Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

If you’re having trouble with putting the pieces together in this proverbial already completed puzzle here… then that’s on you.

If you’re taking my “Talonel was an evil twin” bit seriously, that’s also on you.

Might want a bit of a reality check Tulln.

And it shows. :man_facepalming:

Are you seriously that daft?

I’ve never even implied such a claim and i’m not going to be held accountable to that or you claiming i’m harassing you for something that you made up in your head. Please actually read my comments as they are, and then run your mouth. :roll_eyes:

Also, keep complaining about my memes and videos, it’s just going to be sillier everytime you do it. :laughing:

Okay, here’s my suggestion then. Labeling people bigots when they are not willy nilly should be reportable. Like these for example. :point_down: