The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

I forgot about the moths. They were a niche for me though and I think I only took them into dungeons on occasions.

The unique abilities were bad enough but when they then went ahead and did that change it just put salt on the wound IMO. Blizz just doesn’t know how to stop touching stuff that ain’t broken. :angry:

I would go for that but when they locked the backpack I wanted behind some extremely long chain I gave up so not even trying for the quiver. If I want one I just use the Legion transmog even though that means I can’t change the look of my bow.

Hope you get the quiver. :crossed_fingers:


The quiver’s just a drop from the raid as far as I know, so it shouldn’t be as frustrating as the backpack to obtain.

Thank you! :hugs:


This was a change I hated as well. Not sure if this happened during Legion or what, but if it did, it’s another reason, on top of a pile of reasons, I didn’t like Legion at all as an expansion and caused me to quit until BfA was announced.

I agree, given that they’re overdue and the Horde Ogre clans have been more or less forgotten. Pretty frustrating in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah, pretty much same here. As I’ve mentioned before, the setting of it being in the afterlife is a huge turnoff for me. Other than unlocking flying and looking for potential Ogre, Saurok, and San’layn related stuff, I’m mostly going to be sitting out the rest of the expansion.

In fact, I’ve been doing older content and having a lot of fun. I’ve even been dabbling a bit in Classic and enjoying my time some there as well. It feels good to be doing stuff in the living world and not some cosmic place or something like the afterlife.

This is of course how I personally feel. I’m sure others are having some fun with Shadowlands, and if so then awesome. I hope you have a lot of fun. But for me, I just can’t get into this expansion. I really hope at the very least, the next expansion’s setting is in a better place.

We’ll see what happens, though. I’ll temper my expectations, but I’ll keep hope of some kind. For Horde Ogres and other races people have wanted to see playable for a long time now.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


No, it was a BfA change. Just one of the many ways in which BfA was mechanically a crappier version of Legion.


I am seriously thinking of taking another long break from WoW, after Shadowlands, if there isn’t even a hint of a possible playable ogre race. I’m talking as in years if not for good.

Right now I will finish out this month my nephews got me involved in and then take a break till something, if anything, peaks my interest. I’ve been messing around on the F2P with one of my toons doing all the quests, grabbing all the transmogs from those quest and getting any items and achievements I’ve never gotten before along the way. No stress just a chill, play when I want to, type deal.

I actually found some fun in doing the different Xpacs/zones because I started looking for the BiS F2P gear, lol, as if there is a thing for a level 20. I already increased my hunters aimed shot damage by almost 200%, his crit by 15% and his armor/damage reduction by 4%- 5% from what his stats were when he first hit level 20.

Weird how I find little things to keep me interested now-a-days when back when the game had fun classes, specs, glyphs, talents, etc. I didn’t need to look for things outside of just playing. I miss the fun WoW.

The current version seems like Blizz is stuck trying to make it more of “everyone should be the same” as in each class/spec should play the same for EVERYONE and they are removing more and more of the ability to make a class unique to each individual player. I hate cookie cutter classes in games. I like trying out weird combos and builds but the current setup doesn’t allow much wiggle room. The funnel is getting smaller and that will ultimately just push me away for good.

:+1: Ogres for next playable Horde race.


Yea the worst part is that we have ogres in abundance in game. Even some playable versions and cosmetic options. Really need them to be a fixture in the horde for once.


Not just abundance of them, but three clans of them within the Horde. One of which has been extremely loyal to them since Warcraft 3.

To me, the worst part is that the Horde Ogres are forgotten. Not utilized for anything, missing a huge war with the Alliance, several loose threads gone unresolved, and so on. The Horde’s priorities are really questionable when instead of rallying allies within their faction, they opt to instead go to an alternate universe to demand to the denizens there that they stop what they’re doing to come back to their world to fight and die for a cause that would have nothing to do with them.

Go figure. :man_shrugging:

Gonna preface this part of the post by saying this is all in my own personal opinion. It’s far from perfect, but it is how I currently feel.

I honestly don’t know what to think for upcoming expansions, other than the next one being a make or break for several people. Seeing Blizzard nonchalantly back out of their more customizations during Shadowlands promise hasn’t really given me a lot of confidence either, and if they ever did that stance with new races, I’d give serious thought to outright quitting.

It’s possible I’ll stay with the game if I at least like the setting of the next expansion, although if somehow they make covenant races playable, I’ll be giving some serious thought to taking a hiatus from the game. We may know better about the direction of the game based on the next expansion, though given the circumstances of how this one is going…it’s hard to imagine currently how it will go.

I do think about the game and whether I would be more likely to stay with it and enjoy it if I had gotten the races I wanted playable in BfA. Honestly, I see myself being a lot more likely to stick with it, and certainly I’d be happier. I’d still detest Shadowlands in general of course, but at least I can do other things to have fun with my characters. Doing a lot of older content and taking screenshots in general has been really enjoyable, for example. I do like the game still, as I wouldn’t be here otherwise, but it’s really just the current expansion that has been a bit of a downer for me.

Although I do love my WoW characters, I do have a tolerance limit for if I enjoy an expansion or not. I quit previously after hating WoD and really not liking Legion, so I’m not really afraid of a sunk cost fallacy. I mean, I quit Everquest 1 with several characters I spent years on and loved fairly quickly. If I stop having fun with something, I’m not afraid to leave it.

Still, getting some more playable races like Ogres, Saurok, San’layn, Kelfin, and seeing other popularly requested races in general becoming playable would at least keep my interest in the game more for the long term. It certainly would get me to feel a lot better in general. New playable races aren’t specifically what I’m banking on to stay with the game, of course, but it is something that would help get me to stay subbed long-term.

However, all I can realistically do at this point is to temper my expectations and see what happens. As I said, I’ll keep going with my Ogre and Saurok support for playable Horde races as I keep playing the game. I’ll of course try to keep an open mind and hopefully, the game will go in a better direction.

But hey, so long as I’m here, I’ll try my best to keep the playable Horde Ogre and Saurok dream alive! :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yea, we don’t see them in Orgrimmar or anywhere at all. They are almost entirely hostile NPCs in random zones. Pretty sad to see. Wc2 the Ogre with Blood Lust was my favorite unit to create. Lots of tears from other players when I had an army of ogres rip them apart.


Only reason I’m going to occasionally check in on WoW is for new playable races and customizations. Both of those things add a little freshness to the game for me. New races more so then customizations.

I just wish they went back to making WoW enjoyable and fun. Sure fun is subjective but they’ve gutted WoW so much that it doesn’t even resemble the game I enjoyed so many years ago. For some reason they feel they need to remove the things that have brought players joy over the years for some untested, or not tested well enough, pieces of crap to replace them.

Make WoW fun and I’ll stick with it but keep going the route they are going and I’ll leave for good and not look back ever again. The current game is not worth another thought in my head IMO. This game could’ve been so fun to play if they didn’t “detect fun” and remove it.

And stop adding zones! I love new zones but the game is becoming the universe . . . ever expanding or is it shrinking (?). The bigger it gets the emptier it feels. Reuse your zones Blizz. Could add high level content to old zones, could add underground areas to each current zone or sky zones or sink zones into the ocean. I hate water boards BTW, lol. Could pull a Cataclysm and reshape zones. The BFA stuff could of just been the old zones with new invasion type things.

Just give me my d@^m ogres already!


TBC Classic launched today, and playing it brought back memories of when I first started WoW with a trial and then buying the game and BC at Walmart when I knew I was going to play it. I also remembered what it was like to have new races with an open starting area.

Open starting areas are something I do miss. Being able to go elsewhere and group up with friends as a new race that came out what very practical. Then Blizzard moved to self contained starting areas with Goblins, Worgen, and Pandaren that while fun the first time, got annoying to zoom through when you made multiple alts of that race. Not to mention that some, like the Worgen starting area, were prone to breaking faster than an elephant attempting to rid a hummingbird.

Of course nowadays, we have the new starting area for brand new players and allied races lack a starting area aside from a small racial hub, which can be a nice touch in general. I’m sure I have speculated what would be the more likely option for playable Ogres before, but I’ll go over them again.

One option is that they start at level 1 and go through the new starting area that was made. Not sure what other choice they would have.

The other option, the more likely of the two, is that they start off in their own racial hub somewhere. There are a couple of options I see.

One would be the Stonemaul Mound, which is the home the Stonemaul fought to get back…at least, I assume they got it back by now. This works if the only playable Ogre faction is the Stonemaul Clan, both MU and AU can be combined here, though I would guess Dunemaul could also start there also with some Dunemaul NPC’s there to assist in the area, under orders from Megs Dreadshredder.

The other option would be at Dire Maul, which could fit if the Stonemaul Clan help the Horde take over it. This would be likely be more fitting if Blizzard went with a multiple clan route in the playable faction. MU Stonemaul, AU Stonemaul, Dunemaul, and possibly Gordunni if they went that route could start there. You’d have a lot of other members of the Horde there with an interest in excavating it. A suggestion someone gave in the previous Ogre megathread was to have warning signs to entrances to the dungeon wings, such as “Ded tings in here!” to give a bit of humor.

Speaking of starting areas, I’d be curious where Horde Ogres would’ve started back in the day. For Vanilla, I assume Dustwallow Marsh would’ve been the starting area for them, and in the style of BC…I don’t know if they would have an open starting zone or if they would’ve reused Dustwallow Marsh. A Cataclysm starting area would likely involve a closed off Dustwallow Marsh, with maybe a bit of a closed off Feralas to cover their storylines.

At the very least, we have options for playable Horde Ogre starting areas. I don’t expect a full blown starting area again, which I can understand since it takes a lot of time and resources to make one. If I were to guess, we might just see them treated like an allied race with a starting racial hub and then port to Orgrimmar to begin your Ogre’s journey. Seems like the simplest thing to implement.

Of course, the important part is that we’d finally have playable Horde Ogres, and being able to make mine finally would be the most exciting part. Although some pre-release events to reintroduce them would also be exciting. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Is TBC free to play like classic as long as you have a sub or do you have to pay for it? I am a bit confused because I sometimes get this upgrade message regarding TBC so not sure WTF that is for.

I started at the end of TBC and really got into WoW during WotLK so I’d probably wait till a WotLK server got released and then bail on the dumpster fire that is the current WoW. But if TBC is free with a sub I’d probably DL it and play for the memories and possibly continue playing if it was more enjoyable then the current version , which is VERY likely.

I remember thinking it was cool that the Goblins got their own starting area but quickly realized how terrible it is when it is away from the normal land masses and no way to skip it or get to Orgrimmar without doing the whole thing. Glad it can be skipped now.

My guess on why they have the universal starting area is so they don’t have to keep making special areas for all new races and it saves money. :frowning: I do see them making a starting hub like Nightborne though since it adds a little flavor to a new race. Would love to see an Ogre specific starting area though.

Well, if it was up to me we would’ve gotten Ogres before BE’s so in TBC or Cata since I could see Goblins coming before them though I prefer to get them after Ogres. So any zone available in either classic or TBC would be my guess.

Since there was an Ogre Island you, or someone else, mentioned before I would like to think it would be there. And since back then they gave BE’s a capital city and new zone I would like to think Ogres would’ve had a capital city there and the entire island as a starting zone.

Plus, I think you mentioned that they were shipwrights so they could sail to Orgrimmar. Could even have a Pandaria type event where the Horde crashes on their island and we help them and then sail back together.

On a separate note, I just realized how un-fun the current WoW is. I ALWAYS play my own way/style because I use to enjoy it but since coming back a couple days ago I noticed that I do not enjoy the classes so much so that I am now using Raidbots to sim classes and change talents/rotations to match. I’ve never used anything but my enjoyment of the individual classes to play. This is a very sad day for me. :frowning:


It’s also independent of a time setting. It can be the lead in to any expansion with how it’s currently set up. I fully expect them to keep squishing when a new expansion comes out.
We roll back to 50, level to 60 in the expansion. Previous expansion goes to chromie time, and the one we’ve been in becomes the new default leveling zone leading to the newest expansion.


reupping my support I would main an ogre


TBC Classic comes with your sub at no extra fee. Not really sure what the upgrade fee you mentioned is, unless it’s to move your Classic characters to TBC Classic. Right now, TBC Classic is in a prepatch phase where you can make a Blood Elf and Draenei character, with Outland set to open currently on June 1st.

I dabble in Classic off and on, granted I wish it had multi mob tapping at least to make things easier on everybody. Silly me made my Horde server Mankrik, which became THE place to be for Horde PvE and recently had a 3,000+ queue. I had chosen it as it was one of the few original servers, didn’t have many queue problems after Classic’s launch, and I didn’t want to risk losing my character names when they made more servers shortly before Classic’s launch. Go figure. At least my Alliance server has been medium population lately.

I’m still slowly leveling in Classic off and on to check out what the Stonemaul were like during then. I assume not a lot has changed for them in TBC Classic, so I wouldn’t think I’d miss out on much. Even then, I can always make a character on Vanilla Classic to see.

It’s a likely reason, and to be honest I don’t really blame them for that. It’s also suppose to be helpful in teaching new players controls and mechanics. I miss starting areas like the Blood Elf and Draenei areas, but at least allied race starting hubs will increase chances of seeing new races in the future, hopefully.

There are two Ogre Islands I can think of off the top of my head.

The first was the rumored Ogre area on Draenor, which I don’t really see since it’s on Draenor and that is far away from the Azeroth Ogre homelands, since I firmly believe the Stonemaul Clans need to be part of the playable Ogre faction.

The second is Ogrezonia, which is where a group of female Ogres are suppose to inhabit. I don’t really see that as a starting area, but moreso a place to visit if at all.

If they came out during BC, they would’ve had a capital city. However, from what I remember, Blizzard noted that Silvermoon and Exodar weren’t really used all that much, so they opted to not make a capital city for each new race. A bit of a shame, as it did add to the world building and would feel great as long as they had everything the other capital cities had, but I at least understand that decision when you take resources used to make just one of them.

At the moment, I see this, granted Shadowlands doesn’t really seen like an expansion for new players to immediately jump into. However, I can see the rumors of another old world revamp come from this, as that would be a lot better for new players to jump into there and get familiar with the world (of Warcraft!) and get attached to it and their characters easier.

I personally don’t see them doing that for every expansion, but it seems like it could happen every few expansions. I see a lot of downsides to perpetually just being L50 and grinding to :60 each time. It also just really diminishes the feel of progression in terms of MMORPG leveling, so doing it often I feel would have a lot of negative effects. Just my personal opinion, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It could be the Phase Stalker mount. Doesn’t that count as a bundle?

I think I remember them stating that part of the reason they didn’t make Gilneas into a capital city was that it’d be so close to Undercity that the two cities would be too easy to organize raids against.


I think it’s only available in a bundle. It’s possible that is it depending on the wording.

Well, given how Undercity in current retail is submerged with rancid ecto cooler, it may not be too big of a factor if they ever decide to do something with Gilneas. Even past-Undercity may not be too much of a factor since city raiding, from what I’ve seen, doesn’t seem to happen nearly as often as it did back in the day.

Although come to think of it, a raid full of Ogres decimating Alliance cities would be pretty fun. Seeing them stomp through Stormwind and destroying everything sounds like a great time to me. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I meant more so for their reasoning in Cata.

It would be great to see it finally updated though. Maybe in 10.0? That would be nice.


If the rumors of an old world revamp become true, we could see Gilneas become something. I don’t know if they would make it a full new capital city or not, but it’s a cool possibility to seem the Worgen finally reclaim Gilneas.

The more I think about it, the more I’ve been warming up to the idea of an old world revamp. It would be great to go back to Azeroth, there are many unresolved storylines and events that could be worked with (like that sword in Silithus), new race opportunities (Ogres, Revantusk Forest Trolls, etc), and other neat possibilities.

However, we don’t know what direction the game will go after Shadowlands, and I’d honestly like to not give my hopes up. Hopefully, the direction will be a better one than the current expansion.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’d think it’s more for story reasons, having them level through the immediately previous expansion before diving into the current one makes sense. Definitely is a lot of previous lore in other expansions but even the previous method of throwing you in at the bottom and skipping all over the place was pretty bad.

An old world revamp and continued revamp would be pretty cool.
I’m all for a massive new continent bigger than all the current ones too. Have us unlock zones over the course of the expansion as more of it is discovered as we go.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they did, but there’s no telling if they would. Really doesn’t affect anything…setting up an easy squish system would make a lot of sense. I could see them doing everything but letting us level another 10 levels instead of squishing back but either way, I wouldn’t care as it’s only a number change and really affects nothing.
Could even just leave us at 60 and find other avenues of “leveling”
Once you’re at top level, it’s not like we really get much of anything new via the levels anyway. I’m more interested in playing through the quests and getting some new gear, but I’m even at a point now where I don’t get anything new, so I move on to an alt. Would have been nice if the Vault had kept giving you a little bump up or at least had a reward worth getting. First time I grabbed the stygia reward, I thought it was anima. Talk about disappointing.

Sounds like something they could have made into a fun feature.
PVP/PVE raids against rival cities…eh, I’m past the whole faction conflict thing now though.

I’d kept hoping part of the reason for destroying them was to rebuild them better than ever. Really should make each capital self sufficient and activate cross-realm zone stuff on them. Might be a few people from each server in the lesser visited ones, but if they’re all in the same “instance” of the city, it’d feel more alive. Be a cool way to do it.


I haven’t heard of this before. Have to say that I would be VERY interested in exploring that if it came to pass. I’ve done most old world zones an estimated 25 - 50 times with some zones like Durotar closer to 100+.

Right now I’m so bored of the current version that when I am not subbed I take a F2P toon through the old world content and grab all the quests so I can get all the transmogs for each armor type. Only have finished it with a plate wearer so far and half way through with Outland.

It is about time.

This is more like it. As much as I like the Zandalari I think the forest trolls should’ve come first. They are my favorite trolls in WoW and I was disappointed they got passed over like the Ogres did in TBC. :frowning: