The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

2-headed ogres pls.


Whereā€™s my big bois and girls at!


i know theres a couple wants in this forum but if the older ogre armor sets were given the high res treatment and were available to players which sets do you want and why? i have a feeling iā€™ve got my mind set on what iā€™m after most of it isnā€™t in the game yet or is a color option only available to the other faction


Volunteer Guard Day is coming up on April 28th! And thanks to the Ogre guards in Shattrath, you can run around as an Ogre during the event!..granted, itā€™s the old model, so a lot of animations are missing, but itā€™s still awesome!

You can find more info on the event and how to turn into an Ogre guard here with some screenshots:

Also took several screenshots in this post for anyone interested:

And a few more here:

Fun as it would be to make this a big event, I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be free to be able to organize such a thing, so I canā€™t really promise anything unfortunately. Another issue with it is that enemy mooks would keep spawning, so that kinda makes it harder to organize and do something if we keep getting attacked.

But on the bright side, itā€™s good to have a day to be an Ogre and help protect Horde cities! :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Came across a neat art piece on DeviantArt of an Ogre from, according to the description, something called ā€œWar of Legends.ā€ It was created by the user named Allnamesinuse and was uploaded to the website on Feb. 3rd, 2016.

:warning: The art piece linked below is an Ogre with some blood dripping off of an axe in front of a barely shown corpse on fire with some skulls with hair on spikes behind him. While there can be much worse shown in-game or even in the Diablo series, I figured Iā€™d get a small heads up just in case. So viewer discretion is advised.

ā€œOgre butcherā€ by Allnamesinuse on DeviantArt

Really looks like a WoW Ogre doesnā€™t it? I can even imagine a similar Ogre in battle calling themselves the butcher and just cleaving enemies left and right in battle. Itā€™s a fun sight to think of. :cook:

Iā€™ll continue to keep an eye out for more Ogre related art pieces to share for playable Horde Ogre idea inspiration!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


It really does.

Iā€™m rather glad you found this, its just fantastic.


Iā€™ve wanted the staff off of the Imperator since WoD. Finally got it today in a random achievement run and I have a complete Imperator set for when my playable Ogre Priest is available! I think this set kind of looks like a skin of Choā€™Gal from Heroes of the storm.


They have another Ogre art piece, those it looks more like a Warcraft Orc instead of a Warcraft Ogre. This one was also created by Allnamesinuse on DeviantArt and was uploaded to the website on Feb. 3rd, 2016.

:warning: Image linked below has a couple of heads/skulls on pikes in the background. Just gonna throw another viewer discretion warning again just in case anyone is squeamish of such imagery.

ā€œOgre warriorā€ by Allnamesinuse on DeviantArt

Itā€™s still a neat art piece that could work well as inspiration for playable Horde Ogres.

Is this the staff?

It looks like a really neat staff that is fitting for Ogres, which makes sense given it drops from two different Ogres.

Iā€™d love to see your Imperator set. Especially if we ever get playable Horde Ogres. Iā€™d love to see what everyone comes up with for Ogre transmog ideas. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™ve actually been thinking about this and Iā€™m not sure I want ogres added now. I mean this isnā€™t Cataclysm when Blizzard still had a sense of humor. So we might end up with some bland, boring version that is designed to not be taken as an insult by some over sensitive group and weā€™ve been waiting almost 20 years for this race. Would be a pity.

I doubt blizzard would greatly change the ogres general look and feel.


so long as it represents everything from the start of Warcraft 2 from their very first ingame scene to now iā€™m all for however they make it look so long as its honest to the source material


imagine if you can be an ogre of doom

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Ogre of Doom is what I call my Ogre when he gets particularly angry. :smiley:

The next patchā€™s release date was recently announced to be out on May 7th:

I donā€™t really expect much in the way of Horde Ogres, but Iā€™ll still keep an eye out.

Also MoP Remix was announced to come out on May 16th:

And there have been signs that it may end on August 19th, but that is subject to change since it is still being tested:

Not really much Ogre-related in MoP unfortunately, other than the MU Stonemaul Emisary that is a quest jobber for Alliance, and I donā€™t expect anything new with him. Still, Iā€™ll keep an eye out in case anything new does pop up.

TWW news and datamined stuff is also slowly coming out as well. The only real thing of interest so far is the pre-expansion event, part of which takes place in Dustwallow Swamp. Iā€™ll be sure to check on the MU Stonemaul Clan when it does go live, but I canā€™t help but feel like theyā€™ll still be stuck in Cataclysmā€™s timeline unfortunately. Weā€™ll see if anything of note changes in the area.

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


i imagine my ogre warrior as a naturally curious but oblivious biggun followed by a rag tag harem group thatā€™s honestly more like a collective group of stalkers


We finally have some news on more character slots being added per account, which will be 5 new ones when the next patch hits:

This is pretty exciting news since MoP Remix requires new characters being made and Iā€™m right at the character slot cap. More character slots are always helpful and very appreciated!

I already have a slot dedicated to the one Ogre character I want to make, but I did have a few other character ideas of other races and classes in mind I could use with these new slots. Although keeping some in reserve for future playable races is also a good idea. Iā€™ll have to think on it some. :smiley:

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So in response to talk of playable Nerubians, this tweet was shared.

If this is completely legit and not Blizzard attempting to really make the Nerubian Humanoid becoming playable a real surprise, then it makes me wonder about the head situation with playable Ogres. Granted the head is not a limb, but I can see the same principle being applied and Blizzard just having playable Ogres with one head.


Itā€™s pointless theyā€™re gunna keep giving us races we already have with slight differences and make them soy af

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Gronn or Clefthoof

Seeing the TWW Nerubian models, Iā€™m not really surprised that multiple limbs would be a bit hard to design around in WoWā€™s current engine. Makes me wonder if Naga ever became playable, if female Naga would have just two arms instead of four. Regardless, maybe with models designed for playable purposes, something could be done with multiple limbs.

For Ogres, I realize that two-head customization in WoWā€™s engine could be a bit of a headache. Youā€™d have to program another head with its own customizations and animations, which would hopefully not be as complicated. Youā€™d also have to make sure every helm transmog works properly (in looks and with no extra helm slot of course), though with Blizzard using AI to design armor on models, maybe it could be possible.

Regardless, with there being four Ogre models (male and female with one or two head customizations), it would likely take a lot of resources to design. It isnā€™t impossible I would say, just a lot of work I can only imagine that would go into making this work.

Realistically, I could see Blizzard releasing playable Horde Ogres with just one head at first, promising two-head customizations later on. Likely, this would give them more time to work on two-head customization options while maybe letting us do a quest later on to unlock it and explain how two-head customizations are created.

In a way, I imagine two-head customization being very popular and just about every player having two heads if it was available at the start. So maybe having a team working on it after playable Horde Ogres come out to get it working properly would be the more realistic way I could see it being implemented.

Itā€™s hard for me to see playable Horde Ogres and Blizzard outright refusing to have two-head customizations. It would likely cause a lot of backlash and complaintsā€¦well, more than usual on the forums and such. A promise for it to come out in the future, however, would work better in the long run. Especially if that got worked on by another team that can take their time to try and get it working.

Of course, this all assumes that two-head customization is possible to begin with. I canā€™t really say that and I doubt Blizzard would really comment on that, seeing as Ogres are very much requested as a playable race. I would hope it would be a possibility if playable Horde Ogres were a thing, but itā€™s all up in the air whether it is possible and whether Blizzard would want to put in the resources to make it possible. Two completely separate things.

Still, I think itā€™s important for Ogre fans that want their Ogres to have two-head customization options to give feedback on it. Itā€™s an important topic when it comes to playable Horde Ogres and Iā€™d want people to be able to make the Ogre of their dreams.

So in some ways, I could see playable Horde Ogres having just one head at first. But itā€™s hard for me to imagine playable Horde Ogres never getting two-head customization or that hindering playable Horde Ogre chances. It all really depends on what is possible and whether Blizzard would put in the work and resources to make it possible. All we can really do is hope for the best as we keep up the support for playable Horde Ogres!

-Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Why not just have them wield weapons in a similar way to the Sovani from The Last Remnant?
When Dual Wielding 1 handed weapons, they wield each one with both arms on each side.