WoW prilimary made for RPG fans, not Gogogo esport fans

I think Blizzard’s obsession with e-sports might have attracted the wrong crowd, and we all know it is an obsession when they pushed for something as incredibly simplistic and RNG focused as hearthstone as an “e-sport”.

The thing is WoW current direction is returning back to it’s RPG design roots, what does that mean? It focuses more on RPG elements and the dev team is clearly happy to try out new cool stuff with crazy effects, something that will ALWAYS cause huge balance issues, but at the end of the day this is an mmoRPG, not an e-sport where everything is made perfectly same and safe so skill is the only deciding factor.

In RPGs on the other hand we have many choices, builds, systems, passives to the point when we combine that it is literally impossible to ever achieve perfect or even really good balance, by their design RPGs are not balanced and like Ion said RPGs will always have a form of non skill factor affecting your performance so clearly not the game for people who only care about skill and competition, it is quite literally being ultra competitive in a non competitive game which implies they are not very skilled to compete in actually competitive games.

A very important point I try to repeat and Ion does the same, is the fact that character building, the stat side of RP in RPG is the ability to find your own builds which you gravitate to and try to improve them and be better at a specific thing, specific strengths and weaknesses. That character building is a hallmark of RPGs, it is what I enjoy most in these games, to open all the ability, talent, system trees and think of all the possible combinations and dedicate myself to one.

Sadly WoW seems to have attracted the gogogo esport tryhards who falsely act as if WoW is an ultra competitive game and dont give a damn about choices or character building, all they care about is to switch to the most optimal build for the boss to kill it asap. Thankfully Blizzard has noticed that and slowly is locking power choices so people cant change and be optimal for everything.
Now if these people leave I believe blizzard would be happy to continue this great direction which will make shadowlands a success because more RPG fans will actually return and stick with it now that the game has a few decent RPG elements.


posting in a Ralph thread yadda yadda.

Pack it up we know his schtick by now.

  2. I think…
  3. TRY HARDS!!!

From his last thread he posted in:

Followed by


There’s no way around the fact that this is just spam, and has been

These moderators suck


I mean this in a helpful way: you want the word “Primarily”, I believe.

Waaaaaah I don’t like raiders.


“I don’t like trygards, and by the way, I’m going to go buy carries from the tryhards.”


I think the moderator brotherhood needs more members, it might just be that they’re understaffed.


I don’t understand the point of these threads.

As a casual my biggest concern is that the restrictions covenants will have is going to prevent me from experimenting and finding builds to enjoy. It isn’t just go go go e sport players worried about Shadowlands

I don’t care about my DPS at all but I do care that borrowed power seems to be the thing that makes specs feel whole, similar to how essences and azerite did in BFA (and I currently dont have the right ones so my specs feel weird)… so if they swapping conveniently is locked behind restrictions, how do I even find builds I like for my specs? If i cant swap covenants as freely as I can spec swap then my specs will feel incomplete and unfun

Optimal players are still going to be more optimal than me. You could give me all the abilities in the world over them and they’ll still do better than me because being good at pushing their keyboards is what they choose to care about. Who cares? I’d rather not lose freedom to play my specs just so you can win some personal grudge over players that do more damage.

I don’t think casuals care at all about who is min maxing or who isnt. I think you care about others doing it and are willing to champion anything that might hurt them at the cost of real casuals enjoyment. Pretty lame.


Whatever it is, they’re completely inept and ineffective



That’s all good and well for an RPG, which are single player games. This is an MMORPG where things are quite different.


Weren’t you that guy who made like 10 threads in a day, then agreed with yourself on all your alts then scurried away like a cockroach when people caught you?


Take a look at General Discussion Guzzle



General Discussion

Damn you might have just invented a new :beers: game.


That would be an extremely dangerous game.

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I raid m8, and doing it just fine in a sub optimal spec and build : )

Just Fine

5 Mythic bosses in 6 months. What an accomplished mythic raider with BIS corruptions on a Spec that is performing extremely well currently.

A true visionary.


LOLLLLLL :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy:


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I guess he moved from “But hey” to Tryhard. Shame because i gave him a name. :neutral_face:

I think you would’ve gotten a laugh out of me if you posted one of those Microsoft Sam laugh lines.

Posting in a Ralph thread. :metal:t2: