The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

Unless/until a developer comes forward with confirmation, I personally would be a bit skeptical that “queer coding” was the intent behind the appearance of this new species.

But I suppose some folks could see it that way.

Can someone give me a tldr?

Yup! “Assigned X at Birth” is the term used to describe someone’s pre-transition state.

New race is super good representation of non binary peoples


I’m going to guess the overwhelming majority of Dracthyr are heterosexual. Homosexuals aren’t exactly known for reproducing at a rate that would sustain a population.


That’s pretty immaterial, as sexual orientation doesn’t necessarily align with gender identity.

And even then… if they’re immortal, the whole race could swing a certain way while maintaining their initial population. Hell, they might even reproduce asexually for all we know!


I actually just picked that one up from the Chromie article, heh:

I’ve seen it used before, but not in lieu of a biology reference. Live and learn, I suppose!

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I’m not sure we should actually accept people who think this way (or claim to). In any case, starting a flamebait post with a disclaimer (“I’m a perfectly normal average person, but…”) is intended to dupe gullible readers into thinking it’s not the flamebait post that anyone reading it would observe it to be.


There are males and females. In terms of biology, having 2 separate sexes means sexual reproduction. I think it’s safe to say they aren’t worms, starfish, jellyfish, or any other brand of invertebrate.

It’s also much more likely that species with 2 sexes are more likely to have a higher rate of heterosexuality because species tend to die out if they don’t reproduce.

If they were immortal, then why are there males and females? They don’t die, so no need to reproduce, therefore they wouldn’t need two sexes. Where did they come from? Were they born or did some intelligent designer materialize them from something and then forget to tell them why their naughty bits tend to interlock so well?

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This us the understatement of the millennium…

We don’t know that there are males or females - they simply take male and female forms at their leisure. And even most immortal races in fiction can still fall prey to injury or illness resulting in death, hence a need to reproduce. As for where they came from? Exactly as you say: by intelligent design. Neltharion, to be precise.

This just sort of feels like someone projecting onto the poor dragons. Objectively speaking would neltharion bother designing what are essentially proto-dragonkin to have human characteristics at all?

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To try to say something uncontroversial, which I won’t succeed in because it’s impossible, I like the Dracthyr’s colours because they remind me of the good old Punk era. What a nostalgy.

Translates to “I don’t actually have any evidence”

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It’ll be interesting to have this all explored, hopefully in the starter zone!

These are some great observations, and definitely hold merit.

Let’s not forget the aspect of the furry community as well (or scalie? I believe dragon folk are called) even the art style is very furry-centric, and a large portion of the furry community is queer and/or trans as well. Which fulfills a massive community’s desire for self portrayal in this game.
I definitely hope that the Dracthyr have some options to help their draconic form have more masculine or feminine features, and I think a lot of people echo that sentiment. But the non-sexed nature of their default models are something really cool and unique.
Representation matters, and Dracthyr definitely fill a void in the ways that folks can represent themselves in WoW. Just hope they become more flexible is all.

Also, as a side note: Several members of the development team on the Dracthyr are members of the queer and/or furry communities. Just saying.

For the record, this is coming from the perspective of a queer trans woman, who is not a member of the furry or drag communities.


This is true, I am slightly curious and think it may be fun if they even go out of the way to explain why they adopt the human and (i assume blood) elf visages rather than say, night elf and orc.

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I assume it’s just based on who they deal with most, or to otherwise blend in unnoticed. People don’t bat an eye at Elves doing magic, so it’s a pretty safe bet that an inherently magical race wouldn’t freak people out in Elven guise.

I mean, we see more representation of other races throughout the dragonflights, but our core five? Elves, the lot of them.

Personally, I would like to see them changing the stance (I hate the Blood Elf male standing stance) and add some non-human skintones to better relate to, say, Orcs, Draenei, or Night Elves. The ideal would be to take those forms on entirely, but I think the writing is on the wall as to the likelihood of that happening.

I can see it OP and you make good points. I will still just see them as lizard folks with a fun color pallet tho :stuck_out_tongue:

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I want a bulky muscular menacing dragon

The ones we’ve seen are cool, but I think they could be better

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