The old god in the tree

You all know the theory. There was an old god nibbling at teldrassil’s roots. Thats why sylvanas burnt it.

So you guys do know that the devs are going to come out after this ends up being the real reason Windrunner burnt a race out of their home and say “Hah, bet you guys feel stupid now, huh? She DID have a good reason to commit genocide,” right?

I personally might commit ritual seppuku. But I can smell it coming, and I will weep when it comes.


Teldrassil was made by Old God worshiper Staghelm FOR the Old Gods. Supposedly it was cleansed by dragons freaked out by it’s corruption, but better safe than sorry.


We literally have in-her-head point-of-view storytelling of the exact moment when she made the decision to burn the tree. There’s no room for retcon here.

And I really don’t see how people can continue to look at this expansion, which has been nothing more than a months-long assassination of her character, and think “wow, Blizzard sure likes her and wants to see her redeemed!”


exactly. part of the reason i’m like 99% sure this is gonna be the excuse they give.

I know. But they’re on the record as saying that she’s not mustache twirling, and she’s not garrosh. They seem to think what she did, she did for a reason. And they know where they’re going with the story.

I’m not defending it. I think its moronic. I just think it’s gonna happen.


Even that wouldn’t justify what she did. Not to mention her initial plan was a simple occupation, how does that play into the theory?


Blizzard retcons things all the time. It’s a simple thing for them to say “yeah, but you only had access to her surface thoughts. Those weren’t her truest of true intentions.”

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Simple for them to say I guess but nobody would ever buy it. They’ve dug too deep a hole for themselves to get out of it now without completely undoing the events of this expansion.


I mean i don’t like it either. But one of the dev’s said she’s surviving the expansion. The only way i see that happening is for them to push this narrative where the tree wasn’t quite as cleansed as we thought it was during Cataclysm. Nothing else makes sense. Right?

I dunno man… I just want the writing to make sense again. And be black and white. Death knight on the northern continent bad. Horde/Alliance good. Go kill death knight. Best expansion ever!

Like the hopefully incoming recton that Sylvanas totally planned from the beginning to betray the Alliance at the Broken Shore with the express intent and purpose to leave Varian for dead.

Garrosh survived Mists of Pandaria, too.


I’d argue that doesn’t either. A retcon to try and change motivations of characters still has to be logically consistent. You can’t just say “Sylvanas rode in on a golden unicorn and fired her love beam into Teldrassil to purify it” or something equally stupid and pretend the original events never happened. There’s been nothing to hint the tree was anything but cleansed and to say otherwise now in a weak attempt to yet again justify a genocide would be a lame move on Blizzards part. Like I said, they made their bed and now they have to lie in it.


When I see a thread about Teldrassil being corrupted:


I mean if we’re talking things that didn’t mak sense, we have entire characters that should have made massive waves in Azeroth, but were poorly received, so they’ve just been dropped. * Cough…* Medan… * Cough cough*.

Also, you’re talking like anything has to make sense. We live in a world where portals are used to transport large amounts of soldiers from our main universe to alternate world draenor with basic mage portals, and then again all of the mag’har orcs to orgrimmar, but couldn’t transport all of stormwind’s might to Darkshore to defend teldrassil. I think Telorg’s suggestion has merit. It wouldn’t be the worst leap of logic this game has made, sadly.


Ah shi- here we go again.jpg

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On a more serious note we really cannot count anything out of retcon territory. Suramar was just last xpac and they’re already tweaking aspects of it. Nothing is safe. The story exists for the game and they will bend it until it breaks to make it fit the ‘story we want to tell’.



I don’t think Telorg’s suggestion has merit. It is neither a good suggestion nor praiseworthy.

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OK … the catapults only bother me because like the rest of WoT Blizz decided they’d rather hammer home the WC3 aesthetic as much as possible. Goblins have been masters of rocket propulsion for ages … they idea that could not have developed some form of payload to reach from Darkshore to Teldrassil is REAL dumb! Gallywix is flying around in a blinged out Iron Man suit right now for goodness sake. The GobSquad’s A.F.M.O.D. prototype is INSANELY OP!

On to the OPs topic. No. None of that. We know the general locations of All of the Old Gods, and Sylvanas is FAR more likely to be the patsy of one (the one up in Northrend) than she is waging a secret war against them (without telling anyone). She should not be validated for her actions under any circumstances.

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The catapults bother me because they told us their maximum range in A Good War:

    A short distance away, behind the main lines, was another group of siege weapons. One of the unit’s officers, an orc with a sour expression and a false smile, sat near a pristine demolisher.

    “How far back are we from the front lines?”

    “Several hundred yards, my lord.”

    Saurfang growled at the officer. “And what is the maximum range of these weapons?”

    The officer wilted. “A couple hundred . . . ?”


I don’t think so either. But look me in the eye and tell me you wouldn’t put it past Blizzard to do everything I just suggested. Go on. Do it.

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Yeah, everything fell apart when she burnt a city full of civilians in terms of anything other than the most empty of redemptions.

I mean, even if it is something like “The big bad was in there, that’s why I did it”, the easy response is,

“Ok, Arthas. Should we start packing for Northrend now, or just wait here for you to destroy Lordaeron? …oh wait.”

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Can we redeem arthas too since we’re at it? He was a cool dude