she might be gone since I myself was gone. WoW’s in a bad state right now. :frowning:


A lot of people were really upset over the customizations during Shadowlands promise was broken. It was handled so poorly and callously that it caused several forums (here, the official EU forums, other websites) to break out into fiery anger over it. Even websites like Wowhead were not shy about letting their ire over that part of Blizzconline be known.

As such, it got a lot of people to quit the game, and several of the race megathreads sadly started to slow down greatly as a result. It really didn’t paint a good picture of the game and its future if they couldn’t be bothered to add in more customization options for existing races that they promised.

For me, it did cause a lot of concern. A lot is really going to depend on what the next expansion is and how it is handled to determine whether I stay or take a hiatus. However, I will temper my expectations and we’ll see what happens.

Of course, as long as I’m here, I’ll keep going with the Horde Ogre and Saurok support. :smiley:

I will admit, getting my dream playable races would get me to stay with the game long term. Granted, I wouldn’t be shy of taking a hiatus if the game takes what I perceived as a bad turn (WoD and Legion got me to quit, for example), but it would make me more likely to stick with the game if I got playable Horde Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn. I love all my current characters, but if they decide to stop making new races of any kind at this point, I don’t know if I would stay with the game. If I at least got a few I particularly want, I’d be more likely to stay subbed.

I want to say that new playable races in the future are in the cards still, but we won’t really know that until more expansions come out. I’m still hoping to see some that people have been requesting for a long time, but as I said, I’ll temper my expectations until I see what all gets announced. Then we’ll have a better idea of where the game is going.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I remember an interview with someone involved with customizations and/or adding playable races where they said there wouldn’t be any at the launch of Shadowlands. I am still hoping they add more in 9.1.

Probably wishful thinking but for me both a new playable race and/or new customizations would make the game a little more interesting. Both are things I enjoy and hope we get more of. Whether I’ll still be playing or not when they get around to it will be the question.

Once players jump ship do you THEN give them what they want to entice them to return? I think it will be too late then. Hope ActivBlizz wises up before we get there. Though from where I’m sitting it is a little too close for comfort. Only time will tell.


I just hope that doesn’t mean the faction war…ugh, I’m way past burnt out on that.

Yeah, that makes sense, but it’s also kinda what I figure will happen come next expansion. You’ll get back to stormwind from your expedition only to then be told to go find Darion Mograine! Probably would be a little deep for a new recruit.

That was the original statement but they stomped our hopes on that later on when it came up again and just flat said no. They liked the player response and were happy with what they put out (which was just a good start imo) and that would be it for Shadowlands. That’s why there was such a massive backlash since it didn’t go with what was originally said. Lotta people still mad about it. Still weird to put out something that was so well received and then just drop plans to do more.


I wanted that for BFA but we got some lame inner faction war that was rather stupid imo. Warfronts should’ve had a PvP/PvE aspect like AV use to. Doing it now makes no sense.

We’ve worked together too many times now, shown that we can be nice and the leadership has changed and appears more toward staying at least friendly. Especially with the Horde removing the ultra powerful Warchief position that for some reason turns cool characters into an evil pile of :poop: raid bosses. Or if you have a lot of potential they bump you off in some seriously stupid way like Cairne or Vol’jin. Both of which I REALLY wanted to see be Warchief.

This is extremely disappointing. I didn’t know that. One of the few things I was looking forward to was new playable races and customizations. This reminds me of the stuff promised in WotLK and never delivered. I think it’s time for a long break.

If they aren’t going to give players what they want while playing then maybe they’ll be a little more likely to bend a knee if we stop playing. Hit them where it hurts, the wallet.


I’d be surprised if we got any playable races during Shadowlands, given how disconnected it is from the living world (of Warcraft!). At best, we might see the next expansion offer new race early access if you preorder it, assuming we see new races at all next expansion.

Of course, there is that nagging potential of covenant races somehow becoming playable, though I personally see it low. As I said, making them playable would make little sense in my opinion and doing so would kill a lot of my interest in the game.

I feel like new races are still in the cards. They work as cash cows to gain revenue from new subs, race changes, level boosts, and the like. Also works great for marketing materials. Granted, a lot does depend on what races do get added.

Customization options I don’t know what to think. It should be something that continues to be added throughout the game’s lifespan. It’s possible we could see more, especially after the backlash from Blizzconline after they promised more throughout Shadowlands. We’ll see what happens, though.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there was yet another faction war at some point. I’m not particularly fond of it, myself.

I get that it can work for marketing purposes, but one of the big issues with it, aside from reasons for the war, is that they keep dancing around the whole thing. Instead of being off and on again peace, if they were to keep a war theme going, there needs to be ongoing reasons for there to be a war that doesn’t stop every now and then. Things you would see on both sides that shows why something like a war needs to happen and there being things at stake worth fighting for that keeps elevating as time goes on as opposed to “let’s make peace!” and “time for war!” flip flopping. It has never really felt like it worked for the most part to me, and it kinda says a lot when people are calling for peace in a game called “Warcraft.”

It’s hard to see there being peace at this point, since a lot of events strike me as a “point of no return” in terms of peace, so I really don’t know what to expect in the future. Wouldn’t surprise me if yet another war occurs, of course, or at best we’d be in a perpetual cold war. Who knows?

Does make me wonder if the Horde would remember they have three Ogre clans within their ranks and use them finally…or if they’d rather bend space and time to find allies in alternate universes again. <- <

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I always joke about that one…I want Lovecraft, not Peacecraft.
I’m still a bit bummed the old god stuff was mainly all confined to 8.3.
I mean technically, you can consider all of BFA as a Lovecraftian expansion, but I wanted more of the old god stuff specifically.
I’m still expecting more in the future.
I think the whole bit about the Old Gods being dead is just misdirection…I mean there’s the quote…
“That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.”
Which is kinda funny that we’re now going up against “death” after N’zoth tested us and gifted some of us.

I’m really not interested in any more faction conflict stuff. I’d rather have it opened up for cross faction grouping. Make capital cities more interesting for all.
Give us races and stuff we want :stuck_out_tongue:


Aren’t there a crap ton of Void Lords out there also?

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Void Lords have been rumored as a main baddie of a future expansion for awhile now. At least since BfA. I don’t know much about them, myself, but it could be a potential enemy we face in the future.

Of course, no matter what threat we face, we could always use some Ogre power to help beat them up! Not much can topple a giant Ogre army! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We don’t know. There could be a handful…like a pantheon of the Void.
Old gods on the other hand…yes, it’s basically said they are everywhere. They just fling them out into the cosmos.


That’s where I got mixed up then. I thought I read it was the void lords that got flung into the cosmos. The Old Gods was just a set number of gods. Thanks.


Yup, Legion explained the Old Gods are creatures thrown onto planets looking for world souls that basically grow into cancerous tumors to corrupt the planet and world soul if they should find one.


Something I forgot to mention here is that I finished my class recently with not just an A, but a perfect 100% percent in it. However, having to do some real life obligations hasn’t been giving me as much free time as I’d like.

With regards to the Ogre event, whether it’s the march idea or just a photo shoot event, I want to see how my next class goes which starts on the week of June 6th. If everything goes alright, then I may plan for something during the Summer. Otherwise, I might try to plan something maybe closer to this megathread’s anniversary (October 9th). A lot will also depend on after my class however, as I’ll be trying to job hunt and, hopefully, be employed soon after finishing.

Ideally, Summertime seems to be the best time if I am capable of it, though I can’t promise anything until I see how my work load is. Much as I would rather be doing fun Ogre/Saurok stuff, real life has a bad habit of forcing my attention to it.

I’ll try to keep people posted as best as I can. In the meantime, I’ll keep up the Horde Ogre/Saurok support as best as I can!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I posted something similar to the following in my Saurok megathread, but I thought I would post it here as well with some edits to make it more Ogre related.

I’m not one to count my chickens before they’re hatched, but I was thinking some about what to do if we ever got playable Horde Ogres. Previously, only two megathreads have been lucky enough to get the race they wanted playable (The Vulpera and MechaGnome megathreads), and I remember the Vulpera megathread had big celebrations in-game and stuff. I figure it wouldn’t hurt to think of what to do if we see playable Horde Ogres as a reality.

I’ll be clear in saying that this is just a “for fun” thought. It’s possible we might not see playable Ogres ever. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to have plans just in case we are lucky enough to see it become a reality.

Speaking of plans, for Ogres in particular, seeing them finally announced as playable would be a pretty huge announcement (in more ways than one!). They’re the race I first came to the forums to start supporting when BfA was announced, with Saurok following them shortly thereafter. I’d definitely want to do something special for if either race became playable, but for Ogres, it would really feel like reaching the destination of a long journey, given how long myself and others have wanted them.

Anyway, general plans I have, similar to my Saurok plans, are as follows:

First, I’d post a link that would confirm playable Horde Ogres, complete with celebrating with others. I would be searching for any information (class selections racials, jokes/flirts, etc) on them, and hopefully others would be finding and sharing information as well.

This would lead into the main post of the megathread likely being completely revamped to show off the information we find and also videos of interest (customization options and such). I don’t plan to make a separate celebratory thread, instead opting to keep everything to this thread.

Of course, we’d likely talk about what classes we’d roll for our Ogres, customization options, number of heads, and such. Eventually, I can see us sharing screenshots of them when we’re able to make them in game. If I happen to get into a beta, I might take some screenshots, depending on what is allowed and so on of course, but I wouldn’t bank entirely on getting into a beta. Besides, I’d want to go in fresh on live servers.

After a long wait, we would go into the launch day of when we could create Horde Ogres. I’d take screenshots of everyone making their newbie Ogre, and ideally, I would try to hold a launch photoshoot event with people from here. It likely wouldn’t be too long, but it would be exciting to finally be able to create our characters.

After that, this megathread would likely become something we casually talk about Ogres in terms of what happens to them in storylines and such in the future. I’d also share some screenshots of the journeys my Ogre character would go on. I imagine a speech post of some kind would also be typed up at some point as well, so there is that. I would also guess at some point, we’d ride off into the sunset as our Horde Ogres, off to find fame, shinies, and lots of baddies ta bash!

I will say that I wouldn’t take any credit if we did get playable Horde Ogres, nor do I really need any recognition. As I’ve said before, I’m not in this for fame. I’d be more interested in reporting all the details about playable Ogres to compile into one place, as well as just being overall excited to have a dream of mine become true.

As I said, this was all just a “for fun” post, but it’s still a dream I hope becomes a reality someday. We’ll see how things go in the future, but if fortune ever smiles upon us someday, I’ll have plans on what to do to celebrate.

Let’s just hope we’re in the timeline where playable Horde Ogres becomes a reality!

As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I recently picked of ESO on sale cause I am not enjoying WoW and was looking for other games to try out. They have races that could be very similar to San’layn (vampire elves), Saurok (lizard people) and Saberon (cat people). I rather enjoy that I can have races in a game that resemble those wanted races. So only thing missing was ogres.

Are there any games that you guys/gals know of that have playable ogres? I’m not talking WC RTS either since I already played that crap out those back in the day, well WC I & WC II I did.


Still hoping we see ogres someday! I’m late to saying it but yeah, just because the race isn’t a preference aesthetically to some players doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be added. If they made no sense in lore or just came out of the blue, sure, but ogres fit very well into WoW and should be added. They appeal to many people. They’ve been lore relevant and are an Azeroth race. All good things going for them.


ESO is the most likely MMORPG currently out that I’d try. To be honest, I’ve not really been into the Elder Scrolls series, but I hear good things about ESO. Plus playable Lizardmen always have my attention. :lizard:

They do have some neat races, although it is a bit too heavy on the human/elf races. Granted, it is based on several games across many years, so I can understand the race selection. It doesn’t really seem like new races are likely however, and I wouldn’t know what to expect if they did add in new races. But hey, they have Lizardmen. Something WoW could really use as a playable race. :meat_on_bone::crocodile:

As I did say before, WoW has a really great opportunity of adding in some races for some really great variety compared to other MMO’s. Even over Everquest 2, which has a pretty decent race selection. It would be great to see several races added to WoW to add in some needed flavor and also attract people who are fans of those types of races. :smiley:

In terms of MMORPG’s, the only ones I can think of off the top of my head:

Everquest 1
Everquest 2
Everquest Online Adventures (Now shut down)

For upcoming MMORPG’s, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has playable Ogres as well, which I’ve covered before. I don’t think there are other MMO’s with playable Ogres, although there is a nagging feeling that I’m forgetting something.

As for regular games, none come to mind, but I’m sure there are some out there with playable Ogres. Total War: Warhammer 3 was recently announced and Ogre Kingdoms have been heavily hinted as being an army there. If I see anything official, I’ll link a trailer here to inspire some WoW Ogre ideas.

And three clans of them are already part of the Horde! They just need an official invite to become full Horde members and a seat on that new Horde council to seal the deal. It feels like Ogres are so close, yet so far away. x- x

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I wonder if Everquest Next was going to have them. I was looking forward to that game till it got shut down. It had promise imo.

Did not know that Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen had them. Definitely going to look into that game now. Thanks. The Skar look more my speed but I do like the ogres so that could be my next game.


Everquest Next would’ve likely had them. Ogres have quite a bit of history in the Everquest series and were a staple in that universe. I imagine the majority of races would’ve made a return in it if it wasn’t cancelled.

As for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, I made a couple posts about them if you’re interested in their Ogres:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: