The Unofficial Stonemaul Ogre Playable Race Discussion Megathread!

Amazing art work!


As a lesbian I would swoon so hard.


That would be rather cool.

Blizzard take note of this.


I donā€™t recall if there were any specific reasons given why they changed their minds on Ogres; just that they got to the point of considering what female Ogres looked like, although it didnā€™t sound like it was a reason they changed their mind.

The only official comment Iā€™ve seen on Ogre females being an ā€œissueā€ was vanilla, with the comment of them not knowing how to let female players play the character they wanted to playā€¦which has been a mind boggling comment Iā€™ve gone over multiple times. If you want to know more, this post goes over it in more detail:

Other than that, I donā€™t know of any official reasons given why Ogres ended up not becoming playable in Cataclysm specifically. Not that Iā€™m sour of course, as Goblins are a fantastic playable race, but more frustrated that Ogres were considered becoming a playable race multiple times and then promptly forgotten.

In terms of how female Ogres should look, my own opinion is that they should look savage and brutish, similar to that image linked a few posts above, and not made to be a pretty waifu race. Itā€™d be something more unique to the game, an option that opens up for those who want to play that type of character, and also opens the opportunity to add in some pretty awesome and memorable NPCā€™s for quest givers and storylines.

The closest to anything we have seeing female Ogres in-game is that Hallowā€™s End mask Iā€™ve linked before:

And of course there is the female Ogre artwork from the Traveler book series:

And also the Ogre girl artwork, that looks like a female Orc:

I really donā€™t see female Ogres as a hurdle. Sure, not a lot of people would play them, but I think it does more good to the game to have them as savage brutes like the male counterparts as opposed to making them beautiful like other female races.

I could go on, but itā€™s something Iā€™ve talked about to the point Iā€™m sure I could make a thesis paper on it.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


I agree with you on that and in regards to playable Ogre themselves, wowpedia has the below sourced quotes.

  • Ogres were not planned to be a playable race in classic World of Warcraft because the developers couldnā€™t figure out how to make female ogres an attractive option for players. Johnathan Staats has stated ā€œWe [ā€¦] wanted our female players to play, like, the character that they wanted to play, and we just didnā€™t know howā€ and has mentioned that ā€œweird thingsā€ arise when trying to make male and female options for every race, citing the example of female tauren not having udders.[101]
    • Chris Metzen has stated in an interview that he would like ogres to be playable one day along with naga and goblins (the latter of which became a playable race in Cataclysm).[102] During an interview in 2012 the developers stated that ā€œWe considered them for Cataclysm instead of goblins. Figuring out the females and the two-headed mages would be (fun!) challenges. Maybe someday.ā€ [103]

The comments regarding playable Ogres in Cataclysm doesnā€™t sound like it ruled them out completely because of female Ogres and two head customization options. As I said, I donā€™t know if there was any official reason given why the change was made for Goblins instead.

And as for that comment for playable Ogres in Vanilla, itā€™s something Iā€™ve commented on several times before. Even in the context of Vanillaā€™s initial release date, it doesnā€™t make a lot of sense to me how it was gauged what female players wanted. Not to mention how players of any gender can have a diverse interest in the type of characters they want to play as in a MMO. It certainly didnā€™t stop female Orcs and Trolls for being what they were in Vanilla. As I said, Iā€™ve gone over it that statement in more detail in other posts, so I donā€™t have too much more to comment on it at this time.

On a brighter note, the idea that Ogres have been considered multiple times, both officially and rumored, makes me think there is some interest in them still. Theyā€™re one of the few iconic Warcraft races on the Horde not playable, especially since the MU Stonemaul Clan were one of the founding members of Thrallā€™s Horde. I want to hope that the interest is still there for the future, though given how forgotten the Horde Ogre clans, it can be hard to keep that hope.

But ultimately, I donā€™t see female Ogres being a hurdle at all. I just hope theyā€™ll be treated and designed well should they ever make an appearance in-game.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Very true, I just figured it would neat to share the comments.

Now that I think about it, I wonder if playable Ogres would have replaced a playable Horde race from vanilla or if vanilla was originally going to have 5 playable races for each side. I can just picture the list back then as:
Horde: Orc, Troll, Tauren, Forsaken, Ogre
Alliance: Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf, ???

Building on that, I think part of why we havenā€™t gotten Ogres yet is because its an obvious Horde choice and there is no obvious Alliance equivalent. And by the time Blizzard thinks of an Alliance race to go with it, theyā€™ve gotten pumped up about adding a different race to the Horde. For example Vulpera had many signs of becoming an allied race before they were made so in 8.3.


I seem to recall rumors that Tauren might have been left out because Blizzard allegedly didnā€™t want more than one big race at the beginning. Iā€™ve also heard rumors that Darkspear Trolls couldā€™ve been left out in Vanilla as well, though I havenā€™t heard of any specific reasoning as to why. I assume both of those wouldā€™ve become playable in an expansion at some point if they missed Vanilla, since theyā€™re both kinda important to Thrallā€™s Horde forming in Warcraft 3.

As for an Alliance equivalent, there are a few glaring omissions. Nowadays, Iā€™d consider Furbolg to be a good counterpart, given theyā€™ve been long standing allies to the Night Elves, been in Warcraft 3, and would add in some much needed variety to the faction. Not quite as elaborate was what playable Ogres would be, but then again, Worgen were kinda elaborate when they became playable. Goblins worked fine as the Horde counterpart, even if they didnā€™t have some transformation feature like the Worgen did.

Iā€™m sure someone could make arguments for other races the Alliance could get alongside the Horde getting Ogres. Itā€™s just my own personal opinion, of course.

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


If Tuskarr became playable before Ogres it would be Pandas all over again for me. Such a slap in the face to give us ā€œotherā€ races before Ogres. If you want to get me salty just mention Ogres to me especially that we still do not have a playable version.

One way we could get playable Ogres, though I can tell most would be against it, would be to give us a male only Ogre race. Age of Wushu had a class that was only males, Shaolin Monks I believe, and a female only class, the Emei if Iā€™m not mistaken. I canā€™t remember ever hearing a complaint about them but it wasnā€™t as fantasy as WoW.

If they did go that route than I could see the Harpy being the female only race though not sure if they would fit with Alliance or if players would complain that there is no male to play. Those are the only two races off the top of my head I can remember not seeing the opposite gender for.

On a side note, WotLK classic is NOT as good as I remember it. So many QoL changes not in that version. It was terrible trying to unlock the dragon mount. My rose-tinted glasses are off for good thanks to that. I did like the skill tree and the glyphs though. Man I miss those. :frowning:

+Infinity for playable Ogres for the Horde . . ā€¦ before WoW shuts down or I die.


you made 10 pandas and you knowyou want a tuskar rogue


Lol, thatā€™s a huge no. I actually quit WoW before Pandaā€™s launched I was so salty and didnā€™t return till 2017 so something like 6 years gone due to that. I wouldnā€™t quit WoW because of a race now, maybe, but thatā€™s because I hate the current skill/ability trees. I quit now because the classes are boring and not fun for me.

DF trees seem to finally have turned things around, but they are not even close to being where I find a class fun enough to stay subbed for months or years. The things Iā€™ve found fun/enjoyable in classes are not in the current trees. Those would be things from the Legion weapons, the BFA AZ traits and the Torghast tower spells. All they did was add in the terrible SL spells to some. Not good enough for me personally. They all still feel bland and boring.

To each their own.

+1 Playable Horde Ogres


I honestly donā€™t see that happening, and if it did, I imagine there would be a lot of criticism over it.

Were it to have happened at the gameā€™s launch, it could be used as world-building of some sort and maybe weā€™d see female Ogres eventually get added at some point. It could be a bit more acceptable then.

However, since female Ogres do exist in the world (of Warcraft!), I imagine that people would be quick to say that itā€™d be Blizzard cutting corners. Granted, playable Ogres with two head customization would be a lot of work for male and female models, but itā€™d still be highly disappointing to those wanting to play as a female Ogre.

Itā€™d also set a bad precedent for potentially applying that to other future playable races that would make sense to have a male and female option. Itā€™d feel less like world building and more like lazy cost-cutting decisions. Not to mention the likely disappointment of players whoā€™d want to play a male or female of a certain race that would have both options.

All in my own personal opinion, of course. I know there are some whoā€™d like to play as a female Ogre, whether itā€™s a character concept they created or maybe recreating their Ogre character from something like Everquest. I really would hope that playable Ogres would get the time and care needed to design them to be an awesome race for both male and female Ogres.

14 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Do we have any ā€œvisibleā€ in the game? How about in other Warcraft novels besides that one book that shows like a sketch without any color like it is just a rough draft version? If Ogres becoming playable relies upon having a female version than it will most likely never happen.

You and others can hold out hope, but Iā€™ve given up on playable Ogres. Blizz has squashed this dream for me permanently. Drac come out of nowhere while my Ogres are left drowning in my hopes and dreams for the old Horde that isnā€™t around anymore. :frowning: Too little too late for me.

They were passed over many times before and still are passed over. There is no female Ogres in game after all these years and I canā€™t remember female Ogres mentioned in any of the dozen or so Warcraft novels Iā€™ve read. Itā€™s a sinking ship that never left the harbor.

Werenā€™t Dracthyr originally a neutral or unaligned gender race when they were first shown? It didnā€™t go over well if I remember correctly and that is why they changed them for which I am glad. Iā€™m guessing they were going kind of lizard neutral or something like that, but it wasnā€™t accepted as that.

It just proves what you and I said. You said Ogres without females would meet with criticism and I said most would be against just males. Playable Ogres entirely hinges on playable female Ogres. But if Blizz still doesnā€™t have a female I do not see them popping out of thin air and giving us a race that shouldā€™ve been before or right after Goblins and most definitely before BEā€™s.

Unfortunately, I think this will be my last post in the Ogre thread. I am just bringing a crap ton of negativity built up since TBC here and it just builds up every time a new expansion or new race is added in which it does not include Ogres.

I know the dream will continue with you Bagzak and that at least means something. :slight_smile: Take care and the same to everyone that visits this thread on a regular basis. Take care all.

To each their own.

My WoW life for playable Horde Ogres.

We havent seen anything but they have been mentioned. For example Ogrezonia is mentioned as an Island with giant female ogres.


what about winged ogres

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Aside from the Hallowā€™s End mask, we havenā€™t actually seen one in-game.

Not that I am aware of. However, if female Ogres didnā€™t exist, then I wouldnā€™t see why that female Ogre character in the Traveler book series wouldā€™ve been greenlit. I donā€™t know what role they play in the book or if they mention anything about other female Ogres, however.

Not to mention that Ogrezonia is a thing and is mentioned in-game as a place where some female Ogres reside. So female Ogres do exist and it would be silly to not have them available should we get playable Horde Ogres someday.

I donā€™t really see female Ogres being a roadblock to playable Horde Ogres. If anything, maybe the two head customization might be something complicated with the game engine and is something Blizzard wants to see if it can be worked out and if so, how to implement it. I know a lot of people want two head customization options, so the lack of it could be disappointing to many. I see that giving more trouble design-wise than female Ogres.

The dragon form is suppose to be gender neutral, but the visage forms for male and female Dracthyr were shown off right at the beginning of their reveal.

I can understand the frustration. Believe me, Iā€™ve grumbled about the treatment of the Horde Ogres and how theyā€™ve been forgotten many a time. With years that go by and not even a word on the Horde Ogre clans, itā€™s understandable how the frustration can build up.

Still, weā€™ll likely still be here if you ever change your mind. The door is always open! You can also check in on us every now and then to see if any Ogre news has popped up.

Iā€™m not sure entirely what it means exactly, but Iā€™m still planning to keep at it. At least while I continue to play WoW, where I donā€™t have any plans to quit any time soon. Someone has to give the Horde Ogre clans some love and make sure they arenā€™t forgotten. Canā€™t guarantee weā€™ll see them playable on the Horde side someday, but itā€™s still a dream worth marching for!

13 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


During the prepatch intro quest chain, when we meet Cindrethresh she mentions that sheā€™s learning about the world and guesses as to our race. I donā€™t know if itā€™s the standard response as Iā€™ve only the quests on my orc shaman hereā€¦ but she calls us an Ogre by mistake.

Iā€™m not sure if Blizzard was trying to be funny or hint at something, but I definitely felt teased.


I talked to her on a Pandaren character and was still called an Ogre. Iā€™m guessing she calls everyone an Ogre, regardless of race. Amusing, though it is quite the tease. Guessing if Ogres ever become playable, sheā€™ll actually be correct.

Also, I posted this in my Saurok megathread, but I took a screenshot of the new character creation screen with Dracthyr on it. Youā€™ll likely notice the Horde race mugshots are facing the wrong way, and Iā€™m guessing that is a bug thatā€™ll get fixed in the near future.

Also took this screenshot on a laptop with a roughly 17" screen, so things could be more condensed compared to other monitors and resolutions. Screenshot is here:

Interesting to note is that Dracthyr have been added to the column of core races. Itā€™s possible Blizzard is wanting to keep core and allied races in separate columns currently, which makes me wonder if theyā€™ll either combine them or keep multiple columns as we get new playable races in the future depending on if theyā€™re core or allied races.

Speaking of, there is plenty of room on that character creation screen for more new races. Especially ones that would make a lot of people excited and happy. Still hoping to see Ogres on the Horde side, but at least there is still room for other new races. :smiley:

12 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Yep, that is a tease. Though I canā€™t help but wonder if Blizzard will be cheeky and change her to saying some other race over ogre to playable Ogres.


So the NPC in question that calls everyone an Ogre, regardless of race from my understanding, has the conversations on their Wowpedia page when you talk to them:

Dragon Isles intro, Orgrimmar

"For the last timeā€¦ yes, the wings are real.

Oh, wait. Youā€™re one of the Hordeā€™s champions, are you not? Iā€™m still learning of its members. You areā€¦ donā€™t tell meā€¦ an ogre, right?

Well, ogre, I am Cindrethresh, commander of the Dark Talons. Ebyssian guided us to Orgrimmar to speak to your leaders.

My people are the dracthyr, elite soldiers trained to fight for dragonkind. We hail from a distant shore, and your world is very different from the one we knew.

But you seem like a powerful ogre. If you fight well, perhaps Iā€™Il take a liking to you. And maybe even your Horde."

Dranoshā€™ar Blockade, Durotar

"Ah, ogre. I remember you.

This is my trusted comrade, Emberthal. She too is a scalecommander. Well, she was. Her weyrn did not survive.

We dracthyr were recently awakened from a long confinement, and we remember only broken fragments of our past. But Emberthal says that the bronze Aspect, Nozdormu, peered through time to show her a vision of what happened to us.

Iā€¦ can hardly believe what she saw. "

I know this was done to be silly, so I wouldnā€™t read too much into whether playable Ogres are viewed as a joke or not. I donā€™t see it affecting their chances at all, though the frustrations of not seeing the Horde Ogre clans present with the Horde and helping out at the very least continues to persist sadly.

Still quite the tease, of course. Weā€™ll just keep at it with the playable Horde Ogre support. :smiley:

Maybe sheā€™ll call them Gnomes to be extra silly and extra nonsensical. :stuck_out_tongue:

11 days until Dragonflight releases! :dragon:

Dream big, Ogre fans! :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre: