The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

Upfront, I should note that in terms of identity politics, I am as boring as they come. Older, cismale, white, in a nuclear family with a claim to some Native American ancestry. Completely generic. That being established, I would like to congratulate Blizzard on implementing a queer-coded addition to their world without being obtrusive. I would also like to acknowledge that my understanding of what I am talking about is second-hand, so feel free to correct me where required.

Previous attempts have been hit-or-miss.

Pelagos, for example, was ham-fisted because his transition was completely irrelevant to his character, while simultaneously being the reason why external forces ensured he was the lynchpin of the entire expansion. Not to mention the problematic overtones of his transition itself…

Thiernax and Qadarin were a better example. Their relationship was consequential and relevant. The problem there is that they’re not all that consequential to the greater story and will be forgotten the second the 10.0 patch hits.

Enter the Drac’thyr.

This is a consequential addition that isn’t obtrusive in its message and integrates extremely well with the game’s world:

  1. The gender-neutral draconic form. This is the only race that is not strictly coded as male or female, that a non-binary individual (or anyone that doesn’t otherwise identify with male or female) may be represented by, assuming that they do not identify wholly with a specific gender. The lack of sexual characteristics and dimorphism in general is unique.
  2. The ability to conjure a visage. Gender-fluid or transitioning individuals may find something to conceptually relate to here. Like Chromie, regardless of your character’s assigned sex, you can appear as either should you so choose. And a quick trip to the barber shop can have you swapping to the other gender on a whim (being the only racial option that this makes sense in-universe for)!
  3. The visage form itself. I get strong Mardi Gras / drag vibes from some of the available options. I need to tiptoe here to avoid generalizing, but there is definitely a queer subculture that holds these bold, vibrant and ostentatious colours and accompanying features in high regard.
  4. The chromatic spellcasting. I mean… the spells you cast have literal rainbow aesthetics. You can’t get more on the nose than this.

The best part is? All of this makes sense from a in-game perspective, leaning on lore that has existed for two decades. None of this is pandering. Not in the slightest. They simply took what already exists and packaged it into something undeniably coded for the queer community without, as some people say, “shoving it in my face.”

I love it. This is representation done right.

As a final example, I would like to recall something a mentor once told me. I worked as a teacher in the past, and while I was carrying out my practicum, I was paired up with an experienced teacher. There was currently a push in the profession to add more Native American content to the classroom material. I asked that mentor if he was doing anything notable to have that material on display. His answer? He wasn’t doing anything to single out that material or place it on a pedestal. He wasn’t going to single out Native American students with “special” material or assignments. He was simply integrating those principles and the content into the rest of the curriculum.

I believe the same principle applies here, with Blizzard’s introduction and integration of a queer-coded race into the game.


What have you done…


Oh, somehow it will still be being shoved in peoples’ faces, no doubt about that.


you missed Sunday by a few hours … /jk

It is ok if you think that way, but please don’t project those thoughts into the fantasy game …

[Edit: to clarify…
"To think that way about the Dracthyr race…]


Way to blanket label an entire race based on looks alone….

ANY race can be queer, and ANY race can be straight/cis. They don’t have to look a certain way to fall under either umbrella

Don’t know where you get the idea that a races look somehow means it’s “queer coded” (wtf does that even mean? Where do people get these terms??)


If it was being shoved in people’s faces, we would have heard about it by now. The forums would have exploded as soon as the announcement ended. Instead, the only “controversy” is about furries or whatever.

That fact that this flew under the radar (or gaydar) is precisely why it is so effective. If this type of representation is what you’ve been looking for, you have it! And if you’re completely oblivious or disinterested in that whole scene? It still makes perfect sense in the game’s world so you won’t even notice.


i got intimidated by the wall of text but im gonna say that title looks like bait lol


I don’t do trolling. :slight_smile: I realize that this is a controversial topic, though, so that’s why I posted that wall of text. I don’t want to just throw a title out there and leave it to interpretation. I explained my line of thought.


When it comes to simple sexuality, you are completely correct. But the queer community (which, I’ll be honest, I do not know if that is still the proper term?) is so much more expansive than simple sexual preference.

The Drac’thyr, as I explained above, give representation to certain concepts that can’t just be “head canon.”

They did this with the Night Fae Chapter 5 campaign as well. Whoever’s making these choices knows exactly how to do it right and it’s awesome :smiley:


I don’t think it is really that way. I have seen many comments about the tone of the race and Visage form customizations. I mean, a couple acquaintances of mine have commented on it too in a pretty negative way.

I may be picking at you a bit but I also often make the mistake where I feel my own take is the enlightened one while everyone else are the children that need to be taught. But your thread also does call something to attention that is going to cause a storm, so be ready for that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I will say I like the customizations and I agree that it is being done right, I just know that the anti- community won’t really feel that way because they are always unhappy.

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Yeah this thread is totally going to get out of control very fast rip your notifications I guess

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as much as you may get troll responses and some triggered individuals, imho your take is absolutely right.

I think it is a big win.


I got in here right before this thread goes massively downhill :stuck_out_tongue:

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At the bottom of a thread, under the Share button you can select how you want a thread to show in your feed.

If you select “Muted” you won’t have to look at these intentionally inflammatory threads.


Adding onto what Lilith said: don’t panic over the green notification you’ll. The mods aren’t dumb and won’t blindly punish you for no reason.

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i think its a better idea if everyone feels like dracthyr could be their race instead of “limiting”
it like this.

you dont see many straight ppl going to the beach with rainbow towels anymore for example heh


To be fair, the posts I saw that called this out were generally removed and the poster was given a forum vacation.

I noticed this “queer-coding” as well in the Dracthyr, and while I’m cool with what Blizzard is doing in that regard I still hope we get a masculine/buff option (and hopefully a tank spec). If I’m going to try a Dragon-like character I would want it to possess the strength and physicality associated with Dragons.

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I’ve heard a few derogatory “drag queen” comments, myself. But in other people’s book, that’s a plus! So just like Blood Elves or Orcs or Tauren or Gnomes or whatever don’t float everyone’s boat, the same remains true for Drac’thyr.

We’ll have to see. I always hear about the negative attention Vulpera get and sometimes I witness it in game too. What it has going for it is that it is tied to one race/class combo so anyone that wants to try the new class will have to play it, by extension making them a hypocrite if they want to subsequently bash others for trying it too.

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