Please provide evidence.
mostly sylvanas loyalist, and many of them happens to be forsakens or belfs.
we know who they are. all those who supported sylvanas as well.
just doing a quick research:
I believe the attack on teldrassil is a direct respones to the goings on in stormhiem. I think sylvannas kept her cool because there was a bigger and more [Immediate problem (legion), but never forgot ! Once the legion was put down it was time to deal with the alliance and put them in their place. After this betrayal , I would have burned down more than Teldrassil. I want to see the little lion kneel before sylvannas!!!
It was the complete destruction of a city, but the NEs have many other cities and there’s still 9999 NEs in Darkshore in 8.1.
Since every Horde player seems to be jumping ship at this point, I'll just post my thoughts here about the events of the burning of Teldrassil and why I still support Sylvanas. First of all, Saurfang should be hanged for treason at the earliest opportunity. He chose to let one of the enemy's most powerful generals and one of its most symbolically important figures walk, defying a direct order from his Warchief. He did this for his own sense of "honor." Saurfang is quite simply not fit to lead.…
She knows that war is suffering, and thus, the most moral thing to do would be to end it as quickly as possible, as efficiently as possible to reduce that suffering, by whatever means. She thought burning down Teldrassil would accomplish that goal, but the war hungry alliance wouldn't allow it to end there -- they had to attack Lordaeron, and continue this war. If Anduin truly wanted peace, why not surrender to the Banshee Queen? Fact: he doesn't.
I’m sick of it myself. I was over joyed about the burning of Teldrassil because I felt like Horde and Alliance would never worked together again.
But nope. Horde and Alliance are working together again, the faction war narrative is going to be hijacked by old god nonsense…AGAIN, and it seems like Blizz is going to use another warchief as an scapegoat for the Horde.
You all know the theory. There was an old god nibbling at teldrassil’s roots. Thats why sylvanas burnt it.
So you guys do know that the devs are going to come out after this ends up being the real reason Windrunner burnt a race out of their home and say “Hah, bet you guys feel stupid now, huh? She DID have a good reason to commit genocide,” right?
I personally might commit ritual seppuku. But I can smell it coming, and I will weep when it comes.
Sylvanas' Original Plan in the War of Thorns: Step 1 - Fight through Ashenvale and Darkshore, eliminating any Alliance strongholds along the way. Step 2 - Kill Malfurion and possibly Tyrande to demoralize the other Night Elves. Step 3 - Use the demoralization of the Night Elves to make conquering Darnassus easier and not require its complete destruction. Step 4 - Prevent the Alliance from transporting Azerite from Kalimdor to Stormwind by holding Darnassus hostage and avoiding unnecessary casual…
i am sure that doing a more exhaustive research i would find more.
Not talking about GD mongoloids. people here, in the story forums.
maybe you didn’t seen them or your simply ignore them.
i don’t forget, and most likely, those who don’t feel sympathy towards the forsakens must feel the same.
i understand, they try to support their team.
They were happy by destroying teldrassil and genociding a playable race? fair enough, is a game.
but that doesn’t mean that we are supposed to feel sorry when blizzard ruins sylvanas and their culture.