The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

My ogre dream classes I want to play:

Mage: I have yet to really go hardcore on a mage class. It would probably be my most likely ogre toon.

Death Knight: All the bulk of tauren death knights but with a humanoid form that might wear plate armor better.

Shaman: An ogre enhancement Shaman looks so badass in my head.

Warrior: Same with shaman, an ogre fury warrior just looks like an absolute juggernaut in my head.

Warlock: I really want to see it. I’m too sentimentally attached to my main warlock to race change but I would not say never, or just make an alt.


My current plan is to make a male Fury Warrior Ogre with one head.

As I mentioned before, that character would be based on an Ogre Berserker character I played and loved in Everquest 1 and 2. It’s one of the big reasons I wanted playable Horde Ogres and have been so vocal about supporting them. Being able to play him in WoW would be a dream come true for me. :smiley:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


The prepatch is being split into two phases.

Phase one is the UI, class, and talent changes, and opens all races to priest, mage, and rouge.

Phase two which starts on November 15 opens up the Dracthyr, the new Uldaman dungeon, and Primal Storms invasions.

Thus if the Stonemaul do feature in the prepatch, it is likely that we will not know until the 15th.

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Dracthyr Evokers will also be available on November 15th:

Aside from where the elemental invasions are occurring, I’m not sure where all to check on the Horde Ogre clans. I’ll likely stop by Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas, and Tanaris, but I suspect they’ll still be stuck in Cataclysm era, so I don’t expect much change. If anyone has any ideas, please share!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We are getting animated shorts for Df that will cover the history of the dragons.

I’m not expecting anything groundbreaking for the Stonemaul but they could get a mention should the black dragonflight be covered.


if orcs mature at 12yrs of age would ogres be the same or is it a bit different?


I don’t know but I guess it depends on if the 12 years mature thing was just an orc or apart of the Breaker line.

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It’s very possible, depending on how Blizzard covers the Black Dragonflight. Though as you mentioned, I really don’t expect much other than a mention of Onyxia sending the MU Stonemaul Clan running and having a lair in Dustwallow Marsh at best, assuming she gets any mention at all. Even then, the current canon is that the Alliance slayed her, so I’d be surprised if the MU Stonemaul Clan get a mention at all.

I’ll keep an eye on the shorts to see if anything of interest is mentioned. As I said, I don’t expect much, but it’s best not to leave any stones unturned when it comes to Horde Ogre research.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


just renamed my mage he is now Zorgog :open_mouth: although idk what it may mean in the ogre tounge


According to the Ogre tablets it means “he who loves magical beer” or “he who loves magical bears.” :slight_smile:


On the subject of bears, I remember Ogre Beastlords in Everquest 1 having a bear pet. It was somewhat fitting to have an Ogre with a big, hulking bear pet following them.

In terms of WoW Ogre Hunter starting pets, I don’t think there are any bears for the most part near the Horde Ogre clans, unless you count Feralas where the MU Stonemaul Clan have a base. I suppose that could work, though I don’t know if it would be more likely to see Ogre Hunter starting pets be from Dustwallow Marsh or not, depending on how they handle the playable Ogre faction or factions.

Also, I recall Dwarf Hunter starting pets being bears, so I don’t know the chances of Ogre Hunter starting pets being bears as well, even with a different fur color. If we stick with Dustwallow Marsh, it seems like crocolisks would be fitting for the MU Stonemaul Clan to utilize at least. If the AU Stonemaul Clan integrates with the MU Stonemaul Clan, then Draenor boars could also work well.

It’s still something to consider, though as I said, a lot depends on how playable Horde Ogres are handled when it comes to faction or factions.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Cmonnnnnnnn blizzzzzzzzz we’ve been begging for this for over a decade.


Halloween is in one week! :jack_o_lantern:

Been trying to find some Halloween related Ogre stuff, which has been few and far between sadly. One video I found involved making Ogre Toes and Witch’s Fingers with a bloody dipping sauce:

I’ll keep an eye out for anything Halloween and Ogre related to share!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Looks like we’re getting 10 more character slots per account in Retail WoW:

I’m pretty excited and very grateful for it, since I’ve been dangerously close to the character cap for awhile. This gives everyone some room for future new playable races and classes also, though I am tempted to make a few new characters from it with existing race/class combos.

I am curious if we could see more new character slots added in the future. As I said before and speaking only for myself, I’d happily pay for more character slots per account. In the meantime, it’s good to see some new slots for those who were full up and wanted to make Dracthyr Evokers or some of the new race/class combos.

I’m currently only planning to make one Ogre character at the moment, with a slot I’ve saved since I first started playing the game, but I’m sure there are those who would happily use some of these new slots to make an army of Ogre characters should they ever become playable. We can only hope!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Its small but its a start!

Hope they expand it considerably more.

Or at least let us buy more slots on top of it!

I wanna have all my toons on the one account!


I honestly wonder if there will be a point in which Blizzard just removes the cap all together.


While it would be nice to have the cap removed entirely, I assume there are various reasons as to why that may not really happen. Technical reasons primarily, whereas gradually adding slots may help alleviate that.

I suppose in a way, there is more marketing potential in gradually adding more character slots. Especially if that ever becomes a paid service. I’d be fine with it if it means getting more slots. But in terms of sudden unlimited power of making as many characters as you want, not quite with the Sith lightning flavoring of course, I honestly don’t see it happening.

But as I said, I’ll take slots gradually being added over no more new slots at all. I’m just happy to have more room for potential characters in the future.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


We are now currently in phase 1 of the Dragonflight prepatch! It is mostly just UI changes, new talents, solo shuffle, and the new race/class combos.

It also appears that the character cap per account is up to 60, though some people have mentioned a possible problem with having 50 on one server and not being able to make more on the same server. A possible problem is that the cap per server wasn’t raised, though hopefully this will be fixed soon if not by now from the maintenance going on.

Phase 2 will begin November 15th, which is when the Elemental invasions occur, the new Uldaman dungeon opens up, and we’ll be able to make our Dracthyr characters! The date seems both close and far away.

While I feel like the old zones will still be time locked to Cataclysm, including the ones the elemental invasions take place in, I’ll be checking on the Horde Ogre clans a few times during the prepatch phases. Mostly it’s going to Dustwallow Marsh and Feralas for the MU Stonemaul Clan and Tanaris for the Dunemaul Clan. The AU Stonemaul Clan sadly are still MIA, so I don’t really know where to check for them.

I’ll also bring one of my Horde Dracthyr characters to the MU Stonemaul Clan areas in case there is some flavor text in reactions. Doubtful anything will happen, but we’ll see. I also can check around Onyxia’s Lair to see if anything has changed, but I’m guessing that it’ll be the same as before. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to suggest things to check!

Dragonflight is still currently set to release November 28th, which I’m excited for. A complete contrast to Shadowlands, where I really was not feeling it and took a few days before I decided to jump into it. Granted, I am tempted to wait a day or so when Dragonflight launches just in case there are some bugs. I’ll likely still be farming for the Son of Galleon mount by then, which I’m getting close to 5,000 attempts…sigh…

And Halloween is fast approaching too! If anyone has any plans, I hope you have a fun, happy, and safe Halloween! :jack_o_lantern:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I was doing Exile’s Reach again with a new alt (so happy to have more character slots!) and I noticed the boars in the area are of the Draenor variety.

I don’t know if they are native to Azeroth or if the Ogre tribe we fight in the new newbie area brought some with them, especially since there are wild boars of this type. Maybe some escaped if the latter happened.

Some of the Draenor boars are tamed ones, which is something we’ve seen of some of the Ogre tribes from Draenor. As such, it makes me feel that Draenor boars as Ogre Hunter starting pets and also as a racial mount would be very fitting for them.

As I mentioned before, if we focused on the MU Stonemaul Clan as the playable Ogre faction, then all that needs to be done is to put the AU Stonemaul Clan in there also to bring Draenor themes and such. It would be a great way to explain where the Draenor boars came from among other things while tying up that loose end of where the AU Stonemaul Clan went to.

Seems like it would work very well and please both people who want the typical dumb Ogre and those who want the more savage type. Best of both worlds (of Warcraft!) in my opinion!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:



I never noticed this! I love this.

I also like to think that the worgs in Duskwood are actually wild versions of the Garm wolves from Draenor that were lost to the wild after or during the first war.

Entirely head canon of course but I love that thought.

Those boars though, that would be an interesting bit of lore if they were taken from Draenor and kept by the ogres. Might be one of the only bits of land with a stable population on Azeroth…

I agree. I think they’d make very good choices in both cases.