Thank you, weirdly

Why does it have to be disabilities , maybe people just never learned to do things, i know people that dont drive cars because they never learned


Riiiiight because refusing to do dragonriding is exactly the same as choosing to not know stuff about cars

Mhm. Yup.

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You know theres something about people on the forums, you guys are something else… you do know that wow is not really important right . and its the same concept as not knowing to do something in IRL or in a video game, your brain just dosent grasp that

Its not important and yet you’re still trying to argue about something because of it

No its really not important, the game is not import, but putting people down and making fun of them for something stupid is just stupid, but i see how people are on the forums and its mind boggling , i think everyone on the forums is either never grew up and still lives with their parents, or every young


No, it does a majority but not all. IIRC it does the first four major zones, so you would still have to do explore and do the campaign of Zaralek Cavern, and definitely explore and do the main campaign of the Emerald Dream. It definitely will save you a lot of time if you struggle with Dragonriding for one reason or another because 4 zones of exploration and questing will be knocked out. Doing Zaralek Cavern without Dragonriding will probably be a pain though.

That’s what I don’t get, I love Dragonriding, you could call me “pro-dragonriding” but I am by no means “anti-classic flying.” From what I’ve seen people are just asking for static to be available from the start with dynamic. It’s not like the people who don’t like or can’t dragonride are asking for it to be gated instead. Either gate neither or gate both, not just one over the other (but preferably neither).


You have old flying, just not in Dragonflight content.

Open your achievement panel and find Dragonflight Pathfinder. It will show you what you still need to do. Drill down to the point where you can see what questlines still need to be completed. Hint: it’s a LOT.

You can look this stuff up on wowhead.

I did this boost. There are 2 zones to explore, and 6 out of 8 campaign questlines to complete. I haven’t decided if I’m going to bother, since I just got the cheapest bundle on sale for the boost, and don’t have strong feelings about playing the expansion. I’ll think about that after the anniversary events are over.

Why do people who have zero evidence that they are the majority try to tell us that the people who they disagree with are the “vocal minority”? Sure, the few who couldn’t play that didn’t quit over this issue are much quieter than before so many gave up.

That’s called “survivor bias”. Unless, of course, you’re telling us you are a Blizzard employee who has access to confidential internal data and can thus speak definitively on the topic of how many players quit, left dragonflight content, or barely log in anymore because of the change.

If, as a previous poster said, there were fewer than 10 players who quit over this issue (and she does say she knows this to be true), devs would not even have brought back normal flying. They would not have added a new section of toggles and sliders in the accessibility panel. They spent money doing those things.

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I’m with you on not buying future expansions until regular (classic?) flying is added. Save money & the aggravation.

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There are MANY players who dislike or cannot cope with dragon riding, and to call us “bots” is an insult!


He’s a forumbot, too, so…


That’s a great point.

I cannot figure out how anyone can justify that we need to re-learn (earn) classic flying ability again, and again, and again - ad nauseam! Once you “learn” how to classic fly the first time, you should automatically be able to fly in all zones, all expansions, everywhere!

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Constant name calling isn’t helping your case.

See above.

You know this…how?

Just because someone has problems with dragonflying doesn’t make them a “drama queen”, “child” or otherwise.

Read that thread. People do have actual accessibility issues and it’s more common than you think.


Yeah I love having to remember how to fly again in every expac. I killed the Raven Lord!

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…That’s not rebuking anything i’ve said, i don’t see how you can “agree to disagree” on a fact that everybody does.

…Cept you do. Idk why you’re denying this.

Correct, so WHY you’re denying this? :man_facepalming:

Are you trying to say that Herb/mining are a small part of the game? Tons of people do this. As evident though how much of that stuff is on Auction house, or how the game has professions that need you to craft things.

I said “If the intent was to replace flying”, and for a while, that was the intent of Blizzard for a while until pathfinder came along. But you need to do more in order to fully replace it so people won’t miss it.

Or as an alternative, accommodate to both. Something at least we both agree on.

If we constantly see threads on this, it’s not a minority like you think it is.

Otherwise you would be calling people who love dragonflying a minority too.

People constantly tell others and loudly too that they find it fun, and enjoy it. It’s all over the dang forums and anybody who doesn’t seem to like it, gets shouted at by those who love/enjoyed it.

In another thread i’ve entered in, where OP clearly asks the question “Do you find Dragonflying fun” and there’s people who said “Yes, i do”.

Give me a break with this blatant lying Hezzlock… :roll_eyes:

Why do you think it’s bad to give feedback or vocally share your opinion about something?

Reading comprehension is not that hard. Holy Metzen. :man_facepalming:

So you agree that Normal Flying is easier then Dragonflying then.

Better control is gonna have WAY more advantages then just speed here.

Nobody is saying Dragonflying is hard or even implying that. Were like a year in, everybody knows what dragonflying is and how it functions to a tee. And you seem to think that just because it’s easy, people should love it or simply shut up about it and never have any criticisms about it, and yet you’re not applying this to normal flying here, despite factually being more easier to use given the lack of momentum, turn limits, gravity and so on.

So with all due respect, your “But it’s easy!” is irrelevant to this conversation.

Mind pointing out where i’ve said that? Things being easier doesn’t mean the other thing is harder.

Dicing an Onion with a Knife is easy. But throwing it in an Onion Chopper is easier.

All you’ve been doing is making up a strawman… :roll_eyes:

When you stop disingenuous, i will.

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“Pro dragonriders” are shorthand for those people who like to attack others for not liking a feature or prefering the other feature they hate because their THAT spiteful. :grinning: Their like Sony Fanboys hating on Xbox fanboys that way in a pretty cult like fashion. (And equally awful)

It’s in no way to refer to normal people who just liking the dragonflying. In the same way “Sony Fanboys” don’t refers to normal people who just likes playstation.

So you’re fine. :slight_smile:


Not sure there was ever a straight answer. No renown is needed for DF Pathfinder at all now.

Even with the boost, and no renown, there are a few tasks to complete for Pathfinder and flying. 1) Exploration in Zaralek Caverns and the new zone 2) complete the Embers of Neltharion storyline in Zaralek Caverns.

I’m not sure if you have Dragon Isles Explorer done from the boost already. It’s also required.

Embers of Neltharion takes awhile. The exploration quests should take only a few minutes with flying.

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Don’t like being called out? Don’t be disingenuous and lie. lol.

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