The entitlment of elitists is crazy

So I’m guessing Ralph is at work, or sleeping or something, because he has been MIA for a while.


Probably ran off to try to get invincible lol


Dudes 475 ilvl, he knows what he’s doing

He is a scrub who pretends he is elite so he can rail against elitists. His actually experience is sub par and anything he says should not be taken with an iota of credibility.

Explains the peace in the forums right now :sweat_smile:

I think he’s trying to say we should all blindly accept whatever Blizzard does because it’s “their vision” or something,.

Wonder IF I had anything to do with that lol Poor Clark…

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Well…both are two sides of a same coin

I’ll take your word for it.

lol if you think ilvl matters in this game right now you’re solely mistaken mate

“Entitlement” begins with an “E”.

“Elitist” begins with an “E”.




Ralph alt account found. Turns out he cares about “dead weight DPS” in his groups and acknowledges 10k-20k DPS differences are actually a big deal

Imagine now if the NFL didn’t listen to their players because they are entitled elitists and do not know what’s best for their game but all the minor teams would decide for them.

What world do you live in?

hey ralph can you step on my face

ill pay

These old Ralph posts are too good.

Those darned elitists, trying to be good at the game, what a bunch of jerks!

I swear, people don’t even know what the term means anymore.

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Sorry m8, literally the opposite of a dom top so cant do that xd

Being good at the game=/=copying meta
here, made a thread explaining why

I don’t care about your thread, Ralph. Stop trying to villainize people who care about personal and raid performance.

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Absolutely hilarious to dig up quotes like this from our guy Ralph on his other toon

Seems really concerned about his DPS and min maxing for a guy that’s so anti min-max. Telling a guy his trash tier DPS won’t get into groups? Wow, what an elitist.


I dont care about detailed explanations that point out the false mentality of the community
Hey, if you dont wanna learn that’s your choice i guess xD