The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Nice post Bagzak :slight_smile:

voicing my support for Ogres to be added as playable race


Good to see this thread is getting responses! One day soon enough we’ll get those playable Ogres!

Also @Warsnarl; I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on with Allied Races post BfA but what you’ve said does seem about right. Hopefully we’ll see some new addition some time during the expansion.

…and I hope it’s Ogres. Need Ogres.


Welp, the prepatch is going live tomorrow. The downtime is estimated at roughly 8 hours, assuming there is no extended maintenance…or the dreaded extended extended maintenance. A lot of big changes are coming, so hopefully the prepatch launch will go smoothly for everyone.

Something I do need to gradually do is to go through all my posts in the old Ogre megathread and relook at things I’ve discussed before or shared. Looks like I had about 210 posts, so it may take a bit for me to go through all of them.

One thing that I did post awhile ago there was that Ogres did have a Heart of Azeroth animation, which I took using the Glyph of Disguise and an Ogre from WoD. I took several images, which didn’t have the best of lighting sadly, to try and take as many angles as I could.

I’ll go ahead and reshare them here:

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Image 5:

Image 6:

Now, the thing to keep in mind is that Ogres share a skeleton and animations with some moonkin forms, so it’s possible this was a result of that as opposed to Ogres being planned during BfA. Then again, maybe it could be a thing they did in case they did make Ogres playable in the future…wishful thinking, but hey, a Darkspear Troll can dream, can’t he?

Regardless, it’s still a neat thing to see and share, even if it might not mean too much in the end.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


It looks promising to me.


Pantheon rise of the fallen MMO is introducing ogres as playable race.

Just a heads up for those who didn’t hear about it.

The MMO is inspired from Everquest.


Indeed! It seems like they’re more like the Orcs in WoW, only more angrier and warlike from the looks of it, as opposed to being big and dumb like the Ogres in WoW.

The official Pantheon website does have a section for them, along with showing off a female Ogre there as well:

And their class selection, assuming nothing changes when it launches:

Dire Lord

A bit odd to see Ogre Druids there, but as I said, they seem to be much different than what you’d usually see in terms of Ogres in a fantasy setting.

I’ll have to keep an eye out on some Ogre creation videos for the game when it launches. Might give some neat WoW Ogre customization idea inspiration.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I’m not sure if anyone’s seen this card from Hearthstone, but it looks to be a female Ogre.

I suppose it could be a Mok’nathal or a particularly pale Fel Orc or Mag’har, but I thought it was worth posting regardless for those interested.


I found the full artwork on a Heartstone wiki:

It came from here:

Apparently it comes from “Ashes of Outland” card packs, so it is possible it is a female Fel Orc, especially since there are some spikes coming out of the shoulder (which I think is skin and not armor, but hard to tell). It would make some sense why it looks like they’re battling what appears to be a female Tauren in what could be an Outlands area.

Still an awesome find, though. Thank you for sharing!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Female ogres in full plate with a giant sword would be… Intimidating.


Top middle image is the closest I could find for that:

Good ole Everquest 1 classic graphics.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


I think you’re right. To me that definitely looks like the spikes are coming out of the skin now that I’m seeing it closer.


That version…the kultiran male/troll war mother animation rig would work quite well for that look.


I kinda hope they make a new rig and skelly for ogres. Based off, of course, current ogres.


Yeah, but it’d be more likely they’d take something existing and use it if they didn’t put forth the additional effort of customizing it a fair bit, kinda like the Zandalari.
Going the Zandalari route might be the best route as you’d get something a bit different without the massive time sink of having to make something all new.
The existing Ogre animation rig is alright, but I feel a fair bit lacking. I wonder how hard it’d be to update it compared to taking something like the Kultiran rig and making it feel a bit different like with the Zandalari. Probably a lot less time seeing as how the Kultirans were what held the Zandalari release back when they decided to release them together.


My own personal opinion is that the current male Ogre would work great as the playable male Ogre model and also gives Ogres some character with its animations. It has the majority of player animations, can ride mounts, and even its own dance. All it needs is some more animations added to it, the ability to add customization features, and the ability to add armor graphics, and I’d be content with it.

Granted, I’m no programmer, so I don’t know how easy that would be, and WoW’s programming code would likely send me screaming into the hills as I go insane just looking at it. Still, if it is possible, it would save Blizzard some money and resources by working with it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


Moonkin do share this dance. But still, it is iconic to Ogres.


If they don’t give that dance to ogres I’m casting blood fury IRL, that is my favorite dance in game, it looks like they’re seriously jammin’ whenever they dance.



I think the dance originated from Chris Farley in a Chippendale dancer parody on Saturday Night Live (click the image to load the youtube video in a separate page if it isn’t embedded:

I don’t see why they would need to replace it when it’s already in the game. We’d just need a dance for female Ogres.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre:


So going over something I’ve talked about before, I wanted to bring up the Stonemaul banner you have to retrieve for a quest in Dustwallow Marsh:

Edit: I’m not sure why posting images lead to them either being small or big and blurry. Hopefully, it’s something that’ll get fixed in the future. x- x

And the quest involved is this:

I’m not sure if this is a unique banner design or if other Ogre clans use the exact same banner in their places of residence, but it’s interesting for a couple of reasons.

The first is that if the Stonemaul Ogres became recruited as an allied race, then we have a banner design they could implement in the Horde embassy. Blizzard would just need to put it on a post or stand.

The second thing is that it could potentially be used as a tabard design for the Stonemaul Ogres.

In my opinion, it would work fine for either or both. Anything that helps save development time and resources, within reason of course, is very fortuitous. Seems like Ogres have that going for them in general, which helps to offset some potential coding nightmares such as trying to get two heads function on a character model.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :japanese_ogre: