The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!


Another solution is to just remove the one set of arms. Perhaps they attempt to reverse the transformation and that’s the result.

In short, there are ways that they can become playable. Its just up to Blizzard.


Recently, Wowhead made an article mentioning Earthen as available for testing on the TWW alpha:

Of interest is a screenshot they made of the character creation race selection screen with Earthen on there:

As you can see, there is still room on both columns for new races. I also could imagine there being another column if we ever get to that point. I assume Core and Allied races would be getting their own columns in such an event.

Of course, there is plenty of room on the Horde side of that character creation screen for Ogres! And room in general for races people have been requesting! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


As you may have heard, there are no plans currently for Blizzcon 2024 to happen:

I can see part of the reason being that there wouldn’t be much to announce. TWW is suppose to launch a bit later in the year, so announcing Midnight stuff and opening pre-orders for that might be a bit soon. I assume we’ll learn more about Midnight next year because of that.

It does sound like Blizzard will be attending some events like Gamecom with some announcements. I know that in June, there is suppose to be an Xbox showcase which has PC stuff as well, so we could see something there also. I’ll be keeping an eye out for any events they attend and any news of interest to report back here.

And of course, the 30th anniversary of the Warcraft franchise and the 20th anniversary for WoW specifically is this year, so there could be some fun celebrations. It’s a pretty big milestone, so I’m curious what all will be done to celebrate it.

I know this is really wishful thinking, but seeing playable Horde Ogres announced for WoW’s 20th anniversary event would be pretty epic. I still think Alliance Furbolg would make a great pairing to that, making the combo a bit of a throwback to the RTS Warcraft days as well for Warcraft’s 30th anniversary. Very unlikely we’d see such a thing for an anniversary event, but maybe we could in the future for an expansion or something. I can dream, can’t I? :japanese_ogre: :polar_bear:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You may recall that a long time ago, WoW had a miniatures game. A lot of them came in blind boxes which you’d buy, you’d use a colorful choice of words as you get duplicates instead of the ones you wanted, and then you’d battle them against other people.

While I knew of the game, I never knew there were some Ogre miniatures in it. There are at least two I am aware of while being unsure if there were any others, aside from Rexxar being a figure of course. Both of them aren’t in any Horde related clans, but still something of interest to share!

First is the Boulderfist Warrior:

Second is the Crushridge Ogre:

These seem like one of the very few official WoW Ogre merchandise items, which is rare to begin with unfortunately. They both look like something I’ll have to hunt for and add to my collection someday!

And speaking of official WoW Ogre merchandise, if they ever made any in the future, I feel like my wallet might scream and try to escape faster than when Steam sales happen. Not sure what all I would expect in that regard, an Ogre figure or plushie would be pretty awesome IMO, but I would likely try to snatch them up ASAP. :moneybag:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I’d love to have some of those figurines


I am surprised this topic got thousands of responses while my Amani topic instantly died and got buried down under. I don’t know how to write a text long enough with images to show the people why that race is dope.

As I was looking for information on the miniatures I posted above, I came across a neat website that sells 3d printer model files, with one model being what looks like a WoW Ogre.

:warning: Note that I have not used this website at all, so I have no idea how reputable they are. So if you’re interested in buying anything on there, please research the website before you consider using it.

Link to the Ogre 3d printable model here:

Someone on there even shared the model they painted to look even more like a WoW Ogre, though the eyes look a bit weird:

Makes me wish there was official WoW Ogre merchandise like figures and such to buy, as they could look really cool like the model above. Sadly, aside from those two figurines I linked in my previous post, I am unaware of such WoW Ogre merchandise…

Anyway, it looks like there could be other Ogre 3d printable models on there. I’ll have to look around and see what all of interest there is for a future post. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


In vanilla WoW, Ogres were supposed to be a member of the Horde. Blizzard couldn’t get the physics down so they went with Trolls.

Fast forward many years and the Alliance got the Kul tiran, who’s bodies heavily resemble… drum roll please… the Ogres.

So, Ogres are already in game, but they went to the Alliance.

Another female model for Ogres using the old model :dracthyr_yay_animated:



Ogres are popular and there is already a Forest Troll thread.

To do it effectively where the pictures show up you’ll need TL3, but you are welcome to use the general format for my Furbolg thread as a guide if you’d like when you make AR threads. Its a good guide (though some parts would need to be changed cause different races need different explanations and such) frame.

Without TL3 you can still do it, but people will need to click on links to your posted pictures. I recommend using Imgur to store those pictures and link them from there.

Oh thats cool! I need a 3d printer…

Hey thats not bad at all!


May 2024’s Trading Post rewards have been officially revealed:

And the reward for doing enough tasks is this butterfly wings transmog:

No sign of that new Ogre child battle pet, though I was expecting him during the summer Trading Post months. Obviously, he’ll be top priority for me to get when he becomes available.

Didn’t really see much Ogre-related. Maybe some Ogres could be into gardening or picking flowers. Bit of a fun thing to imagine.

I’ll keep reporting on each month’s Trading Post rewards in case there is something Ogre related! That Ogre child battle pet should be available within the next few months!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Wowhead reported on the unlock requirements for Earthen. Without going into any particular details, the only unlock requirements seem to be completing various questlines in TWW. More info here, though please note this is from the Alpha, so things can always change:

It’s possible that going forward, future Allied Races will just have questlines to unlock them as opposed to rep grinds, which a lot of people complained about. Part of me feels like Blizzard could still use rep grinds, but the chances might be low depending on how they write the storylines involving new Allied Races.

With Ogres, I really see them more as a Core Race than an Allied Race. Mostly because of all the work being done to get them playable, as well as there already being 3 Ogre Clans within the Horde already. Of course, they could still be an Allied Race, getting official full membership like the Alliance did with the Dark Iron Dwarves, but I still feel like they’d be more of a Core Race and released for everyone at a certain point instead.

Regardless, if I ever see any of the Horde Ogre clans get a rep of some sort, this will be me as I make getting them exalted my top priority:

Speaking of Earthen, there is still more things of interest to report on with them. The Allied Race banner placement in both Horde and Alliance embassies are one while seeing what is done with Earthen and even Dracthyr Death Knights when they are available are another. I’ll be sure to report on that when they’re officially available!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Another month and still Ogres aren’t a playable Horde race yet. But it ain’t over until it’s Ogre, so it’s time for another round of in-game new playable race request suggestions!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

If Ridley isn’t too big for playable status in Smash Bros., then Ogres aren’t too big for playable Horde race status in WoW! #NotTooBig! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If we come back in Outland, we could get Broken for the Alliance and Ogres for the Horde. I think it could be a good thing and we finally get some iconic Outland races.


Wanted to make a mention that today, the state I live in (Oklahoma) is having a high risk of severe weather with an expectation of violent, long-tracked tornadoes. The type of high risk severe weather on the map something that is rare and was last issued on May 19th, 2019.

Since it’s all “Day of Lavos” here today, I’m unsure if my area will be affected at all, leading to power loss or worse, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to post for awhile depending on the situation. Don’t worry, my storm shelter and my strong yearning for playable Horde Ogres should help keep me safe!

So to keep my mind off today, I’m just going to post a dancing Ogre:

Still hope to hold an Ogre dance party in Orgrimmar someday if they ever become a playable Horde race!

Anyone in the risk areas of severe storms today in any of the affected states, please be safe and be weather aware!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Hope all remains well.


I have survived yesterday’s storms! I was very lucky with the storm that went over me last night didn’t produce anything other than some loud thunder. Maybe it knew of my Stormbreaker title or something.

Anyway, the new patch is coming to Retail WoW today. Didn’t really see anything Horde Ogre related, but I’ll still keep an eye out just in case.

MoP Remix also comes out in a week, and Wowhead posted some info on in-game reasoning for why we’re there in the first place, other than the rewards of course:

I know I did a post on Or’dac, the MU Stonemaul Clan emissary on Pandaria, but maybe I’ll do another one on him since it has been quite some time. Especially since MoP has been focused on lately and has some importance nowadays. Not that I expect anything new with him, of course.

Hopefully things go smoothly with the maintenance for today, as I’m pretty excited for some of the additions in the patch for today. Also hoping the 5 extra character slots are added today, as more character slots in general are always helpful!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That’s good to hear.

That was very informative.


us waiting for ogres to be playable is like cancer patients waiting for a cure

While doing the Draenei heritage questline, there were some Satyr being lead by a Dreadlord on Bloodmyst Isle, which was pretty interesting to see.

You might recall that Satyr were part of some of Dire Maul’s dungeons, and likely haven’t really been driven out still. Moreso if the Gordunni Clan still owns the whole area. So there is a bit of a Satyr link with Ogres in general.

Now, why is this important to Horde Ogres? Well, in thinking of my Horde Ogre/Alliance Furbolg scenario I’ve been trying to type up, I was thinking of having a Satyr behind the whole thing. Satyr have been responsible for some corruption of the Kalimdor Furbolg tribes and they could easily play into convincing Mok’morokk to take over the Gordunni Clan so the Satyr could take over Dire Maul and then plot some nefarious things from there.

It’s interesting to see how much of a neat link that Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolg would have storyline-wise. I’m hoping to type some stuff up here and in the Furbolg megathread soon to show off what could be done.

The more I think about it, the more I feel Horde Ogres and Alliance Furbolg would make a great combination of playable races! :japanese_ogre: :polar_bear:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: