Sync exploiting is out of hand

We sure this isn’t another Lio sockpuppet? It’s a lot of presenting opinion as facts.

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Yeah, I can be sure it isn’t. I would’ve seen “pernamently blocked” after 3 replies.

I have provided the facts multiple times now. You guys on the other hand have not.

You guys sure love your excuses lol Also i have no idea who Lio is.

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You haven’t proven anything except an opinion. The real fact is the quote from Vrakthis. Something which you ignore because you do not like the answer.

I didn’t know the TOS was my opinion lol but whatever you need to say to excuse your poor behavior I suppose.

Vrakthis doesn’t get to go against TOS just fyi. I haven’t ignored anything, that fact is it was a reply to a question about AV back in 2019

Queue-Syncing is allowed. You just don’t like the answer, once again.

Where does blizzard itself say it’s allowed?

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Its best to not debate/argue with AV ranters.

The basis to their gripes is premades or even people pure random…sometimes actually bring pvp to pvp BG. This is a tale as old as time in retail and classic.

Ahh yes, the classic baseless claim excuse lol

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Quoted here by me

Quoted here by Ghaztruk

I never understood this attitude. If there’s stuff I don’t want to read, I scroll past it. It’s not like we’re gonna run out of pixels.

Costumer support works for blizzard they do not speak for blizzard. So again, where has BLIZZARD said that exploiting the queue system is ok?

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Customer Support is part of Blizzard, just like community managers are part of Blizzard, also just like the developments are part of Blizzard.

Correct PART of blizzard, they work FOR blizzard, they are not blizzard. They do not speak for blizzard. You know what does speak for blizzard? Their very own TOS.

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Well, you crossed that line, Ima stop here, and grab the popcorn.

Of course, haha classic.

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I muted it, gotta look up my posting history, sec.

Here you go:

I even made a topic in CS about this behavior, topic got locked by Vrakthris, the same CM who posted the November '19 blue post about it:

In their 2019 post they imply it is.

Look, I’m against it, and I sustain it’s an exploit, backed by the game’s CoC (disruption) and their own post regarding the meta philosophy behind it in 2012 (check the CS topic I linked).

However, Blizzard’s current stance about it is “silence” , which implies they are ok with it, so, let it go.

Just take the L.

When people stop playing level cap random BGs due to it, like in 2012, they might act.

Yup, they speak for Blizzard, relaying the current understanding of the set rules, barring dev intervention.

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Actually, no they made a post asking people not to do it.

No they are costumer support not rule makers