Dragon riding in Azeroth and accessability concerns

Hi all

So 10.1.5 will bring dragon riding to Azeroth, whilst that’s brilliant for those that can use the feature it raises concerns for blind/VI players with accessability.

Dragon riding only in the dragon isles has land locked blind/VI when engaging with solo play, this makes doing anything in the dragon isles exceptionally difficult for us. In a previous post I wrote about this and proposed regular flying was introduced to the dragon isles but it’s speed could be reduced so dragon riding remains the preferred travel method by the majority whilst giving access to the isles for those that need it.
With dragon riding coming to Azeroth can we have regular flying come to the isles please so I and many others don’t have to rely on other people to get around in whelp form.

It has also been said that the dragon riding mechanic is being applied to other regular mounts in Azeroth. This concerns me and others as it looks like blizzards first steps into replacing the way something works entirely, if this is the intent then access to wow is killed for blind/VI players.
I hope the two systems will remain in tandom and that regular flying will be added to the isles in the next major patch.
Clarification from blizzard would be appreciated.


I may be mistaken, but I believe that dataminers have found a toggle option for “static flying” (which appears to mean old-fashioned flying) along with a toggle for “dynamic flying” (apparently dragonriding).

As long as both versions are equally available (as a toggle) in every flying zone, would this address your concern?

Because if this is a satisfactory solution, and Blizzard doesn’t enable this on Dragon Isles, then you’re entirely right to bring this up! I sincerely hope that Blizzard plans on including the option.


Correct. World content mounts that are included in Dragonriding seems to be getting a function to change from Dragon Riding and to Normal raiding, and other way around.


Yes, as I said, I hope the two systems are kept. If it is a toggle on/off then that’s brilliant, I just hope this is extended to the isles when implemented.


Standard flying doesn’t even need to have a reduced speed in the Dragon Isles. Dragonriding is still much faster. I agree that standard flying should be added to the Dragon Isles.


Big plus one for toggle

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A toggle would be wonderful. I may be in the minority that slightly prefers old-school flying to dynamic flying, and this option would satisfy blind/VI individuals as well as folks who appreciate options.


OG flying is way better in every aspect than Dragonriding except for speed. OG flying lets you use many more mounts and lets you pinpoint your exact location at any time. Trying to navigate Dragonriding into a small ledge just above your location is a hindrance every single time.


Dragonriding won’t be available in the old for a while still, it seems. The Kalimdor Cup will, but when the event is not up, you fly normal mount. Silly to do so.

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As a druid I would love normal flying back. Due to Dragonriding I am essentially locked out of a class feature that I worked for in legion in new content areas. Hopefully this will happen.


This right here is why I fight for normal flying. Dragonriding is good for one thing and that’s speed!!! Which isn’t bad if you want that. But normal flying is much more free and relaxing. No stamina bar to deal with. Can go however high or far without needing to land. And can go at my own pace and not need to blast around. Dragonriding is a wonderful addition to the roleplay aspect of the game. But if it’s going to lock out other features and freedoms I’d prefer it not be so forced in new content.


Replying in this topic again since it seems like Pathfinder is the means of gaining normal flying, at least for now.

Are Pathfinder requirements too hefty?

From the standpoint of a player that can Dragonride without issue, I still think it is weird to lock normal flying behind an achievement when it seems at best an option to let many people play the game without hindrance and at worst a slower mode of travel for others.


Was the return of basic flying being given to players boasted as a gift to all?

If the intent is to reward players that have been actively playing this current expansion then there should be very little even the most casual of players have to do.

Granted that leaves a lot of leeway on what a person normally accomplishes in a set time.
Most of whats currently required may take less than 2 weeks of moderate playing.
Should that time investment for natural character / player evolution not be a requirement?
Why should it be given to every player base line?

Because for some, it’s an accessibility tool and not a QoL thing


The post is very clear, this is a accessability issue as there is people who physically can’t use dragon riding, we are locked to ground mounts.
With being locked to ground mounts we also then have the added problem of navigating some difficult terrain with blind slash navigation, in some areas it’s difficult to impossible as pathing can’t calculate it. This then makes the rep grind a hard block to accessing a accessable format of flying.