The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

Making a comment that forms have been gender neutral so people don’t start a flame war is now triggering?

Maybe take a step back and reread what’s being said. OP tried to reach too far to make this race special, when it’s not any different than existing dragons and other forms that have been around since Vanilla. Which the entire point was to keep people from blowing this thread out of proportion.

And somehow you come back with some nonsense about how I’m the problem after purposely changing my quotes and trying to start an argument that doesn’t make sense?

The reading comprehension around here is astounding.

Yeah but as of right now they are locked into Human for female character and BE for male character

I never understood people who are not transgender thinking that transgender people can only identify with what WoW devs say they have to identify with.

This is the only race that a non-binary individual (or anyone that doesn’t otherwise identify with male or female) can be represented by, truly.

This is an incredible level of gatekeeping and I can guarantee you transgender people, on the whole, don’t feel this way. It is true people like direct representation in the things they enjoy - games, movies, etc. But to suggest transgender people can’t be another race otherwise they arent “truly” representing themselves?

There are trans people who absolutely love and adore their night elves and gnomes and tauren etc and believe it represents them and suggesting it doesnt…

The op is obviously just trying to help, but this is pretty offensive.


Don’t be an one issue voter, vote as often as you can, and be informed. One of the major problem with politics is that people see it like a team sport. So they vote from their team and march with their team. The US education system is failing people, I sometimes think this on purpose. If you believe anything you will fall for everything. It makes us easier to herd.

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As long as they look cool, I’ll play them.

Right now they look kinda lame.


I grieve for you, Keldar. You will be taken apart by both the woke and antiwoke parties. And by many of the in-between party.



right back at you, your first response to this thread can easily be categorized as gaslighting, so right off the bat, not a good start.

If you had taken the time to read how I changed your quote which seemed to really have gotten to you, you would see I was merely changing the words dragon with human and wow with world. showcasing how your whole point related back to the normalizing of the queer community and its identity representation in game and how simple it is (simple =/= reach)

By the way, what you said was wrong, druid forms are gender neutral there is no female cat or male cat form. and no, we couldn’t change gender since day one in WoW which is why I didnt even include those parts in your ‘reworked’ quote.

reading comprehension right

Eh, that’s like calling a Vulpera a Goblin, though. They’re obviously using the same rig, but the model is different. Those ears aren’t Elven or Human. They’ve simply become “humanoid.”

Take Odo here, for example:

He’s a character from Star Trek. A shapeshifter. Found as an infant blob of jelly and raised by Bajorans. Employed by Cardassians. Now works with Humans, Klingons, Vorta, Jem’hadar, Ferengi, and potentially hundreds of other species.

Yet he doesn’t look exactly like any of them. His true form is completely alien to any humanoid. So he takes an approximate form to interact with them. Granted, he interacted with Bajorans the most, but even then, his face is lacking in definition and he foregoes their nose ridges - it’s not exact.

That’s how I see the Visage form of the Drac’thyr. They’re not Elves, nor Humans. Nor Trolls nor Orcs. Just an approximation to interact with them.

That being said, I would like them to lean into this more. Give them a unique standing animation (the Blood Elf lean is horrible). Give them non-Human skintones. Really lean into this fantasy of taking a look at the mortal races and amalgamating it into something of your choosing that doesn’t adhere to strictly one of them.

And if they don’t want to go in that direction? Might as well open up the full roster to Visage selection.


Are you secretly afraid you might be gay? It’s ok buddy

That’s a fair point. And I realize this is playing the “I have a X friend card,” but I did speak to a trans friend before posting this to make sure I wasn’t completely offbase. The word “truly” is completely misused there, I admit and apologize for that. And I will remove it.

quick note, non-binary does not = transgender, so your whole post is really pointless.

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Even then, non-binary doesn’t necessarily mean that they never identify wholly with one gender or the other, so I altered the language there. :slight_smile:


See? The OP has already been reported.
There is no “right” way whatsoever to talk of these matters, nowadays. The lexicon itself has become a minefield, let alone the substance.
As a great philosopher said, when you can’t talk of something, you have to keep silent about it.

I don’t think that was their intent because all other dragon models share the same unisex approach, but hey if you wanna roll with it then go for it.

People can stay mad if they want,
I think they’re cute and I wanna make one.

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I ain’t never met anyone who used the term ‘woke’ unironically who has opinions worth listening to.


Reported and restored twice already. :wink: C’est la vie. Ultimately, the goal is to talk about these things, even if it makes people uncomfortable. The point is to get this stuff normalized to the point that even people that don’t care about it would question its absence.


Dracthyr are not “queer coded” - stop this nonsense.


I dont see where this is coming from i dont see any other the male and female dragons turning into a male or female visage form to interact with mortals, why must everything be about representation and identity this and that, just enjoy the game as is stop put reallife issues into a fantasy game