The crusade against Raiders has to stop

Lol don’t be shocked that there’s unreasonable discussion around raiding when GD is mostly populated by people who either don’t raid or just do lfr.

Sure that exists too. And I’m sure there are valid criticisms of Titanforging. I’m sure there are many things about it that can be fixed to make it better for both casuals and raiders. But there are also those elitists that exist that do say remove it bc of casuals getting better gear than them. TBH I don’t care if it is removed or if it stays. I’m done trying to be a raider. I don’t care if you have better gear. I’m Mr Casual these days. But did want to point out that some raiders do get upset about casuals as well. Fact is I think a game this size probably needs both to be healthy. The casuals are the base that bring in a bulk of the revenue. The raiders are the halo that attract new players both raiders and casuals to keep a healthy base.

It’s not all about you! Benthic gear is actually a decent example: Raiders, in particular, have expressed concerns that, FOR THE ETERNAL PALACE RAID, that the sockets and on-equip bonuses of Benthic gear render the gear they get FROM THE ACTUAL RAID useless.

I will note here that players who are running m+ only, like me, don’t feel this squeeze at the moment. We’re not in EP.

This feels bad. It’s hard work to clear a raid on heroic, much less mythic. And now they don’t even get upgrades for it? What the heckin’ heck?!

This has NOTHING to do with casuals getting nice things. NOTHING. It has everything to do with the fact that the gear raiders get for their hard work is essentially meaningless.


I can give an example from earlier this week when the 1st LFR wing opened up. Literally 1-2 hours after it opened we had leets scolding everyone for not doing as well as him who had been doing the raid for weeks.

This is not true at all. A large portion of the player base use to participate in raiding. It slowly became what it is now during the end of Cata going forward.

You shouldn’t be getting the same rewards that we do from easier content, because it devalues raid rewards.

You don’t deserve the same things as people who work harder than you.


The player base itself also became what it is now during the end of Cata going forward.

Raiding was even more niche in Vanilla, slowly became mainstream in Wrath, but proportionally the percentage of players wasn’t significantly greater. 20% of 10 million is just a bigger pool than 20% of five million.

Right. Blizzard drove away players with mind numbing game play, talent point changes, stat changes, LFR, pruning and the flight debacle. This game is now designed around freebies.

Don’t like rep but want to walk on water…NP, Blizz gives it away.


That’s some rose colored tint.

Most of the talent points were useless. People just pulled builds off of Thottbot and back when they made the changes, we were glad we didn’t have to build through absolute trash.

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They showed who did the research and understood their class. Now we just have 3 Prime Glyphs to pick from per row.

Called them inscirptions, couldn’t remember the term.

they’re mentioning what they’ve done because it shows you arent playing the game.


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I understand people who don’t want to raid being against any form of raiding. But since Heritage armor is essentially a story element, story completion matters. It does not take any real effort to hop into LFR and snipe a boss kill one time for quest completion. If you had to farm Jaina for an item with a 20% drop chance in order to complete the quest, then sure I could see being mad.

Doing one wing ,of one raid, one time in order to see that part of the story so that the following chapters make sense is not forcing a play style on anyone.

In my opinion, I think that everyone should see the raids at least once in some capacity, because there is a lot of cool story and cut scenes tied in. It hardly requires a lot of commitment.

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You just found 3 threads… :neutral_face:

One of them is saying stop gating stuff behind raids, the other makes an incorrect assumption that raiders or a minority, and the last one is could be asking raids to die, is “why raiders deserve anything?”.

Honestly, I don’t care how easy it is. I don’t raid. So I’m not going to get it, unless they make the raid solo-able in the next ex-pac and we out-level it so it’s solo-able. I’m not mad about it(others may be, but I can see why, it’s the principal of the matter), just pointing out the difference between his example of “needing” to pet battle to raid. He doesn’t need to, never doing pet battles doesn’t prevent him from raiding.

I may delve in to raiding later, for the next Anniversary event to get the Deathwing mount. Now that I can see raiding being worth it. But not a heritage armor set, when the other sets don’t have that as a requirement.

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The entire game now exponentially favors raiders over any other type of player, if you want to talk about an actual “crusade” against a portion of the playerbase, look at pvpers: they are literally forced to raid or die.

Ignore all those dumb reddit posts.

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The Tauren heritage set is tied to developments surrounding Baine - who at this point in the story is in prison / recently freed by the coalition force, and the Tauren’s place within the Horde. In order for all of that to make sense, you need to complete the previous story chapters.

The comment about “I don’t care about how easy it is, I just don’t want to do it” is just obstinance for the sake of being obstinate. You can complete LFR with no more effort than a solo event. You just have to click a button and pretend everyone else is an NPC.

Unfortunately since you are playing an MMO, you do have to actually do things with other humans from time to time. If you really don’t want to raid, pvp, do dungeons, or group for world bosses, you are going to miss out on a lot of what the game has to offer, in both story progression and game rewards.

If pure solo is your prerogative for playing the game, more power to you; but don’t complain when you are missing out.

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I’ve had many people question my logic, my arguments, even the style of speech I take.

I do not believe I’ve ever had someone refer to my manner of speaking as cancerous however.

Could you explain why you think so? I’m just kind of caught off guard by that.

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OK, good for all that. But what does that have to do with me pointing out that while he doesn’t need to do pet battles to raid, people that want heritage armor for Taurens need to do a raid? The ease of it all doesn’t change the fact it’s still having to go into a raid. And to me, the armor’s not worth it. Not at this moment anyway. Nagging at me about complaining about it(which this is the one and only time I’ve ever said anything about it, and then it was to make a point, not to complain about the requirements), and that I’m somehow bad for not wanting to do it isn’t going to change my mind, or the point I was making.


I thought raiding was about beating bosses? It must be about the loot after all.