The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

That would be cool, especially if the mounted boars are armored. I can just see creatures running from a decked Ogre riding an armored boar.


I assume some tribes on MU Draenor used boars for various tasks, especially since we see some utilizing them in AU Draenor. We donā€™t really see any of the clans on Azeroth with them since the model wasnā€™t created until WoD became a thing, but that can always change.

Itā€™s possible those boars are there because it was considered an updated model and placed on Exileā€™s Reach because of it as opposed to lore reasons. Kinda funny that it opened that line of thinking as a result, but itā€™s still an interesting thought.

Itā€™s a pretty awesome sight. It also makes sense, seeing as some of the Ogres on AU Draenor are riding them as mounts. Add some armor to the mount and toss the AU Stonemaul Clan in with the MU Stonemaul Clan, and it solves a number of questions about playable Ogres. Not all questions of course, but several of them. :boar:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


so you want an ogre


Happy Halloween everyone! :jack_o_lantern:

I wish I was able to do more this year, as Iā€™ve been a bit busy IRL. If youā€™re interested, I did cover the Horde Ogre clans celebrating Hallowā€™s End in a previous post, which you can find here past the grumbling of a book release date being pushed back:

Whatever your plans are for today, I hope everyone has a fun, happy, and safe Halloween!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Happy late Halloween.

Anyways I have to be honest, every time I see a post showing off Ogres in Orgrimmar I just get a bit disappointed that they still are not playable.


So Iā€™ve been leveling some new alts (really happy to have more character slots!) and this time I remembered to take a screenshot of the part where you turn into an Ogre via illusion for a quest. I also used the heirloom mount in it:

There seemed to be different looks to the Ogre Iā€™ve gotten. On my Horde characters, it has always been the one-eyed Ogre look, but Iā€™ve had a couple others on two different Alliance characters.

I donā€™t know if this model uses the Draenor Ogre model or the newer ones used in Exileā€™s Reach. At any rate, if we see playable Horde Ogres become a thing, itā€™s possible they would be treated like allied races as opposed to being able to start in Exileā€™s Reach. Even if they are able to, the part of the questline doesnā€™t really need to change. You can just say itā€™s an illusion of that specific clanā€™s Ogre with regards to looks and such, so it is workable.

Anyway, just a fun screenshot I wanted to share. Always fun to walk around as an Ogre, but I hope to be the real thing someday for one of my characters!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I think theres like four types of ogre you can get there. Iā€™ve only ever had the reddish one with the shoulderpad and that one there.


A new month means a new round of in-game race request suggestions!

At the beginning of each month, I usually send in-game feedback for each of the races I want to see and refer to their megathreads on here for more information. I figure it can only help to gain some interest in our requests of what weā€™d like to see, though no guarantees itā€™ll lead to that ever becoming a reality.

If youā€™re interested in doing something similar for your wanted playable races, I made a guide in the following post that explains how to do it in steps:

Gotta keep up the playable Horde Ogre support! As always, dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So while leveling one of my new alts (did I mention how happy I am to have more character slots?), I came across an interesting part of a quest in Feralas I wanted to go over. It involves a Gordunni Orb.

The quest itself involves you getting an orb from a Gordunni Warlock and starts here:

After you beat up a Gordunni Warlock and get an Orb, youā€™re sent to this Ogre Warlock that is part of the MU Stonemaul Clan:

Interesting note is that this Ogre confirms the MU Stonemaul Clan has warlocks within their ranks, so that should be a class playable Horde Ogres get.

Anyway, upon looking at the corrupted orb that is being supplied to the Gordunni Ogres, he wants you to capture a Gordunni Mage via a change to the orb he made so he can interrogate them:

In the ending of the questline cutscene, he says something of interest:

ā€œSwarā€™jan says: Iā€™ll hold onto this orb forā€¦safe keepingā€

Seems kinda suspicious, doesnā€™t it? Well, we donā€™t know if anything came of this action since this questline occurred during Cataclysm. Thus, I canā€™t say whether this Ogre Warlock has nefarious plans or if there was something else less suspicious, like research of some sort.

Itā€™s something I thought Iā€™d bring up. I donā€™t know what direction this could go, aside from the usual corruption that the Stonemaul Clan seems to keep fighting against. Maybe weā€™ll see what happened if we eventually see the MU Stonemaul Clan again in the future. Itā€™s something for me to put in my ā€œthings to check onā€ folder of my brain if the MU Stonemaul Clan appear again.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


That is interesting. I always figured that playable Stonemaul would get to be warlocks but that was more because of encountering various Ogre warlocks over realizing that they personally had warlocks in the clan.


I think most Ogre clans have Warlocks within their ranks. I suppose it makes sense, given what happened on MU Draenor when the Ogres joined the Horde. Iā€™m guessing several Ogre Warlocks got their power and knowledge from Gulā€™danā€™s influence, which carried over to when Ogres arrived and lived on Azeroth.

Iā€™m assuming itā€™s a situation where the MU Stonemaul Clan is dubious to Warlocks within their ranks, but still tolerated for various reasons. Until the clan gets more fleshed out, itā€™s hard to really guess what their general view on Warlocks are. Still, itā€™s good to see something official to show that they have Warlocks.

Iā€™ll have to look at the various NPCā€™s in the clan to see what all classes are represented in the MU Stonemaul Clan. I suspect itā€™s the usual obvious classes of Warrior, Shaman, Mage, and Warlock, but itā€™d be good to have documented as references. Iā€™ll have to take a look sometime.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


So, Bagzakā€™s iron will has not yet broken.

Grom will be proud !!

Keep fighting !!


Even through the darkest days, this fire burns. Always! :fire:

As I said before, Iā€™m in it for the long haul in supporting playable Ogres and Saurok for the Horde. Theyā€™re a big dream that is worth supporting, even if it can seem like a really uphill battle at times. Or a mountain to tackle. Still, we Ogre fans have been at it for quite awhile, having climbed many a mountain. Says a lot about our passion that many of us keep at it regardless of how tough it can be at times. :muscle:

Granted, I still maintain the stance that anything I do on here may have little to no effect. Still, itā€™s something, and I feel itā€™s important to show support of some kind. You never know what it could lead to. But regardless, seeing Ogres on the Horde side of that character creation dream is a dream worth marching for. Even if it may take years to see.

Iā€™ll keep at it as best as I can. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Both Ogres and Saurok would be great races to play as, though I have to admit that I hope we get Ogres first.


Itā€™s very possible we could get them first. Especially with Dracthyr coming out soon. Itā€™s hard to know what direction the game goes expansion-wise in the future, of course. But anything is possible!

Iā€™m fine with either order myself, as long as we hopefully see them both become playable Horde races someday. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I saw a post the other day that the new Tuskarr model has all the movements the players do. Itā€™d be cool if they were implemented as playable.


There are a lot of rumors of Tuskarr becoming a possible playable race at some point during Dragonflight. Especially since there are a number of features of the Tuskarr in Dragonflight, including animations, their own totem, and so on. I think there were some similarities between that and some other races that became playable, like Vulpera I think.

Iā€™ve seen some support for Tuskarr off and on since I first started playing WoW shortly after BC came out, so it isnā€™t something that would come completely out of nowhere. I assume itā€™s possible that they would become neutral if they did become playable.

Iā€™m for it, myself, and I know itā€™d make some people happy. Assuming they were a neutral race, Iā€™d likely go with a male Survival Hunter Tuskarr on the Horde. When Dragonflight becomes available, their associated rep will likely be my main focus to work on just in case, alongside any new Furbolg reps since one was sorta found, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™ll be available on release or not. At any rate, Iā€™m for playable Tuskarr, but weā€™ll see if they have any interest in the Horde and/or Alliance when we meet with them, I guess. :seal:

Also, speaking of totems, Ogre Shamans would need to have their own totem. I think NPC Ogre Shamans just use a generic totem that isnā€™t specific to them since other NPC races use those totems also, but it is something I need to think about. Unfortunately, Iā€™m not that great with designs, so if anyone more creative has any ideas on Ogre totems, please share!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Iā€™m so excited for their female models itā€™s not even funny.


I do wonder what female ogres would look like. I know back during Cataclysm that was a hurdle from making them playable instead of goblins.



Is what Iā€™m hoping for in a female ogre.

Be so happy with this myself.