This corruption fiasco is what you get when you eliminate QA

There was a several month long PTR for this patch, but it took until release for corruption effects to be balanced several times in quick succession.

Blizzard could easily save more money by having an actual QA team and not losing subs because of these horrendous releases.


They rolled out a six month mount again, so I think they don’t care lol.


That mount got more development time than WC3: Refunded.


Nothing wrong with the corrupted system.

Plenty of games have implemented it.

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Was corruption such a fiasco?

The only place up in arms about it is the forums and that’s not really saying much.

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But yeah it seems like priorities are backwards at blizz HQ at the moment.

Wanna hear something more fun.

Blizzard has to finalize the level squish, something that Ion said that is gonna break everything and that is why they dont want to do it.

They are gonna do that with
-No decent QA team
-Within the next 10 months

Shadowlands is gonna be more buggy and messy than 8.3

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Yeah who doesnt love 30% of their dps coming from passive damage from an RNGRNGRNG item : D

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i agree but sadly subs mean nothing now. They just can release 25 dollar mounts and the whales gobble them up.


Exactly and the people who keep buying them and getting exclusives will have a hard time leaving or unsubbing because of too much investment

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Shadowlands will be fine. It’s the kobold that’s now a raid boss just outside of Stormwind that will be missed.

A funny jab at WC3, but a mount like that could have one artist on it and then one or two for rigging, since they already use the same rat model in game and added a few other things to it.

Also I genuinely don’t get the hang up and rage at cosmetic mounts when they’re shoveling mounts by the buckets right now. If anything, this one was likely finished a while ago and they sat on it until the Chinese New Year rolled around for this animal.

But I see I’m in a thread of doomsayers and people whose only goal in life is to torment themselves with a game they hate while still playing, and offering nothing but vitriol aimed solely at a company they can leave if they’re no longer having fun, so there’s not much to be said.


People outside of the forums are expressing dislike as well. Seen plenty of it in game, from my guildies, and from the people who stream this stuff.

Seems like a pretty diverse group of people that doesn’t like it, really.


not just eliminating people, but those remaining become dishartened and while updating resumes and looking for elsewhere to work, begin to do minimum effort while on the job since they are seeking a place that values quality work, not punishes it to make bloody kotex happy

This is the worst part of this expansion. I want my dps to come from my own class abilities. Not from RNG items. Why is my hardest hitting spell an azerite beam from a necklace that everyone has instead of one of my own class abilities?


Yep Blizzard has said that they only really care about box sales. Alot of people have played wow over the years and get hyped about new expos even if they quit after a few weeks. Add in the whales that by every single item from the store. Add in the tokens. (Had a friend spend 400 dollars on tokens then quit 2 weeks later…) Blizzard is making more money with 3-5million subs then they ever did with 12 million.

The PTR isn’t for testing. It’s a preview.

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Outside of the forum it’s more of a mixed reception.

Feels good man!

That’s true. With the forums it tends more towards complaints.