Ion has said Blizz likes the way titan forging allows “progression” between tiers, and always gives players something to work towards. Something like that can still be accomplished with the +5 or +10 and other bonuses gained. Removing titan forging though means no longer feeling bad when someone runs a Heroic dungeon and gets Heroic Raid gear. Or a WQ that gives someone a Mythic BoD level item. People no longer run armor/loot WQs for anything other than rep or easy Emissary loot. People don’t really run lower level content anyways unless it is for guild mates (in which case loot is still irrelevant anyways).
The good from this means 1) our BiS is that much more obtainable as we have less to worry about. No more looking for whatever titan forges the highest, but rather what is actually best for our character. 2) Gives actual progression and gets rid the times you loot a Mythic BoD item after weeks of progression, but you have to immediately vendor it as you already have something better from Heroic that Titan forged.
Yep, still fully believe the way it was in MoP was great. It wasn’t a huge boost but if you were interested in getting to the max you could … it gave you enough incentive to go through and reclear stuff you’ve done dozens of times.
Before they broke SoO’s tracking during the armory upgrade after MoP, I had like 30-40 Heroic/Mythic Sha of Pride kills trying to get the stupid Warforged Prison of Pride. Never got, but it was enough that I pestered my raid leader to bringing me in each week
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It’s idiotic when you see people get 425s in non mythic raid content in my opinion. Gear used to mean something, now it’s just slot machines.
Except that the mythic raiders will still have a higher ilvl and items with unique looks.
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1st it was all about getting the achievements.
Now it is all about the gear.
Listen I am all for the removing of stupid ideas that are in the game, but what makes titan forging stupid?
Gear means something, those people who get those pieces and don’t mythic raid will reach a early cap. I mythic raid and I have never got a 425.
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I’ve seen people get stupid lucky on their gear and they only do m+. Or the guy that does normal crucible and gets a 425 bis trinket, he definitely earned that when the highest content he’ll do is heroic and maybe the first 3 gimme bosses in mythic bod.
As far as higher gear no usually if they play enough a player can out gear a mythic raider pretty quick with some luck surpass them. As far as the unique looking gear, that’s debatable on whether or not it’s worth farming for. I play plate classes so I can say the mythic versions far surpass any lower difficulty set but mog isn’t the issue here.
I think that if they brought back the WoD style of dynamic personal gear progression, it would be fantastic. Simply apply the same concept for Emissary WQs. Iirc, In WoD everyone’s garrison tables started off giving them a chest for Normal level raids. After a person had killed Normal level raid bosses X amount of times (10 I think?), the chest would upgrade and you would start getting Heroic items, until you killed 10 Heroic bosses, in which you then got Mythic level chests. Have the same mechanic applied to Emissary rewards, while having WQs rise through ilvl as they currently do. This rewards players who push higher content, and still lets others gear up at their own pace while not over-gearing players for content they never do. I have guild mates that are Heroic BoD geared and they have never once touched BoD other than LFR, nor do they do any M+.
So basically give out free loot for doing the content? I’m glad they don’t have gear quests anymore for killing a boss in raids. They already give you enough free loot for afking world quests/lfr/norm/heroic content and on top of that I see tons of people running around with titanforged gear that’s = or better than mythic raiders, although if you were to take that out you’re still getting freebies for doing little to nothing.
The only reason that people want to get rid of titanforging is because they are jealous when others get them and they don’t.
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Nah I’m not jealous I just don’t think the game should be one big slot machine. Half of my gear is 420-425
I even downgraded from 425 pants to the ones from COS because the proc is like a 200 dps increase at 410
Honestly no different than the current Emissary quests giving loot like we already have. But instead of Emissary quests being time/ilvl related, it is progression related. This has people who “AFK” a bit lower ilvl as they wont be getting Heroic/Mythic chests, but still rewards those who push higher content. You could argue about removing Emissary Item rewards all together, but I think Blizz is happy enough with the system (regardless of what we think) that they won’t be changing it any time soon. I’m just looking for a middle ground.