Thank you, weirdly

Next expansion. This one still has Pathfinder.

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Not renown though, correct?

Good thing I wasn’t talking about those people.

I know right?

Correct, just exploration and finishing storylines, I believe.

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Same concept

Nope. If I wished to insult a very specific group of people. I would have said so.

Kinda how talking works. I don’t know how to be polite about this

This was nowhere, more observant than during this recent season of discovery.

Literally, every thing is about reading And discovery. Chat is 100% on fire with people asking where the most obvious things are.

I am still playing an RPG, right? These people would never have survived Morrowind and old text based games. The classic plus has been out two days and they’re already complaining about what’s best where I go what do I need?

And you know these are the same people who would probably complain There was nothing to do once they have everything within a few days. Then, ironically demand more content, but they want the content on auto pilot that completes itself


:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Imagine paying extra to go slower rofl

But you did , you dont know why the person cant do dragon flying, theres always a reason behind everything,

It’s pretty easy to pretend to place a “bet” over something you know no one will ever have data on.

I bet that the vocal minority are the “players” who seem to be so overjoyed with it that they want Blizzard to eliminate normal flying and force those people pretending to have disabilities or impairments to get over it, just as you would have done if you were disabled or had mobility problems.

I bet that far more players left the game or abandoned dragonflight content than than Blizzard is willing to admit. In fact, I bet that they were surprised that it wasn’t nearly as popular as they thought it would be, and held out for a year before bringing back normal flight, thinking they’d adapt and get over it.

They spent money making a lot of halfway bandaid adjustments in the accessibility options, and still wanted people who had stopped playing because of their issues to do lots of content that required dragonriding. Which actually looked pretty bad.

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This is an extreme minority.

OP is throwing a hissy fit about Dragonriding, which has had various ways to avoid since 10.0. Flight paths, teleportation, as well as continual accessibility support.

Even WQs that use it do not require it these days.

Kind of warms my heart to see that comment you’re responding to get flagged, and removed. We don’t need more harassment on the forums.

I know it sounds heartless, but any sympathy i had for those pro-dragonriders went straight out the window once they throw any semblance of civility out of the window.

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And some people don’t want that.

You’ve pretty much nailed that on the head there with the “Less control” bit. By saying “Less control” here, you pretty much nulled your own “It’s faster” point. Yet you still don’t understand why people dislike dragonriding.

The nerfing speed suggestion (While i do disagree with) is not too far off, given Blizzard is nerfing Dragonriding speed (not by a whole lot mind you) outside of Dragon Isles, and imma tell you, it feels pretty sluggish playing around with it in PTR.

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Hadn’t considered that. Got me rethinking preordering now

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That’s the point though. You’re trading control for speed. And the control bit only matters for precision landing. If you can’t do that, then just use dragonflying for long distance travel, then normal mount (regardless of anything, I’m still a firm believer that both forms of flying should be accessible at the same time, not one or the other, but both) when you need a bit of control. Not that hard.

And even at 80% of its current speed, Dynamic flying is still so much faster than regular flying.

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I rather have control then speed then.

Which is needed all the time. Esp with the nodes, flags, and etc being on top of annoying places with dragonriding.

Or they can improve dragonflying to have nearly the same controls as normal flying, with a hover function if the intent was to replace flying.

Or better yet, have a toggle button of static/dynamic button that can be added to the hotbars that can seamlessly be controlled during flight.

I mean if it’s so easy, why so many people dislike Dragonflying then? You don’t need to keep defending this just because you’re hyped. And idk what’s up with the implication you’re making that normal flying is somehow harder then dragonflying. Unless you aknowledge that normal flying is easier then dragonflying.

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Just looked at wowhead. The pathfinder there doesn’t mention renoun. Just the normal, complete the quests and explore. Does boosting to 70 fulfill all those requirements?.

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Op never mentioned disabilities.

By using deduction. They’re more likely like the drama queens that didn’t even want to do the tutorial for dragonflight. Perfectly abled people mind you. They were just being children about it. THAT is what I was talking about

Agree to disagree on this. Those things are just once per expansion, and many of them are pretty easy to land on as it is. Most of the expansion, you really don’t need precision control. Except arguably for some herb / mining. But in that case most of the issue comes from vigor.

The intent is not to replace flying. If it was, they would have been replacing regular flying everywhere on all mounts, rather than enabling regular flying in Dragon Isles. I still stand by both forms being enabled at the same time at all times, though.

This I can agree with, and have thought and suggested this before, largely because I want all mounts to be Dragonflying enabled, ground mounts included (i’m tired of them being obsolete most of the time). And the only way to do that without outright removing normal flying, which again I stress I do not want, is to make it an optional setting / toggle.

“So many people” is not as many as you think it is. There’s a reason why its called a “loud minority”. People who enjoy dragonflying aren’t going to go out of there way to loudly and publicly state how much they enjoy it. But people who dislike it are most certainly going to loudly and publicly state how much they dislike it.

I have no idea what the heck you are on about here. Neither of them are difficult. They just have different advantages and disadvantages, but neither of them are in any way, shape or form hard. Which has been my point the entire time in this thread, that dragonriding is not hard, and is at the very least good for long distance travel. You’re the one making this about things being difficult…

Look, at the end of the day, you do you. You prefer normal flying? Good for you. Use it. Its no skin off my nose. All I’ve been saying here is that dragonriding really is not as difficult as the complainers makes it out to be. I’m not gonna try to force you to do anything you don’t want to.

Now get off my back