The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

It’s nearly time, Fenelon. I have nearly completed it. There is but one thing I wish to see if I can figure out… I need someone with TL3 who would be willing to repost my OP in thread right after I post with all the videos and pics visible. I will probably then sequester the OP into a dropdown so people can see I posted, but can easily access the prettier version right below.

I ask if perhaps you will do the job? You’ll just need to be ready to coordinate with me, then copy paste my post in my thread right after I post, and remove the `` from the links.

So the thread is ready? :dracthyr_a1:

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Man I love that idea. Doesn’t even have to be a full expac; I like what they did in DF where the story wasn’t all just in the Dragon Isles (heritage quests and reclaiming Gilneas had nothing to do with DF), it was a good reminder that stuff actually still happens in the world beyond just where the expansion takes place.

I imagine there being some kind of issue to deal with on Outland that involves some territorial conflict between Draenei and Ogres, the outcome of which involves the Alliance getting Broken and the Horde getting Ogres; it’d be a much needed departure from factions getting “pretty” races.


Out of curiosity, has anyone else messed around with WoW Model Viewer / WoW Export? I’ve been looking at a few things in regards to Ogres, and it seems to me like most of the work is already kinda done. They’ve got a pretty full suite of animations and whatever they’re lacking can easily be implemented by copy-pasting Kul Tiran animations. They really don’t have to re-invent the wheel with this. I’d be happy enough to just have them in-game without the double-head thing if that’s the biggest hurdle–they can add it in later once they figure it out if they really want to.

I’d say if there’s anything really holding them up on it, it’d be how to show Ogre females as there’s like…none in-game. Probably from a design stand-point it’s hard for them to agree on how they’d show up; this is one race that really shouldn’t have to bother with making a sexy version of it.


Yea I am just seeing if anyone I can rely on to basically repost my post with the pics and stuff for people who want something prettier. Otherwise it will be very boring to look at… Just a lot of text and some `` links.

If I can’t find someone I will obviously still post. Just really want this to get the best chances it can.

For Najatar! :dragon:

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From what I recall, there are three different Ogre models: Classic Ogres, WoD Ogres, and Exile’s Reach Ogres. Of them, I think the WoD Ogre models are the most “complete” with animations and such.

I’ve this before, but I’ve been curious if they could take the skeleton of the WoD Ogres, finish adding in missing animations, and rig the playable Ogre model to it. I’m sure it is a lot more complicated than it sounds, especially if two-head customization is an option, but I’d be perfectly fine with male Ogres using all those animations. Would make it a bit nostalgic also.

It also makes me wonder if they could take the same skeleton, change some animations, and rig a female Ogre model to it. Assuming that is possible, it might save a lot of work building a female Ogre model from the ground up, though a one and two head model would need to be made still with some animations unique to female Ogres, like their dance for example.

Anyway, regardless of what is done with playable Ogre models, it is still a lot of work, so all I can do is just make some guesses on what could be done. I still think it isn’t impossible at all and hope there aren’t any roadblocks preventing playable Horde Ogres from becoming a reality. Given they were considered to be a playable race a few times, I’d like to think it still is possible nowadays. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So it’s to reply under your post but with the pictures, isn’t it?

Happy Mother’s Day! :woman:

I couldn’t really find any Ogre related pictures that would fit today. So maybe imagine Ogres doing various nice things for their mothers. Like cooking meals, giving presents, and of course hugs!

Whatever plan y’all have for today, please have a fun, happy, and safe holiday! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Playable Ogres good.

No Playable Ogres, bad.

This should not be this difficult.


Correct. I will then most likely put my post inside a drop down for posterity so people know I did most of the work, but people could then see a nicer version of my post fully visible below.

MoP Remix is coming out in a few days and I thought I’d make a new post looking again at the MU Stonemaul Clan mob, the only one in MoP to my knowledge, named Or’Dac:

As mentioned before, he is a MU Stonemaul Clan Ogre that acts as a daily quest jobber for Alliance characters for this daily quest:

Horde can’t really interact with him, so no having any discussions about him or his clan and such over tea and cookies, unfortunately.

Of particular note is his title: “Brackenwall Emissary.” It’s likely that some of the MU Stonemaul Clan is still stationed there to help the Horde protect it, so I can see how Or’Dac is an emissary from there as opposed to the MU Stonemaul Home. They might be in the process of rebuilding it also, which could also explain why some of the MU Stonemaul Clan is still stationed at Brackenwall Village.

Something I don’t think I noted in my previous post on him is his defeated quote: “Avenge me… Dac! <No, you avenge me… Or!>”

What this means is that both heads have a name and are combined. I think this has been done before with other two-headed Ogres, and if playable Horde Ogres got two-head customization, it would allow for some fun RP opportunities with naming their Ogre. Granted, you can’t use anything like the ’ in the name, but I’m sure people could find a way to make it work without it.

Speaking of both heads, apparently on the PTR, it was originally planned to have you loot both heads off him:

“Dac’s tongue still protrudes from his face in a final act of defiance at being defeated.”

“The confusion of defeat is frozen on this disembodied right head of Or.”

Not a whole lot more to say about this mob, really. A shame we don’t really know much about him and we still have yet to see in-game how the MU Stonemaul Clan and their home are doing.

Some people seem to think that because Or’Dac is from Brackenwall Village, that the MU Stonemaul Clan hasn’t gotten their home back yet, but I don’t really see that being the case. I’m sure with Onyxia coming down with a severe case of death (kinda happens to most people when they lose their head) and her minions likely running out of the area, I don’t see why the MU Stonemaul Clan wouldn’t have been able to get their home back. It likely would’ve made it harder for them to assist in Feralas and having an emissary in MoP if they were still fighting to get their home back.

Anyway, that is all I can really think of to talk about this mob. When I play MoP Remix, I’ll be sure to say hi to him and likely salute him also. Maybe we’ll see him as a cameo in the future if the MU Stonemaul Clan ever appear in-game again. Would be a great throwback to see him alive and well while happily serving the Horde still! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


You know I’m rather curious if Blizzard will reveal that Or’Dac survived. After all Gorfax Angerfang was a kill quest target in Cataclysm, only for Blizzard to reveal he was not only still alive but the Chieftain of the Dragonmaw.

Now I don’t think that Blizzard would suddenly make Or’Dac the Stonemaul leader, but he could easily be the emissary for the Stonemaul to the Horde. Perhaps he’s sent to Orgrimmar or he’s met by the Horde when they go to the Stonemaul.


I was thinking about Ogres and was wondering why we haven’t seen an Ogre harbor at some point.

They got to Kalimdor somehow!

They also had Juggernauts in WC2 and an entire empire across the sea in WoD.


It’d make for a great cameo to bring Or’Dac back and even could work for part of a storyline. I originally imagined the MU Stonemaul Clan trying to contact the Crushridge Clan, since they use to be one clan, for something story related with Or’Dac helping to work as an emissary in such a scenario.

So it’s definitely possible to see him again sometime!

I’m assuming most Ogre clans that traveled to Kalimdor didn’t want to set up shop right next to the ocean. Maybe they wanted to find lands where food was plentiful or something. Maybe making a harbor town wasn’t on their agenda for whatever reason. Or maybe they got sick of traveling the ocean and didn’t want to be near it. :person_shrugging:

As for the MU Stonemaul Clan, they might not have been interested in traversing the ocean again anytime soon, and since they didn’t have any allies at the time, maybe they went more inland to better make their home. Then at some point, Theramore became a thing, so having a Horde harbor would’ve likely caused problems. Moreso when the Horde/Alliance went to war a few times since then.

I don’t know if Theramore will ever get rebuilt or if there might be a Horde/Alliance joint harbor in Dustwallow Marsh, but I could see the MU Stonemaul Clan helping to build and maintain it if it ever was a thing. Maybe if we got the Horde Ogre clans back in the spotlight, they could be seen helping out at Horde docks and on ships.

Regardless, should we ever see the Horde Ogre clans again, I hope their skills as shipwrights gets remembered and utilized. I’m sure they would be very helpful, given a lot of Horde ships use Ogre designs! :ship:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I have this dream idea where Orgrimmar is expanded and has a cave hollowed out on the sea side with a little connecting cave into the main city that is turned into the main dock of Orgrimmar. And I want it to be built mostly by the Ogres of the Stonemaul with the Kelfin and Goblins and Orcs helping out but the main designer an Ogre Shipwright.

Also in this I want to see the Ogres design a new Juggernaught for the new age with new tech and have it be something the Alliance has to take note of and get its own people making something to stand on equal footing. Kinda like the two sides made flying machine capital ships.


So it looks like Geya’rah and Gorgonna could have a role in the War Within. Now I cant help but wonder if, at the very least, the AU Stonemaul would feature too. Like I could see Geya’rah declaring that they needed bigger muscle and them getting the field, which could in turn prompt the MU Stonemaul to get in on the action too.


It would be nice to see the AU Stonemaul Clan, seeing as they disappeared into fat air right after the Mag’har Orc unlock scenario. Hopefully Blizzard remembers them…and also the Botani and Saberon that came with us. The latter making for a really great playable race. :tiger:

Definitely a great find, though I’ll temper expectations. I mostly expect the AU Mag’har Orcs to use AU Draenor beasts and such again like in some of the BfA WQ’s, but maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised. And yes, if we do see the AU Stonemaul Clan, I will hope to see the MU Stonemaul Clan with them as well.

Definitely something to keep an eye out for when TWW launches! :smiley:

Also, MoP Remix has launched today, complete with a launch trailer:

Don’t really expect much else new, especially when it comes to the Horde Ogre clans, but I’ll still keep an eye out. In the meantime, I’m off for some adventure! Yarr! :pirate_flag: :parrot:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Something I noticed while pet battling is that Garrlok, the Ogre child Battle Pet, has abilities that do extra damage to enemy dragonkin. Fitting, since at least for me, I’m going to induct him into the MU Stonemaul Clan.

That little guy is going to grow up to be quite the combatant. He’ll be punching evil dragons in the face left and right as he grows up! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Blizzard, Please hire this man!.

Edit: Also frustrating to see Ogres in TWW expansion and still not playable… it’s a kick in the teeth.


I wanted to play as an ogre so badly that today I spent $100 USD on an un-scratched WoW TCG Magic Ogre Idol loot card. I’ve mostly lost hope that ogres will become a real playable race, so I sold my spare bicycle to make money to buy this card. I may not be able to transmog, and it may be the retro ogre model, but using it for the first time was still an absolutely amazing feeling. Seeing my character as an ogre, FINALLY, and moving around casting spells and fighting enemies. Truly a butterflies in the stomach moment. It felt like I got something I was never supposed to have…

… But five minutes later I realized the illusion only lasts for 5 minutes, and it has a 30 minute cooldown… Hugely massively tremendously disappointed. Severely depressing that they have to do this to toys. Not only will they not make ogres a real playable race, but they won’t even let me waste my money for an old loot card toy to play as an out-of-date ogre model. Please just let me be happy and have the main that I want… (T^T)

Is there any way to get my comment noticed, or start any sort of petition or anything to at least get them to consider making the CD and the illusion both 5 minutes? (Bonus if they will allow the illusion while mounted, and to make it persist through death like the new cash shop Murloc illusion toy.)

I have ALWAYS wanted ogres to be a playable race on the horde. As this thread has pointed out thoroughly, they deserve to be, they should’ve been from the start, they’ve been a canon part of the horde since the RTS games. We have numerous newly made up playable races that were invented in the last few RL years, and those got in before ogres… Truly depressing.

(Attempted to include a link to a screenshot I took while using the toy.)