Most indepth way to replace titanforging, effectively

Lets hope someone reads this at least. Less “world of PULL THE LEVER” More of “World of upgrade everything and be unique to me” where BiS is BiS.

All the math and complications are there (at least if I remembered to put them there, if there is a counter-point to something let me know because I know a fix to it all, I lose track of stuff u feel)

So everyone seems to be disliking Titan-forging (myself very much included at 382 ilvl) I know Ion had made some points that I will cover on why Titan-forging can’t go and my idea here can cover and fix the problem and fix it in much healthier ways. Progressing not only yourself in the way YOU envision you, but in a way YOU can control it, making your gear and rotation special to you.

TLDR: Make a raid-esk material like Sanguicell and how it is obtained.It will be an upgrade material for gear, the harder the raid and more effort is needed, higher the break-point the higher the cost (will talk about breakpoints later) the better Rewarded you are.

Discussing the problems with having titan-forging around in the eyes of a mythic raider, and also the eyes of someone who doesn’t have a guild.

Q: Whats the purpose in replacing titan-forging? works, doesn’t it?
A: Well, yeah? if you’re “lucky” some more than others, but it’s not reliable, sometimes you don’t have a choice in what gear you equip from it, you always feel like there’s another piece of gear that’s better.

[Reliability] Instead of waiting for RNG to help your guild, have your guild help your guild.

Have you played Diablo 3? Most people have, gear drops are plentiful and numerous, How do these top players always get the exact gear and exact items they want, even though it takes thousands of tries, how is obtaining what YOU want harder than WoW? Reliability, how reliably you can get what YOU WANT and usefulness of other items in the game, THEN you build from there, I don’t want to build my toon with multi-colored blocks given randomly, I want green, red, purple, and then once I get those I will have them, then I upgrade my gear and it will be personal to ME.

-Within WoW, obtaining YOUR highest-BASE item level gear IN THE GAME, is from; Weekly raid of your guilds performance level, 1 M+10 for a random box with random items from a random slot and a random upgrade(once per week), PvP with a random box with a random item from a random slot with a random upgrade(once per week).

Guess what? you did your raid clear this week, some might just be prog, you did your M+ this week, got ONE win with your PvP CR, and that’s it, that’s all you NEED to do in WoW to get your maximum-minimum amount of items if you’re locked at an ilvl you are struggling to get past. People think mythic raiding takes a LOT of time, effort, and dedication, WRONG. I mythic raid and I’ll say my mechanics are very good, my damage is damage, but there is actually NO REASON for me to play AT ALL other than doing those 3 things, because A N Y T H I N G I do after that? completely based on if a 370 item titan-forged over 385. What about AP? whats AP? eh? we have a necklace? oh.

Not a mythic raider? no guild? got pugs? getting random, lucky loot CAN get you into something of higher level sure, but why rely on RNG to sign up for an Ilvl requirement you couldn’t meet before? Sure the player is going to try to progress themselves the best they can, but with todays standards people want Ilvl to VERY vaguely tell if someone is good or not (I’ve met 380+ people who are GARBAGE bc they only got gear from titan-forging). With the ability to get steady upgrades from what they normally would be doing, after obtaining their favorite / BiS item(just 10x less over and over bc when they get THE item, they HAVE IT, instead a bad version of it(or good w/ RNG)) a new player will soon rise in “AUTHENTIC ILVL” No player in the game big or small will have any LESS or any MORE gear than they have ahem E A R N E D.

How to earn your reward.

Now simply a complete copy of how we get sanguicell would be a perfect drop rate, Normal x1, Heroic x10, Mythic x20, and some inside of weekly reward chests. Better you test yourself the better you are rewarded. When an item drops for you and not traded to you INSIDE of the raid, M+/pvp cache reward, you can scrap it for the material.

To balance out when there are more bosses than 8( I talk about weekly caps later), take the amount of bosses, Divided by 300, 2/3rds of the number goes to X amount of mythic bosses total, rest of the 1/3rds goes to heroic, and 10% of heroics full run share is given to normal full run share.
Each item to upgrade 5ilvls is 2.5x the cost of how much each boss drops in terms of upgrade mats it’s bracket. Breakpoints cost 2x the cost of previous upgrade cost(I talk about breakpoints down below). Sockets cost 300 each. Quik mafs,

Now some might think “well if I only normal raid, or don’t raid AT ALL how am I going to get upgrades as fast as someone getting mats 20x faster than me in mythic?”
That’s where breakpoints come in and where this whole idea comes together and makes EVERY item in the game use-able and customized to your play-style, play-environment pvp/pve, what spec you main, and how casual or hardcore you are.

Breakpoints would work in area’s of “titan-forging” but, without RNG. For instance, any item under 355 Would cost 1 “upgrade mat” as we shall call it for now, for every 5 item level UNTIL 355, which is where a break-point comes in, to get into Normal tier ilvl bracket you must get through the break-point and upgrade to 355 (355-365) so you would need to pay 3 Normal boss kills to make your 350, a 355 and take your unique and special item with you in Uldir to battle Ghuun himself.

Now you’re doing normal weekly how does it work? same ordeal, 3 Upgrade material for every 5 ilvl on a piece of gear, up to 365(it’s MUCH easier to upgrade more pieces of gear to normal-top-end quality (all gear to 365) and more beneficial to your raid IF you’re only doing normal/stuck at a tier/break-point). This restricts players who only do normal to upgrade a weapon from 355 to 395 Because, the bracket to make the “break-point” from normal to heroic, is equivalent to upgrade your over-all gear 15ilvls, instead of 5, benefiting your stats more. (cool thing is you could anyway if you wanted bc its YOUR choice, will just cost a LOT)

Now, getting out of Normal raid and into some of heroic, with heroic dropping 10x the upgrade mats that 3 cost of upgrade materials isn’t a whole lot to get your precious gear to 365, but still needed to get past the cost of break-point, that break-point is 25 upgrade mats(2.5x the cost of boss drops), but now from 370-380 each 5ilvl upgrade costs 25, currently allowing 3x 5ilvl upgrades a week, which is equivalent to getting 1 tier upgrade a week, reliably AND you get to CHOOSE what you want, DPS upgrades weapons, healers trinkets and rings, tanks shields and idk I dont tank but you get it, YOU CUSTOMIZE AND MAKE YOU.

List goes on for Mythic, to go from 380-385, it will take 50 upgrade mat to get through the break-point, after that every 5 ilvl is 50 upgrade mat, drastically slowing down upgrading items(because mythic prog you don’t kill all 8 bosses first week) from it’s raid-equivalent bracket, MEANING, there is a REAL reason to farm old content for that extra bit of power, your mythic prog guild that’s like 3/8m will now have a reason to do heroic to help their mythic prog! obviously optional but it adds more to do and more customization. Don’t wanna spend your mythic or heroic points upgrading a 340 item to 380? farm heroic Uldir for a few weeks quickly and get that item Tier ready!

How talented and dedicated to the game, depicts how fast you can go through the tiers at a steady rate, no more will a normal player have mythic items, no more will a mythic raider have heroic items (me) as my 370 rings I have equipped, and the 3, 385rings in my bags I can’t do nothing with, what could I do if this was implemented? Not feel so bad I have 3 wasted rings I obtained and knowing there’s 0 actual way to upgrade or get a better ring without doing AT LEAST 30+ M+'s of the same dungeon, just for a CHANCE, a CHANCE for it to be better… no thanks. I love D3 grinding, but you don’t feel like you’re wasting your time doing so, because even in D3 if you got a yellow or legendary you could make it better or at LEAST use it in a way, in WoW, If you got an item thats 10-20 iilvls better, or even worse than yours? and you can / can’t replace it? well vendor it I guess sorry better luck next time.

A problem with making items drop to be crushed into upgrade mat would mean guilds could funnel un-wanted gear into people and they could crush to get super OP. Well, the fix for that is, only gear that drops FOR YOU and not TRADED TO YOU, is crush-able (what break-point bracket the item is in, rewards x1 or x0.5 of upgrade mats from given items bracket (LFG/Normal/Heroic/Mythic). Giving players a reason to keep some gear they normally may have given to another player (less handouts sorry) to enhance themselves. As I said i’m a mythic raider, I have 0 reason to go into Heroic or Uldir for my own benefit, same as a heroic raider, why do normal? This gives us a reason.

I haven’t talked much about PvP yet and how that will work, It’s just conquest points really, you earn more “upgrade mat” you can obtain weekly (2.4k players can earn as much as a mythic raid gives), to a weekly max, each weeks CR depicts how much upgrade mat you can get from PvP. SO if you can only get 100 a week from heroic, base PvP amount will be 120(12x the amount of mats a FULL heroic raid clear gives), SO, if you’re only 8/8 Heroic, you can make up some of the cap by fighting against the opposing faction in war! Same breakpoints as gear before, all gear will hold the same breakpoints to keep it simple. TO make it so a Rank 1 glad+Mythic raider doesn’t get max gear within 2 weeks from slamming caps together, there will be a weekly cap for upgrade mats specifically because of the PvP. The cap would be 300 IF OBTAINED FROM PVE If your PvP cap is only 120 obtained upgrade mats, you cannot go over said cap from winning PvP until your CR gets better but can then do PvE to make up for any more power that you desire.

M+ gear obtained from normal completion chests, and normal pvp gear will not grant any upgrade mat when crushed to prevent maxing out gear in 3 days Only the weekly reward chest items can.

I remember Ion once saying the reason they don’t want to remove titan-forging is because some guilds NEED it or some players NEED it to down a boss or get to a requirement that they couldn’t before hand, well with this change, players can help themselves by doing the exact thing they were doing before, but with a goal in mind, instead of “wonder what will happen this week”

No more wondering fam. THIS week, oh boi, THIS WEEK IS YOUR WEEK, that YOU have been waiting for because you have calculated how long it would take to max your weapon out AND put a socket in it, and boi you’re gunna log your happy face in at 8am PST when everything resets, get your reward chests that gave you JUST enough to afford a socket on your weapon you had kept and that you adore, you’re gunna go and queue up for stuff you’d never do before, just to PROGRESS your toon because YOU KNOW YOU’RE GAINING POWER WHEN U DO SOMETHING. Instead of “I wonder if I will get anything this week”

Steady, Reliable, and customized specs to your liking.
I have played WoW for a decade, right now going into raid feels like school lunch and not looking at the menu today. What will be on my plate this week? oh, a burger! with… Onion / cheese stats (WiS item) I’m allergic to them trashes it well, guess there’s always next week :slight_smile: I don’t want whats RNG given to me next week, maybe I do? what if my great trinket or weapon is replaced bc I found a cooler /better one? well there’s no loss in it if it’s better for you. Just because Onions and cheese are better for me than bacon, does more for me in the end but does it feel right? not if you don’t want Onions, sure you can pass by and live but the entire time you have it, you know it sucks to have it.

What happens when a new patch and higher ilvl is introduced? Break-point Release, all gear 340+ will cost a LOW 1-5 upgrade mat to catch up UP-TO the break-point of next raid normal tier, so if new normal raid tier is 400ilvl? That’s the new Normal tier Break-point for the start of increase in mat cost.(honestly typed all this and forgot LFR existed, pls remove), or for new players to easily catch up an old item that works well with their play-style and not needing to grind 15+ weeks like current players do to upgrade their gear.

so Breakpoints are (LFG, or any item UNDER Normal break-point) 340-350(355 Normal Break-point) 355-365( Heroic 370 Break-point) 370-380 (385 Mythic break-point) then upgrades stop at max Ilvl. you can finally MAX a toon AGAIN. After patch hits, new Ilvl introduced
and you’re progressing your toon again to get the maximum YOU YOURSELF can get out of your gear, not just what Uldir or a lucky M+ gives you.

If you made it this far, wow nice gold star, you made it through. I never did well in english class because well, idk ask my brain, sorry you had to read this monstrosity but you know, some1 has to TRY and make a REASONABLE effort to remove this, bad, but working system.