Thank you Blizzard for the conduit change

So swaps are needed? I thought choices mattered?

And like someone else said in a previous thread ‘tryhards being ultra competitive in a non competitive game’
Ion said this ain’t overwatch, non skill factors will always affect your performance therefore if you obsess over performance you should be playing games that aren’t rpgs

It’s sad that some people are so childish that they will automatically flag any Ralph thread.

I think once a day would be a good idea. Makes it so we can’t switch from boss to boss to appease those players, but lets the people who want to push their limits in different forms of content able to do so on a nightly basis (i.e raids Tuesday, key pushes Wednesday, PvP Thursday, etc.)

Seems like once a day would be much more favorable, at least to me it would be.

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They aren’t needed but with the new changes it’s a perfect way to balance it just right between both sides. Seems like my side is perfectly fine moving our goals to meet a compromise but your side is still being selfish and won’t accept this great compromise blizzard has made. I guess it just shows you which side has more maturity about the whole thing though.

It’s not going to “remove” any style of playing, and why should it? MMOs became my favorite type of game because usually there was an avenue to play the game any way you saw fit and that was fine. I don’t see how removing choice is a good thing for having a diverse playerbase.

Now, if every ability was balanced effectively and only had minimal impact on player power? That would be fine.

I can’t see that happening any time soon.

It does but I don’t know yet how important conduits are to augmenting those differences, as I’m not in the beta.

If this ends up being about as important as some current essences/Azerite traits/etc. have been, then we’re talking marginal differences in most cases. If conduits are going to have a larger impact on throughput, though, it could be a different story.

I wouldn’t mind a few more restrictions on fight-by-fight changes in the talent builds, to be honest about it. You get one boss down, get to the next room, then here come the codexes and books and everyone starts switching talents and … I’m going to go make some coffee, folks, I’ll be back when you get it all figured out. I can definitely see how that breaks immersion for some because it doesn’t make sense that you could suddenly learn/forget a skill in two minutes.

But, like I said the first time, if I was min/maxing I’d probably have a different take.

Ion interview with preach explains it, need to go to sleep.

Allowing people to change not only makes most classes to be clones of each other cuz muh optimal build but it also causes toxicity because tryhards repeatedly try to enforce the meta on everyone

I wonder what happens when everyone still min/maxes in Shadowlands and still doesn’t invite Ralph to groups?

Does he then quit for SWTOR like he said he would do if Shadowlands had borrowed power? Does he go back to drawing weird NSFW furry animal cartoons? Or does he find something new to complain about and pretend he never liked the system to begin with?

Min/maxing is not being removed from the game. It wasnt removed with RNG legendaries, it wasnt removed with azerite respec costs being insane, etc. It simply changes.

All you’re doing is encouraging punishing the demographic between “farms old raids for tmog” and “min/maxers” - and that in between demographic is the overwhelming majority of players

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I didn’t ask for Ion’s opinion. I asked for your opinion.

Everybody was clones of each other back when we couldn’t easily switch. People just looked up whatever elitist jerks or icy veins told them to do and never deviated. It’s what is going to happen in Shadowlands too.

If that’s the end goal here, the entire character customization system needs to be overhauled in this game because it’s not designed to do that well.

That’s a selfish thing to say trying to dictate how I can play the game to fit your wants

Hands Ralph a napkin Got a little bit of Ion on your chin there.

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Except min-maxing has always been a thing in RPGs. I care about performance because I want to push myself to play better and complete harder content, that’s why I enjoy the game.

We are the Ralph. Lower your item level and prepare to be assimilated.

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Tell me more about how players design every game ever and not the developers who make them. Oh wait that’s not how it works right so really seems like this isn’t the game for you if you can’t handle playing it the way the developers have decided you should.

I have deleted my Heart of Azeroth. I am ready for assimilation.

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Op quotes ION a lot but he forgets that Ion is hardcore raider that went full on in min maxing and being optimal in everything.


Because every decision developers make is the right choice? There’s a reason they added the corruption vendor, made essences purchasable on alts if you have them on your main, etc

We will add your cookie cutter builds and elitist distinctiveness to our own. Respeccing is futile.


You realize that means he understands the other sides perspectives better than most would and still knows the decisions he is making in limiting this is the right one??

That’s a fair point, but again as the person above you has stated they know what’s best in this specific instance and so I’m glad they are not listening to the people crying about not having caps on it.