The entitlment of elitists is crazy

This has been another PSA brought to you by Ralph and the letter A.

The original min/maxer theorycrafters

No the irony of the statement is he thinks everyone should play the way he does .

Sounds kind of elitist in my book

Well he is kind of fly for a wolf guy

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question: are dps meters being banned in the game or not, y/n? you have to put them in with addons anyway.

Meters are a tool, similar to how raider io is a tool. I get some players are completely meter oriented, which top end players also hate. Its one thing to do good on meters, but a whole other as to if your ignoring mechanics just for that extra dps or parse that doesn’t matter.

To some, and this is a ton of elitists, they only care about meters, they like to use them to feel good. To flex on others and say wow I did so much damage and so forth. Like how your trash and XYZ is why you suck because you chose to do mechanics. Yet when you look past the meters and see they ignored mechanics, took a lot of extra damage, and at times jeopardized the team or run because of them ignoring mechanics. Then it becomes clear that their not what on par to what they say they are, and is why a lot of “good” players that parse well. Don’t get into groups or teams for the simple fact that they chose dps over actually executing the fight.

To me though a core issue with the covenants, is the fact of how badly they lock you down. You are stuck either healing, tanking, or dpsing. With the issue of if you want to swap to either at any point because you enjoy playing more than one role and spec of your class. Tough beans then you can’t and are pretty much locked in for the remainder of the expansion as the same everything until some drastic change forces you to swap. I get some players at the elitist top end are crying about meters, I got lulled into that too for a time. However the true problem lies in the fact that it forces you into a single slot. Which isn’t healthy for a MMO which needs to breath and be able to be flexible per player want and needs at that given point and time.

I don’t care terribly much about meters, I view them as a tool that can be used to weed out under performers, or players that are parse oriented. I do care though that I don’t like the idea of being locked into playing Beast Mastery, as I enjoy playing Survival too. Although I can’t really play Survival as a fundamental issue with it is that it’s very clunky, and slow at the start of expansions. It’s severely dependent on secondary stats versus primary, which is why Beast Mastery at this point has seriously peaked given the absurd amounts of secondary stats we can stack now. So it feels terrible to play initially, and opens up as the expansion goes on and we’re able to stack more stats.

This is why I don’t like the system, I don’t like the fact that your locked in. I don’t like the fact that it could change at any given point in time, forcing you into week long grinds. I finally don’t like the fact that if I were to really truly go for a min-max build, I would have to make 4 toons of the same class and specs. In order to use the niche abilities per fight, which granted at times can be minimal bumps in damage which is something I’m not worried about. However I am worried about when they become major bumps in damage in terms of utility and output on fights, and can be a determining factor whether your brought or not.

Hmmmm… ok ralph

Is “Ok Ralph” the Ok Boomer of WoW?


I’m just posting to keep this Ralph thread going.

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OOOOOH this guy…

What is wrong with these people playing how they want to play Ralph?

Ralph meeting his daily quota of pot stirring again I see.

Yeah, I read the OP a couple of times, and I still don’t know what he’s talking about. But, man is he passionate about it, whatever it is. Gotta love that.

yep. He is the one. Enjoy :sweat_smile:

That screaming priest in Skyrim was also passionate. It still didn’t stop people from making arrows and gravity combine with him

You are welcome to watch, if this is half as fun as Clark itll be a lovely poo play(Since I cant say the s version)

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Never played Skyrim.

I think I’d always just wonder if I’m doing things right. lol. Though I do think people need to remember that the goal in the end is to have fun over all else.

So how did the removal of flying, azerite gear, corruptions, and daily wow chores work out for the broader audience? All of these things received extensive negative feedback from “elitists.”

Here he is:
Imagine him all the time you are in this town. Yelling every minute you are there. You are anywhere near that location, his voice…over…and over…he is like a Clark and Ralph