The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

A fascinating and well-executed ploy to inflame the pre-existing rabid bigotry of the forums while appearing to be a well-meaning if misguided ally. 10/10

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gaslighting 10/10

Chromie is the most obvious example of this. Chronormu is a male dragon. Chromie, a female Gnome, is the visage.

Granted, this probably occurred because someone naming NPCs wasn’t up on their naming conventions for Bronze dragons, but it has turned into a very good example of representation.

You know what, I agree with this post. I’m not sure this was the devs’ intention, but I can see how non gender conforming people will relate to this new race

I dont see it that way at all but i guess to each their own

That’s literal canon:

The OP is a known homophobe. This entire thread reeks of anti-lgbt talk and Blizzard would do best to take it down. It’s digusting behavior that a lot of regulars here share. Thankfully I and many others can see through this charade and I’m doing everything in my power to stop it.

Just a note, these are the kind of quotes that get people wondering. I know youve said you are a novice at these issues but I have seen people get lit up for using the word “biology”. Its a hot button. I dont want you to wander into a fight. It could come across as passive aggressive.

don’t have to, just enjoy the content :slight_smile:

What? :roll_eyes:

Give me one example.

Personally the whole dragon to human/elf thing reminded me of D&D as far back as 1st edition, dragons could poloymorph into other humanoids male or female.

The vibrant hair thing just came across as another real world reference.

Fair enough. Is the preferred nomenclature “assigned at birth”?

I refuse to go anywhere near your hateful and bigoted comments. This thread was a great example and made me feel dirty. Truly disgusting why you’d make assumptions about the LGBT community.

Then you would be surprised at who uses the term.
I could say a lot to explain my stance, but it would be preaching to the wind.
Everybody is: “Either with me, or against me.”
So, keep your opposite prejudices, and be happy with them.

Some people take this way too seriously


Sorry, we won’t have queer people in your fantasy game. Please forgive us.

I’m not LGBT or anything but I kind of got a mock-wrapped-in-a-camouflage-bow vibe. I could be totally wrong and the OP is as he describes as just being not versed in these things. I dont know his posting history but I think he should be given the benefit of the doubt.

It’s sad that you’ll get people who assume any post that isn’t aligned with their own views is “trolling” and will flag you. In threads I’ve made similar to this subject, even CC members go out of their way to claim I’m violating rules and trolling. Meanwhile, mods restore them because they see right through the false reporting.

i hope they make their wings bigger option and larger chest arms option. i want it as fierce and draconic as possible pls =D.

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The term “queer” has largely been reclaimed and is regularly used in our circles to describe our overarching community.

To the OP, I am now even more excited to play the new race!

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