Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

First off, you’ve never provided any proof of this transphobic chat. You can’t just simply expect people to just believe you on your word alone, disregarding your reputation here. Or even check. Were like a week or two past the livestream and it’s chat disabled.

Second, the chat pertains more then WoW Players. YouTube doesn’t really care what game you play.

Thrid, Citation needed that Asmongold’s fans are transphobic.

You’re not only calling people transphobic and homophobic, regardless if their reason for disagreeing was reasonable or not…over a fictional character mind you, but you’re also trying to incite hatred by trying to rally the LGBT community against them and even joyous over the thought that people who disagree with you will be gone.

…You’ve never even explained how OP was a known homophobe, and your talks of “stopping it” just comes off more of bullying tbh.

I think what’s rather interesting about that thread after being told this… is Talonel (the frostmorne one) …actually agrees with the OP on that thread. :point_down:


Okay, first off… :point_down:

Second, it’s not libel either.
Thrid, you’ve asked me to provide suggestions for more ways to report players, and i’ve did and even provided examples to better articulate what i’m saying. I sincerely don’t think we should go around labeling people willy nilly when they are not bigots, because it actually takes the urgency away from the word which in turn, harms the people who are actually being bigoted against.

Which is a meaningless number to anybody rational.

But i’m not shocked you’re reaching bottom barrel stuff here after you complained about my memes.