The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Well as it turns out, Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor’s release date has been pushed back a second time, with the new date now allegedly being December 7th. Kinda wish I knew this before I posted in a bunch of megathreads about it. The date didn’t change until the day it was suppose to release. Go figure. -o -

We’ll see if it actually releases then, but at this point, I may consider getting this as a potential birthday present in March…assuming it releases then. I’ll give it some thought.

In the meantime, how about something more positive? Hallow’s End has arrived in Retail and in Classic, so I figured I would check on our Horde Ogre pals and see what they have set up.

First, checking Dustwallow Marsh on Retail:

This seems to be the only Hallows End decoration in Brackenwall Village, as I went around the area and didn’t see much of anything else, unless I missed something.

Normally, there is a candy bucket and a bin of apples in water at every inn, so I figured it was just that being put there since it was an inn and that would be that. However, checking on the Stonemaul Mound in Feralas, I found a few decorations in the area:

This is the inn there.

A pumpkin set up on top of a cage.

And several pumpkins around a cauldron of some sort. Seems like the MU Stonemaul Clan likes the cyclops pumpkins.

Those were all the decorations I could find with the MU Stonemaul Clan. I assume they do like it, but in Brackenwall Village, they’re stuck in the part of the timeline where they haven’t gotten their home back where at the Stonemaul Mound, maybe it’s the part of the timeline where they got their home back and can be happy and enjoy holidays. Maybe if we see them get their home finally, they’ll decorate it with all sorts of Hallows End decorations and have all kinds of Ogre treats!

As for the Dunemaul Clan, I went by there, and unfortunately didn’t see any decorations around. Likely, this is because there isn’t an inn there, and Megs Dreadshredder is a bit busy to put something up where she stands.

And since the AU Stonemaul Clan have disappeared into fat air, I can’t see if they have a form of Hallows End from AU Draenor. Maybe in the future, we’ll be able to introduce the Dunemaul and AU Stonemaul Clan to Hallows End and let them in on the festivities!

I should check on the MU Stonemaul Clan in Classic, but I suspect it’ll just be similar to the first screenshot above. If I notice anything different, I’ll be sure to report here. In the meantime, have fun with Hallows End!

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: