Copying meta doesnt make you good or skilled

Community seems to have a serious misconception about skill and “being good” including people on the higher end at times.

Multiple times in the forums, discords and WoW related places there have been people who quite clearly implied that copying meta makes you “good”, “knowledgeable”, “means you research and spend effort therefore good”, “pulling your own weight” etc

The opposite also happens, people have been clearly implying that not copying meta makes you “bad”, “a noob”, “lazy”, “a drag to your team”, “a carry” etc

These statements are wrong, factually, it is wrong and cannot be defended

Skill and knowledge in games has very little to do with copying or even playing meta, WoW is not such a ridiculously complicated game to require guides to teach players their rotation and class (Especially when rotations can change via talents) , most can get a feel of it by just playing the class for a while, I am not saying people shouldnt use guides to assist them, but they should never depend on them and the end goal is to learn your class, not copy what it said, get in game and “win”

Then how do you identify skill? Often times an easy way would be if they are consistently good performers, know their class well obviously and know how multiple builds works and of course dont fail mechanics often.

There’s of course a far easier mathematical way to show this:
Let’s say you have a player who sims their character at 85k and they do consistently 80k on live environment.*

Let’s say you have another player who sims their character at 120k yet they do consistently 90k on live environment.

Based on that the player who does 80k is by far the more skilled player than the person who does 90k and I would much rather have them in my team because if they are that skilled in their spec they are often skilled in the rest of the game aka know how to deal with mechanics, know their class indepth and therefore know how changes in talents affects them and how nothing is set in stone.

Meanwhile often time that person doing 90k doesnt have that much understanding of their class as they just read a guide and followed it like a mantra that is set in stone without personally understanding a spec.
There is also a strong amount of toxicity in that group as exactly because they dont understand the game, they cannot understand why people wipe, do less dps or even when they die, and because of that their instinct is to blame others since “they read the guide, they did their part” in their mind. Once again showing that such blind reliance on guides isnt good, especially since guides are also often wrong if you change a single talent that makes some specs play very differently.

An analogy, a person who is told to use a lever every 5 seconds as work will be less skilled and have inferior result to a person who knows how the internal machine works therefore knows how often to use said level for maximum efficiency

"* Reminder that there are some discrepancies in specs/talents etc since some get far more affected by movement than others which is why minor movement sim are often more accurate since you almost never freecast all the time.

I am sure there are people who are gonna go “I am still gonna choose the guy that does 90k over the guy that does 80k”, and that is their choice that they will pay at times as both of those numbers are enough to clear content, yet the 90k guy has higher chance of failing mechanics.

Then there’s also class skill level differences, for example we know Feral is one of the hardest specs to play well. (Yet not rewarded for it with better damage than simple spec)
A feral you might sim 100k and does 95k is clearly a far more skilled player than a demon hunter that might seem 100k and does 95k since the skill required to play feral on that level is far higher than it is for a DH.

This factually proves that skill and class knowledge are not related to the meta in any way, playing meta doesnt make you good or skilled.

in b4 someone tries to sim a lvl 1 character, spamming one button in order to achieve the same dps to pretend he didnt understand what I was saying.


How about you stop being toxic against people that are trying to play the game while also knowing they need help to play to the best of their ability.
All you do is try to tell people that need help that they are meta slaves for taking advice from players that have the time to teach them.
Quit being a wannabe toxic meta elitist.


you’re right. copying the meta doesn’t make you good. being able to properly play the meta makes you good. either way, the meta is still involved.


well yeah but it still adds to knowing how to play your class/spec/whatever properly.

if you’re bad at the game on top of doing things wrong aside from the meta, you’re just going to be worse, especially if you’re still learning things.

but then again usually people who are bad at the game also don’t know about the meta or even come close to it when building their characters.


Ralph speaks from personal experience here.

He copied the meta and he still sucks.


Not really.

A meta build might be simming 120k, and a very high skilled person might achieve 115k of that build.

A non meta build might be simming at 100k, and a very high skilled player might achieve 95k of that build.

Both are clearly similarly skilled, one follows the high dps meta build, the other doesnt, the numbers they output have little to do with skill since they clearly are both on a similar level, the build is what changes.

Because in that sense you might as well call every class that does worse than the FoTm bad and unskilled even though skill is not related in this case, that is build limitations

I do this on my feral druid while fotm fire mages do 50k ama

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What’s good on Netflix right now?

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power


Oh I know it is always pretty hilarious when you see players with underperforming specs beat FoTM players xD

That proves my point perfectly and I am sure most of us has seen that happen since it shows skill>>>fotm.


Brand New Animal and Dorohedero.

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If you think about it, this is actually a jab at demon hunters.

I know this is a jab but he beats out my main in progression so he might actually be better than me

Which means I’M TRASH!

there is more than just mechanical skill. there is multitasking, information gathering, communication, etc. just because you can do a rotation doesn’t make you good. but copying what is meta, being able to hold up with the rotation, and be able to do everything else is what makes a person good.

if both people have the same gear but different talent loadouts and one sims 120k and one sims 95k, it doesn’t matter if the 95k person has the same mechanical skill because they clearly the information gathering skill to realize how to be better.

also, why does this matter to you people? if someone wants to play in an un-optimal manner, that’s fine. just don’t force me and other people to play your way. we like to play our own way so the way we play shouldn’t interfere with you unless you get into our space and your way shouldn’t interfere with our way unless we go into your space.


not copying meta makes you even worse

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How many god damn times are we going to do this same thread

This is legitimately spam at this point


Have you seen BnA? Shiro is so cool and edgy and cares about fixing problems instead of ignoring them like furry hate : D

So UwU

And bm hunters too xD

How often does going against the meta actually pan out? “I’m going to use this dagger that does 1 damage, but I’m just so skilled that I’m going to make it work.”

At best your plan is going to do less, but it requires more work.


I clearly stated that the performance is in live environment, not dummies therefore it is about doing mechanics while performing well.

That has one false assumption, it implies that meta build has a high skillcap.

Bm hunters are simming really good and performing rly good, fera players are still often far more skilled even when doing less dps.

In addition have you been playing WoW? Many times passive talents overperform active talents.

In addition you realize people can be aware of builds and not like them right??

Are you suggesting everyone should ignore fun and focus on playing unfun specs or builds because they have high dps?

Tell that to feral players

You sim 95k STDPS and did 70kDPS on Shadhar.