The forsaken lost more than the night elves in BfA

Pretty much the title. The Night Elves just lost Teldrassil. The Forsaken lost undercity, and Sylvanas. Sylvanas was the center of the Forsaken civilization, and a pseudo religious icon for them as well. That would be equivalent to the writers going “Tyrande and Elune were deranged maniacs this whole time, 25 man raid group, sick em!”

For all their extreme loss, I feel like the Forsaken players have also complained less about it than the night elf players do.


Sylvanas is not a raid boss… yet

they do, just in other ways. there’s also the amount of them who enjoy indulging in the edgy stuff, like cheering on teldrassil.


well, the narrative did put effort in portray lordaeron as more as a minor setback in their terms rather than a big loss delivered by the other side. because that is probably what it was, lordaeron can be eventually be cleansed and their civllians will be able to come back, that isn’t a benefit that the nelfs civilians have because they are pretty much dead.


Blight is like radiation, it doesnt go away for centuries.

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have you heard the name of a city called gilneas? yeah is probably cleansed already. and it was full of blight 6 in-universe years ago.


Funny…why haven’t the Gilneans gone home yet then?


that is the correct question to blizzard, the war is over, gib gilneas.


According to the quests in Hillsbrad foothills, blight poisons a land for centuries. Id imagine that is the reason why.


According to before the storm, gilneas was full of forsaken refuges, wasn’t that supposed to be deadly for them?.


gets out popcorn Oh dis gon be gud.


Gilneas is weird, because it’s both blighted and cured, Alliance-controlled yet full of Forsaken refugees, the point of the Arathi warfront yet a ruin.

I don’t think Blizzard knows what to do with it, and the obvious “let’s give it back to the Gilneans” doesn’t seem to be an option they want to consider. Though to be fair, anything that doesn’t immediately concern the ongoing/future expansions is something they don’t seem to like to consider, or they’re willing to willy-nilly retcon it back and forth as convenient for the “story they want to tell”.


I always assumed it was because they didn’t want to have the Horde and Alliance have a capital so close to each other and/or put possibly max level Alliance right in the middle of a lowbie Horde questing area on pvp servers. Not that either of these are a concern anymore.

I’m pretty sure, at this point, they just don’t want to (or can’t) put the resources into making it a functional city or they know Belf and Draenei players will lose their minds if they fix up Gilneas before they figure out how to make the Exodar and Silvermoon real cities.


because blizzard is lazy, and dont want to do anything with it. resettling gilneas is just a matter of having the gilneans go in and fix up some crumbling buildings

but blizzard doesnt want to tell that story yet.


I feel like Nelf fand are just very vocal on what they want. Plus, they’re elves.

Forsaken fans in comparison are fewer. They won the Warfronts armor design though. Their mail, cloth, and leather gladiator armor design are all amazing. Except plate. Their gladiator plate set is really ugly.


That was specifically the strain used at Southshore, which was a much more potent, experimental strain.

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I have raised some serious hell.

I am not okay with them asspulling Sylvanas to be the root of all evil all along, and invalidating literally any grievance they could’ve held with the Alliance by making her objectively Hitler.

I am not okay with them wheeling Calia Menethil onto the stage, dressing her up, as if to say "Hey guys, I’m undead too! I can fix all of your problems! Let me just shed my deep history with the Alliance, the enemy that wants to tear us a new one, and assume leadership."

I am not okay with them basically breaking the Forsaken storyline over their knee ruthlessly for the sake of making a villain.

I am not okay with them pulling Lilian Voss out of nowhere, saying ‘my services were ~conscripted~,’ sticking her in the gap where an uprooted Sylvanas once was, and say; “Oh yeah! She was Forsaken all along!”. She is not Forsaken, in the political sense. She is Undead, who went her own way to fulfill her own agenda.

I am not okay with them creating a character like Zelling, just to kill him for the sake of ~shock value~. Ditto with Lordaeron.

BFA was hot garbage for the Forsaken storyline (among many others) and the fact that we’re still trapped in this god forsaken expansion without it being retconned is actual hell that makes it difficult for me to enjoy the game.

I’ve tried everything. I’ve tried my soapbox here, I’ve tried to contact the writers on twitter, I’ve sent emails. I have made 0 progress and the fact that we’re just trudging on is just infuriating to me like you wouldn’t believe.


You rite.

I think the plate set still looks good, minus the elite helmet. If you take the normal helmet without the blade crest on it, I think it highly fashionable.


absolutely crazy post, wow.

The forsaken have lost undercity and neither Sylvanas nor Nathanos are dead.

Night Elves have lost:

  • 3 of their zones
  • their capital
  • almost their entire civilization
  • their future
  • their pride with not only them looking like a joke, but also their leaders
  • their last chances of any justice for the war of the thorns
  • Delaryn and Sira as they are now horde characters

It’s not even comparable lol, only if one ignores all of the above, just like you did.


As Hordies I think we’re just used to taking it on the chin at this point. Why complain about:

  • 3 zones
  • our capital
  • Almost our entire civilization
  • our future
  • our pride and faith in our leaders
  • our hopes over avoiding the villain bat ever again
  • Voss and Calia being forced on us

… When you know the rest of the Horde have had it just as bad, if not worse, since Cataclysm. I mean it’s twice now the Alliance has marched on the gates of Org and infiltrated the city. It’s three times we’ve lost our Warchief to idiotic storylines. Right now, the only original racial leader the Horde has left is Thrall, and he doesn’t even want to lead!

Sure it’s salt in the wound, but some of these wounds are old enough now that they’ve entirely lost feeling and turned a delightful shade of puce.


Blizzard wants Worgen fans to play Humans instead, that’s pretty much the entire message of their heritage quest.

Haven’t touched this character in months now, and I’m sure the writers would smile ear to ear if they gave a :poop: about reading these forums and saw me post that.