Does it help? I would argue it probably ends up lowering your actual throughput. The same way if you need to sit in a wheel chair for a year, if you then try to do full sprint it’s probably not going to be a good show. It’s a crutch. Then every tier and season when gear resets your going to go back to doing 0 dps until the tier is almost over and you now farmed all our crutches back out.
Considering it takes 600 pearls to upgrade the three benthic slots that matter to 425, no casual is going to be that committed to that kind of a grind. And if enough heroic tier raiders are doing it because they don’t get heroic gear worth the passives out of it, then the passives themselves were overtuned (which everyone agrees with) and it’s not a problem of casuals getting good gear vs Blizzard can’t design for crap.
Why do the majority of casuals need to commit to it? If it doesn’t make sense for them to do so then they don’t have to do it. No matter what the solution though, if the gear is going to outperform raid gear it needs to do so at equal iLvl so that gear that won’t be used in those slots can be traded. That would benefit everyone.
I’m not saying there aren’t problems with Titanforging. TBH I haven’t thought much about it. I just do know that I’ve often seen raiders assert it should be removed because of casuals. I really don’t care either way. I’m just pointing out that there is a number of people making the argument. I’m so casual these days that if they remove Titanforging tomorrow I wouldn’t even care.
A lot of those threads aren’t targeted at casuals though
Yes some players are salty angry people who want to beat everyone, but many, myself included, hate TF because it is detrimental to our own experiences. Has nothing to do with what you get
To say anyone who wants it gone only does to to “remove it from casuals” is asinine
The majority of casuals won’t. Not any time soon enough for it to make a difference. 600 manapearls is a hell of a sink into three pieces of gear. Most casuals are going to gear off of other sources and only look at the ilvl, since they’re not spending all their time in Naz or EP where the passives actually matter.
If you wear the Benthic gear anywhere besides those two zones, it’s actually pretty average.
Right, and I’m asking why would they need to for a change to make sense?
A truly casual player would upgrade to an amount that they enjoyed upgrading to and that’s it. People (like me) who would want to max them out would then have to grind more to get them to surpass raid level gear and also make that raid gear tradeable.
There were many reasons, but right off the top of my head we have to wait many weeks for our LFR wings to open because you raiders whined the noobs were getting good gear.
funny had people go off on me last night in timewalkers because I wasn’t targeting the party as a healer. (was spamming flash heal on tank in an attempt to keep him up)
whenever I explained I had mouseover macros because I raid heal I was rather quickly called out and told that wasn’t a thing and I’m a liar and was kicked.
Thing is a majority of the feedback that’s given regardless of giving an explanation is almost always drawn up that it’s elitists that want to take things away from casuals. When for me personally I’ve explained on multiple occasions how titanforging works against PL in terms of being able to trade loot to people that need it within your group. It also ensures that no matter how much time you put into the game, you’ll never get your full BiS gear. Which also feels bad.
Let folks who only have to raid for quest purposes use LFR.
If you actually care about raiding, go raid to your heart’s content and stop moaning over LFR. You elitists don’t have to be in LFR, so what do you care?
There is absolutely NO ONE who uses LFR who is against harder-core raiders…unless you attention-deficit elitists just need more pat-on-the-back kudos for all your expert, time-invested, scientific approach to raiding.
Sorry - calling BS. The “community” could care less about your raiding antics. YOU care. It’s a YOU problem.
I believe this is meant to mimic general raid progression, not because people “whined.”
Also, many raiders will outgear both LFR and normal by the time a new tier opens. I don’t think most would consider the gear in LFR useful for their activities.
Maybe if raiders didn’t pitch a fit every time casuals got something nice the raiders didn’t think they were worthy of so many people wouldn’t be “crusading” against raiders.